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|_| |_|\__,_|_| \__,_|\__\___/ .TIGERB.cn
An object-oriented multi process manager for PHP
Version: 0.5.0
composer create-project tigerb/naruto naruto --prefer-dist && cd naruto
new Manager([], function (Process $worker) {
// mock business logic
(new Test())->businessLogic();
echo export NARUTO_PATH=$(pwd) >> ~/.profile && echo 'export PATH="$PATH:$NARUTO_PATH/bin"' >> ~/.profile && source ~/.profile
composer install
naruto start/reload/quit/stop
- start <worker-num> <passwd>: start the naruto
- reload: gracefully quit&start the worker process
- quit: gracefully exit
- stop: forcefully exit
- 中文
- English
- Implement a shell script to control the process
- Implement a daemon for worker by the master
- Optimize log
- Use a lightweight Orm Metoo
- Implement max execute times for the worker process
- Add config file
- Remove a lightweight Orm Metoo for keep lightweight @2019/03/23
- Implement email send when the worker in a exception&error
- Add config reload strategy