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The TEI-C website source

This repository contains the sources for the TEI website and the configuration to run it locally if you need to. If you are editing the website's content, you will only need to be focused on the contents of the src/ directory, which is laid out something like this:

├── _data
├── _includes
├── _layouts
├── about
│   └── logos
│       └── potential-new-logos
├── activities
│   └── projects
├── assets
│   ├── css
│   ├── img
│   └── js
├── documentation
│   └── Documentation
│       ├── Bylaws
│       ├── TCW
│       └── bin
├── guidelines
├── news
│   ├── 2023
│   │   ├── 01
│   │   │   ├── 09
│   │   │   └── 28
│   │   ├── 02
│   │   │   └── 27
│   │   ├── 08
│   │   │   ├── 02
│   │   │   └── 06
│   │   └── 09
│   │       └── 24
│   └── 2024
├── posts
└── support
    └── learn

Unless you need to change the look and feel of the site, you can ignore any directory prefixed with a _. The assets/ directory contains CSS, JavaScript, and images.

Content files are mostly written in Markdown. You will notice that each one has a header like

layout: page.njk
title: "Customization"
tags: page

Most markdown files will use the page.njk layout. The title will end up being the header title of the HTML page. In a few cases, as in news posts, you will need to supply a date in ISO (year-2-digit month-2-digit day) format. For news posts, the date and title will determine the final URL rather than the folder organization. Older posts may be organized into year, month, and day folders, but that is only because of how they were migrated from the old website. It may be convenient to organize them into folders, but it isn't required.

By default, a file like src/ will end up being served at a URL like If you need to change this behavior, you can set the permalink property in the header to the URL you desire.

The TEI Documentation pages are an exception. These are included as a Git submodule in src/documentation/Documentation and are TEI files. You probably don't want to edit them locally, but if you do, make sure they get pushed to the Documentation repo.

The root index pages, and are special in that they are set up for the Apache web server to do content negotiation to determine whether to show an English or Spanish version of the landing page depending on the requester's locale. If you use the built in Eleventy serve command, be aware that you won't get a regular index.html file at the root.

Building Locally

The website can be built locally. To do so, first make sure you have Node (20+), npm (10+), and git installed.

Then check out the repository and install all dependencies

git clone
cd website
npm install

The commands for building and serving the website are configured in ./package.json.

To preview the website, run:

npm run dev 

This will also watch for any new changes and rebuild, so you can leave the console running if you're making multiple changes.

If this is successful, you'll likely see a whole bunch of output, which should conclude with something like:

[11ty] Copied 50 files / Wrote 654 files in 3.08 seconds (4.7ms each, v2.0.1)
[11ty] Watching…
[11ty] Server at http://localhost:8080/

Note: Since the website is localized, the homepage will be located at index.[LANGUAGE-CODE]. E.g. to see the English homepage, go to: https://localhost:8080/index.en