Launch files, messages, high-level coordination, and other modules for our TIAGo-based bartender demo, demonstrated at the Mobile Manipulation Hackathon during IROS-2018 in Madrid, based on ROS kinetic.
All custom modules ran on an external laptop mounted to the robot, in some cases overriding modules on the robot, especially MoveIt.
See tiago_bartender_bringup/config/ for changes required on the robot's computer.
The system was setup in two workspaces on top of /opt/ros:
- ros-system, providing modules we overlayed or non-standard modules not available in debs
- ros, with everything we implemented for the demonstration
The corresponding .rosinstall files for both workspaces with build instructions can be found in rosinstalls/ .
launch files for the whole demo
The top-level launch file (with comments) is tiago_bartender_bringup/launch/tiago_bar_demo.launch
demo-specific ROS interface definitions
provides LookAt action
detect menu card and orders from pointing gestures
provide MoveTo action for intelligent navigation towards targets in the partially-known planning scene and bar scenario
high-level control and coordination used for the demo.
This is based on the BitBots stack-machine paradigm.
Earlier version of the coordination module based on a simple state-machine concept implemented in C++.
auxiliary files for Gazebo scene description and planning scene maintainance