My personal website with a terminal-like style.
It's currently in its early stages as I plan to add more things.
Feel free to report any bugs or suggest new features.
- Create terminal header
- The header displays title and version
- MOTD in the header
- Randomize MOTD
- More MOTDs
- Resizing with window changing size
- Add input prompt
- The input prompt can expand horizontally and vertically
- Autofocus on the input prompt
- Use arrow keys to switch between previous inputs
- Add output section
- Get input from input prompt
- Parse command from input
- Unknown command output message
- "help" command
- "clear" command
- "motd" command (updates MOTD)
- "projects" command (basically shows the list of my projects)
- page support?
- specific project info?
- more funny commands?
- Inline commands (separated with
) support - Autoscroll down the page (to replicate terminal's behaviour)
- Adapt for mobile
- Reconsider the color palette
- Background
- Text
- Anchors
- Custom colors?
- Light mode?
- More things to come...