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Alexis Martin edited this page Nov 7, 2023 · 7 revisions

How does OpenMalaria work?

This wiki page is intended to give a complete, yet summarized overview of the OpenMalaria model - how does it work, what are its different components and the assumption underlying the model.


OpenMalaria is a malaria model simulating the spread of P. falciparum in a population. It is divided in two components; one part models the cycle of the parasite in the human (the host) and the second its cycle within the mosquito (the vector).

Key concepts: . stochastic simulator . microsimulations of p. falciparum . Individual-based model for the human component . compartmental model for the mosquito life cycle . interface parameters mosquitoes-humans . because of how it's built, the model accounts for intervention both on the human side (drugs, vaccine,...) and the vector side (ITNs, IRS,...) . can deal with both already existing and novels interventions

Variants of the model: . forced EIR/nonforced EIR . Vector/nonVector

A practical overview

. burn-in and pre-simulation . forcing EIR . emergence as an output in the pre-simulation, input during simulation

Going further

. ScenarioTransmission


  • The OpenMalaria Model: A Summary (Sherrie)
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