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Add momap multirefpts (atcollab#773)
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* adds

* adds MomAperture_Projecect2Start.m

* renaming file

* renaming file

* removed file

* removed file

* fix bug in iterations

* adds Z.Marti as author

* add momap_alternative

* creating projectrefpts, under debugging

* changes projectrefpts

* black

* pylint

* flake8 + annotations

* more flake8

* import typing

* remove comment line

* testing flake8 output

* remove f-strings with equal

* Lattice class; use projectrefpts

* debugging

* restoring from master

* change iteration count

* removes global THERING

* limits the number of iterations

* moving to a single cycle

* fix bug in varargin

* uses epsilon6D as variable argument

* matlab version works

* improving verbose

* improving help

* using inputParser

* debugging cases with 0 and 1 particle

* parameter eu_guess is now euguess; fix warning in matlab with isempty

* fixing bug in limit assignation, and parameter names

* removes parallel track, changes doc, changes boundaries

* indentation

* changing to get two boundaries

* moving to track in parallel

* simplify usage of parameter epsilon6D

* debugging python without epsilon6D

* simplify notation

* bipartition without epsilon6D works

* debugging epsilon6D use

* bug fix in python; now it works with epsilon6D

* running black

* flake8 change to lowercase

* fix bug in euguess

* flake8 removes f-string

* improving verbose

* improving verbose

* improving verbose transverse offsetes

* adding pull request info

* fix bug: convert to locations before using it

* fix dptol help messgage

* fixing PEP8 warnings

* change doc: energy -> momentum

* change doc: energy -> momentum

* changing euguess to dpuguess

* making it valid for nparticles different to 2

* changing energy to momentum in verbose mode

* changes energy to momentum in verbose
  • Loading branch information
oscarxblanco authored Jun 20, 2024
1 parent 131f0b2 commit ad67355
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Showing 3 changed files with 651 additions and 0 deletions.
247 changes: 247 additions & 0 deletions atmat/atphysics/TouschekPiwinski/MomAperture_Project2Start.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,247 @@
function [etn, etp]=MomAperture_Project2Start(THERING, varargin)
% MOMAPERTURE_PROJECT2START calculates the local momentum aperture.
% MOMAPERTURE_PROJECT2START is a Bipartition search of the negative and
% positive stability thesholds in the 5th dimension (relative momentum).
% -The 6D closed orbit is taken into account.
% -Particles launched at different REFPTS along the ring are first projected
% to the ring last element so that all particles can be tracked together.
% Inputs:
% THERING: ring used for tracking.
% Options:
% REFPTS: REFPTS where to calculate the momentum acceptance.
% Default 1:numel(THERING);
% nturns: Number of turns to track. Default 1000
% dptol: resolution in momentum acceptance. Default 1e-4
% dpuguess: unstable momentum threshold guess. Default [].
% If not given it uses the linear momentum acceptance delta_max
% from ringpara.
% troffset: [x y] starting transverse offset for the tracking.
% Default [1e-6 1e-6]
% verbose: boolean indicating verbose mode. Default false.
% epsilon6D: if not passed, all particles are tracked.
% If epsilon6D is given, we track for nturns only
% particles having 6D coordinates different by epsilon6D
% after being projected to the end of the ring.
% Output:
% ETN: stability threshold for positive off momentum particles
% ETP: stability threshold for negative off momentum particles
% Other functions in the file:
% Loste = Multiorigin_ringpass_islost
% Returns a boolean array: tells whether the particle launched at
% the reference point refpts with positive and negative momentum offset is
% lost or not.

% 2024may30 Z.Marti at ALBA CELLS, original
% 2024jun18 oblanco at ALBA CELLS, rewritten to track positive and negative
% sides in a single call
% See

% Parse input
p = inputParser;
addOptional(p,'troffset',[1e-6 1e-6]);
par = p.Results;

epsilon6D = par.epsilon6D;

if 0 ~= epsilon6D
fprintf('Particles differing by less than %.3e are considered similar.\n', ...

np = numel(REFPTS);
if verbose
fprintf('Using %d reference points.\n',np);
fprintf('Tracking %d turns.\n',nturns);
fprintf('Iteration stops when the momentum step is below %.3f.\n',detole);
fprintf('Using init coords %.3f %.3f um as transverse offsets.\n',1e6*initcoord(1), ...

% initial bipartition settings
if isempty(eu_ini)
res = ringpara(THERING);
eu_ini = res.delta_max;
if verbose
fprintf('Using the rf bucket height as unstable momentum limit.\n');
es_ini = 0; % lower limit of the stability threshold
et_ini = eu_ini / 2; % starting guess of the stability threshold
if verbose
fprintf('Unstable momentum limit set at start to %.3f%%.\n',100*eu_ini);

% bipatition method for multiple points

% positive/negative branch
etp = et_ini*ones(np,1);
eup = eu_ini*ones(np,1);
esp = es_ini*ones(np,1);
etn = -et_ini*ones(np,1);
eun = -eu_ini*ones(np,1);
esn = -es_ini*ones(np,1);
de = 1;
iteration = 0;
while de>detole && iteration < 100
if verbose
fprintf('Boundary search, iteration %d ...\n',iteration);
% L is true for particles lost on the track
L=Multiorigin_ringpass_islost( THERING, ...
etp, ...
etn, ...
orbit, ...
nturns, ...
initcoord, ...
epsilon6D, ...
verbose ...
% split in positive and negative side of energy offsets
Lp = L(1:2:2*np);
Ln = L(2:2:2*np);
% split in stable (es), unstable (eu) and test (et) energy
esp(Lp==0) = etp(Lp==0);
eup(Lp~=0) = etp(Lp~=0);
etp = (esp+eup)/2;
esn(Ln==0) = etn(Ln==0);
eun(Ln~=0) = etn(Ln~=0);
etn = (esn+eun)/2;
% define new energy step
dep = max(abs(esp-eup));
den = max(abs(esn-eun));
de = max(dep,den);
if verbose
fprintf('%1.3f seconds. Momentum resolution is %1.3e and stops at %1.3e\n',elapsed_time,de,detole);

function Loste=Multiorigin_ringpass_islost( THERING, ...
refpts, ...
ep, ...
en, ...
orbit, ...
nturns, ...
initcoord, ...
epsilon6D, ...
verbose ...
% Loste=Multiorigin_ringpass_islost( THERING, ...
% refpts, ...
% ep, ...
% en, ...
% orbit, ...
% nturns, ...
% initcoord, ...
% epsilon6D, ...
% verbose ...
% )
% Returns a boolean array: tells whether the particle launched at
% the reference point refpts with positive and negative energy offset is
% lost or not.
% Inputs:
% -THERING: cell array Lattice used for the traking.
% -refpts: array [npossx1] with the elements number where to start the traking.
% -ep: array [npossx1] with the positive energy deviation at each refpts.
% -en: array [npossx1] with the negative energy deviation at each refpts.
% -orbit: array [npossx6] with the orbit at each refpts.
% -nturns: number of full turns to track.
% -initcoord: deviation from the 6D closed orbit, same dor each refpts.
% -epsilon6D: minimum 6D distance between particles
% -verbose: print additional info
% Output:
% -Loste : bool array [npossx2], True for lost particles.
% every pair Loste(2*k-1,2*k) for k = 1,...
% corresponds to the positive and negative energy offset.


% first track the remaining portion of the ring
for ii=1:nposs
Rin(:,2*ii-1) = orbit(:,ii) + [initcoord(1) 0 initcoord(2) 0 ep(ii) 0.0]';
Rin(:,2*ii ) = orbit(:,ii) + [initcoord(1) 0 initcoord(2) 0 en(ii) 0.0]';
[Rout(:,2*ii-1:2*ii),Loste(2*ii-1:2*ii)] = ringpass( ...
Line, ...
Rin(:,2*ii-1:2*ii) ...
nalive1stturn = length(Loste)-sum(Loste);
Ralive1stturn = Rout(:,Loste==0);

% use particles that have survived to the ring end,
% filter them if necessary, and track them
sizeRalive1turn = size(Ralive1stturn);
trackonly_mask = logical(1:sizeRalive1turn(2));
similarparticles_index = [];
particles_were_filtered = false;
if (epsilon6D ~= 0) && (nalive1stturn > 1)
particles_were_filtered = true;
% search for non numerically similar particles
DiffR = squeeze(std(repmat(Ralive1stturn,[1 1 nalive1stturn]) ...
- repmat(reshape( ...
Ralive1stturn, ...
[6 1 nalive1stturn] ...
), ...
[1 nalive1stturn 1] ...
) ...
) ...
allposs = (1:nalive1stturn)'*ones(1,nalive1stturn);
similarposs = max(allposs.*(DiffR<tinyoffset));
% get mask of non numerically similar (100 x eps) particles
[trackonly_mask, ~, similarparticles_index]=unique(similarposs);
% Loste1=losses_in_multiturn(similarparticles_index);
if verbose
fprintf('Speed up when discarding similar particles, %.3f%%\n', ...

% track
% note: first call is only to reuse the lattice
ringpass(THERING,[initcoord(1) 0 initcoord(2) 0 1e-6 0]',1);
[~, losses_in_multiturn] =ringpass( THERING, ...
Ralive1stturn(:,trackonly_mask), ...
nturns, ...
'reuse' ...
if particles_were_filtered
% copy losses result for numerically similar particles
Lostpaux = losses_in_multiturn;
% Now group with the particles that did not pass the first turn
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions pyat/at/acceptance/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,3 +4,4 @@
from .boundary import *
from .acceptance import *
from .touschek import *
from .momap_alternative import *

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