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Matt Davidson edited this page Oct 15, 2015 · 1 revision


Copy the coursearchiver folder into the admin/tool folder.


Folder path

A folder created within the moodledata folder. The tool will create this folder, however it is recommended that the folder be created outside the moodledata folder, and a shortcut be placed in the moodledata folder.

Course Hide Email

This is the template email that will be sent to the owners of the selected courses to notify them that their course(s) will be hidden. There are two required variables in the email %to (name of the recipient) and %courses (a list of courses with mailto hyperlinks to notify the site administrator that the user wishes to opt out)

Course Archive Email

This is the template email that will be sent to the owners of the selected courses to notify them that their course(s) will be archived. There are two required variables in the email %to (name of the recipient) and %courses (a list of courses with mailto hyperlinks to notify the site administrator that the user wishes to opt out)

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