TinyFrame is a simple library for building and parsing data frames to be sent over a serial interface (e.g. UART, telnet, socket). The code is written to build with --std=gnu99 and mostly compatible with --std=gnu89.
PonyFrame is a port of TinyFrame to Python
aioPonyFrame is a fork of PonyFrame for use with asyncio
Overall there might be missing pieces and holes, but it gets at least some jobs done.
The library provides a high level interface for passing messages between the two peers. Multi-message sessions, response listeners, checksums, timeouts are all handled by the library.
TinyFrame is suitable for a wide range of applications, including inter-microcontroller communication, as a protocol for FTDI-based PC applications or for messaging through UDP packets.
The library lets you register listeners (callback functions) to wait for (1) any frame, (2) a particular frame Type, or (3) a specific message ID. This high-level API is general enough to implement most communication patterns.
Usage: (tested on circuitpython 9.1.1 on the Xiao RP2040)
first enable serial communications, not just the console. Add the following to boot.py
import usb_cdc
usb_cdc.enable(console=True, data=True)
import asyncio
import usb_cdc
import aioTinyFrame
import json
import math
class aioPonyFrame_example():
def __init__(self):
self.ser = usb_cdc.data
self.TYPE_RESPONSE = 0x0000
self.TYPE_STATUS = 0x0001
self.TYPE_INSTRUCTION = 0x0002
self.TYPE_ERROR = 0x0003
self.tf = aioTinyFrame.TinyFrame()
self.tf.TYPE_BYTES = 0x02
self.tf.CKSUM_TYPE = 'crc16'
self.tf.SOF_BYTE = 0x55
# if you use some other serial library you will need to replace self.ser.write
self.tf.write = self.ser.write
self.tf.add_type_listener(self.TYPE_INSTRUCTION, self.instruction_listener)
self.error_status = False
async def input_comms(self):
while True:
await asyncio.sleep(.1)
#the emulated serial port on the RP2040 is very fast compared to the messages I am sending
#this just reads the entire buffer. there is nothing to look for newlines or end of messages
data_in = self.ser.read()
if data_in != b'':
await self.tf.accept(data_in)
async def send_fake_data(self):
while True:
await asyncio.sleep(1.5)
if not self.error_status:
if self.data_type == 'sin':
value = {'sine data' : math.sin(n/100)} #read a sensor or something here
elif self.data_type == 'cos':
value = {'cosine data' : math.cos(n/100)} #read a different sensor...
#something had to change for the example
value = {'error':'invalid data type requested'}
self.tf.query(self.TYPE_ERROR, self.error_id_listener, json.dumps(value).encode('UTF-8'))
# a query expects a response (which should be sent automatically by tinyframe
self.error_status = True
self.tf.send(self.TYPE_STATUS, json.dumps(value).encode('UTF-8'))
self.tf.send(self.TYPE_STATUS, json.dumps({'status':'error'}).encode('UTF-8'))
async def main(self):
input_comms_task = asyncio.create_task(self.input_comms())
fake_data_task = asyncio.create_task(self.send_fake_data())
await asyncio.gather(input_comms_task, fake_data_task)
async def instruction_listener(self, TF, frame):
# tinyframe will pass itself to this listener, so we need three positional arguments
# let the computer know we received the message by returning a frame with the same ID
self.tf.send(self.TYPE_INSTRUCTION,id=frame.id )
dict = json.loads(frame.data)
if 'data_type' in dict:
self.data_type = dict['data_type']
print(f'data type chaned to {self.data_type}')
async def error_id_listener(self, tf, frame):
print('error acknowledged, resetting to default behavior')
# this is listening for a response from the computer acknowledging the error
self.data_type = 'sin'
self.error_status = False
# listeners can be in the class or outside, just adjust the number of arguments accordingly
async def fallback_listener(self, frame):
# self in this case refers to the object tf, not to the aioPonyFrame_example object
print('unexpected frame received, fallback listener activated')
print(f'frame: {frame}')
example = aioPonyFrame_example()
Below is a basic computer program to interface with the above microcontroller program. It uses PonyFrame, not aioPonyFrame and runs on windows. it could be used with threading or multiprocessing (and a pipe or queue) to provide communication functions to some larger program
import TinyFrame
import serial
import serial.tools.list_ports
import time
import json
import keyboard
TYPE_STATUS = 0x0001
TYPE_ERROR = 0x0003
class PonyFrame_example():
def __init__(self):
print('press space to send command')
self.stop = False
def send_receive(self):
while True:
ports = serial.tools.list_ports.comports()
for current_port in ports:
with serial.Serial(port=current_port[0],
bytesize=serial.EIGHTBITS) as ser:
ser.timeout = 0
print(f'connected on {current_port}')
self.tf.TYPE_BYTES = 0x02
self.tf.CKSUM_TYPE = 'crc16'
self.tf.SOF_BYTE = 0x55
self.tf.write = ser.write
self.tf.add_type_listener(TYPE_ERROR, self.error_listener)
self.tf.add_type_listener(TYPE_STATUS, self.status_listener)
timeout = time.time(
message = ''
while True:
# this is a horrible way to get input, but it works for this demonstration
# the buffer is quite large and will store lots of incoming data while we
# wait for input
if keyboard.is_pressed('space'):
message = input('What Type of data would you like to see?').strip()
self.tf.query(TYPE_INSTRUCTION, self.id_listener, json.dumps({'data_type':message}).encode('UTF-8'))
timeout = time.time()
# ser.read can be any value that is large enough to keep up with incoming data
# you can even change it to ser.read(2) if you adjust time.sleep to 0.01
# ponyframe sorts out the different frames for you, so reading multiple
# frames at once isn't an issue
line = ser.read(256)
if line!= b'':
timeout = time.time()
if time.time()>timeout+5:
print('next com port')
except (serial.serialutil.PortNotOpenError,
serial.serialutil.SerialException) as e:
print("Tried all com ports, starting over")
def error_listener(self, tf, frame):
print(f'error listener received {frame.data}')
# acknowledge that we received the error
self.tf.send(TYPE_ERROR,id=frame.id )
def status_listener(self, tf, frame):
def id_listener(self, tf, frame):
print(f'received acknowledgement of frame {frame.id}'
if __name__ == '__main__':
example = PonyFrame_example()