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ThomasASmith edited this page Jun 19, 2015 · 46 revisions


Part of the simulation design process is also deciding which results of the simulation should be captured with a monitoring statement. Not all the data produced by the simulation is needed to interpret the results: mosquito-to-human transmission intensity, parasite density per infection per human together with human infectiousness to mosquitoes, bouts of sickness and treatments affecting each human, etc. A summary of those events over all the simulated population may be more important than the detailed experience of each simulated individual.

The monitoring method is described by an XML element of the form below. The continuous element is optional and describes continuous reporting, while the other three elements are required and describe surveys.

<monitoring name="(some description or name)" cohortOnly="false">
  <continuous ... />
  <SurveyOptions ... />
  <surveys ... />
  <ageGroup ... />

cohortOnly works only for versions up to 31 and has been removed in schema version 32. It is used where output is required only for a specific sub-population. This may be assigned values true or false or, if not using cohorts, omitted entirely.


Surveys are periodic summaries at predefined time-steps. At those time-steps, information is saved about the quantity of interest, this could be a measurable quantity such as the EIR, or number of events since the last survey time point. Where this data concerns humans, it can be segregated into age groups, and can be sampled either across all simulated individuals or from a selected cohort.

Survey measures

Standard outputs from OpenMalaria are intended to simulate the collection of data at a cross-sectional survey of the whole population. The measures output may include cross-sectional data from the time of the survey and/or values summed over the population since the previous survey. Exactly which measures will be output by a simulation depends on the SurveyOptions element. This contains a list of options, for example:

  <option name="nHost" value="true"/>
  <option name="nPatent" value="true"/>
  <option name="nMassVaccinations"/>

(The value attribute is optional and can be omitted as in the last example. It can also be explicitly set to "false" which is the same as omitting the option entirely.)

A list of all outputs currently implemented can be found here.

Survey time points

Surveys can take place at any time point, starting from the beginning of the intervention period. Surveys only report events which happened from the beginning of the time-step of the last survey until the end of the time-step before the current survey time-step, and measures of the current state (such as the number of patent hosts) from the beginning of the survey time-step.

The timing of these is described as in the XML fragment below. The first valid time-point for a survey is time-step 0; however, any events happening before time-step 0 are not reported, so measures of events (such as infectious bites received) will be zero.

<surveys detectionLimit="40">

This example describes four quarterly surveys (assuming a 5-day time-step); these are reported in the output.txt file as surveys 1, 2, 3 and 4. (The detectionLimit attribute describes the minimum parasite density (parasites per µl/microlitre) at which a human is counted as having a patent infection.)

Timestep 0 will always correspond to the first of January (up to 5th Jan with a 5-day timestep), except that, prior to schema 22, when the maximumAgeYrs attribute of demography was not a whole number of years timestep values may well have been offset. Years are always modelled as 365 days long, hence (n 365 / days_per_timestep) is always the beginning of the n-th year of the intervention period (excepting above offset).

Survey age groups

The ageGroup element describes which age-groups human-specific data is segregated into. Examples:

<ageGroup lowerbound="0.0">
  <group upperbound="0.25"/>
  <group upperbound="0.5"/>
  <group upperbound="0.75"/>
  <group upperbound="1"/>
  <group upperbound="1.5"/>
  <group upperbound="2"/>
  <group upperbound="3"/>
  <group upperbound="4"/>
  <group upperbound="5"/>
  <group upperbound="6"/>
  <group upperbound="7"/>
  <group upperbound="8"/>
  <group upperbound="9"/>
  <group upperbound="10"/>
  <group upperbound="12"/>
  <group upperbound="14"/>
  <group upperbound="16"/>
  <group upperbound="18"/>
  <group upperbound="20"/>
  <group upperbound="25"/>
  <group upperbound="30"/>
  <group upperbound="35"/>
  <group upperbound="40"/>
  <group upperbound="45"/>
  <group upperbound="50"/>
  <group upperbound="55"/>
  <group upperbound="60"/>
  <group upperbound="65"/>
  <group upperbound="70"/>
  <group upperbound="99"/>
<ageGroup lowerbound="0.0">
  <group upperbound="99"/>

Here the upper bound is inclusive, so exact age 1 is included under age group 4 (with upper bound 1), but exact age 0 is always included in the first age group. Note also that this is no implicit catch-all last age group, so if the upper bound on the last age group is less than the oldest age allowed, then humans who are older than the last upper bound will simply not be included in surveys.

By default, survey data comes from the whole simulated population. It is also possible to specify monitoring only for defined subpopulations.


Whereas survey reporting is designed to aggregate data into configurable-size lumps, the continuous reporting mechanism is designed to report some data at high frequencies (but generally without segregation by age group and with less configuration potential).

To enable continuous reporting, add a continuous sub-element to the monitoring element, of the following form.

<continuous duringInit="false" period="1">
  <option name="input EIR" value="true"/>
  <option name="simulated EIR" value="true"/>
  <option name="human infectiousness" value="true"/>

The period attribute specifies the number of time-steps between reports. duringInit is mostly used for debugging and can be omitted entirely; if set to true it enables reporting during the warm-up period and an extra column in the output (simulation time, the time-step counting from the beginning of the simulation rather than the beginning of the intervention period).

A list of available continuous outputs is here.

Monitoring of sub-populations and cohorts

Monitoring of cohorts (prior to version 32)

For version <32, there is a monitoring option to restrict human measures of all surveys only to a cohort, by setting cohortOnly="true" (by default, survey data comes from the whole simulated population). :

<monitoring name="..." cohortOnly="true">

To make use of this option, the membership of the cohort must be specified. To select the cohort, (pseudo-)interventions must be added to select individuals either from a proportion of the population at some time point, and to continuously select some proportion of individuals as they reach a set age. See cohort-selecting pseudo interventions.

If cohortOnly is set to true, then the output of most measures are restricted to the cohort (although not quite all; see the list of measures for details); if it is set to false or omitted, then these measures act on the entire simulated population. To obtain outputs for both the cohort and the entire population prior to version 32 the simulation must be run twice.

Monitoring of cohorts (version 32 on)

Note: as of schema 32, multiple cohorts may be used, the element "cohorts" is used as follows from version 32 on:

      <subPop id="StudycohortA" number="1"/>
      <subPop id="StudycohortB" number="2"/>

TODO: Explain further how this works in Version 32 based on the Schema documentation pasted below:

      <xs:element minOccurs="0" name="cohorts" type="om:Cohorts">
            Allows the configuration of multiple cohorts (output segregated
            according to membership within specific sub-populations).
            If this element is omitted, monitoring surveys cover the entire
            simulated human population.
            It does not affect the &quot;continuous&quot; outputs (these never take
            cohorts into account).


  <xs:complexType name="Cohorts">
      <xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" name="subPop" type="om:CohortSubPop">
            Consider a certain sup-population a cohort, and segregate outputs
            according to membership. Where multiple sub-populations are listed,
            segregate output according to all combinations of membership: e.g.
            if sub-populations A and B are listed, there will be outputs for
            &quot;member of A and B&quot;, &quot;member of A but not B&quot;, &quot;B but not A&quot; and
            &quot;not a member of A or B&quot;. Listing n sub-populations implies 2^n
            sets of outputs (each is further segregated by age groups, survey
            times and enabled output measures, which could lead to excessive
            program memory usage and output file size).
            To identify outputs, each sub-population has a power of two number
            as identifier (see &quot;number&quot; attribute). Each of the 2^n output sets
            is identified by a number: the output set is the output from humans
            who are members in some set of sub-populations (S1, S2, ...) and
            not members in some others (T1, T2, ...); the number identifying
            the set is the sum of the numbers identifying the sets S1, S2, etc.
            In the output file, the output set is identified by multiplying
            this number by 1000 then adding it to the age group column.
  <xs:complexType name="CohortSubPop">
    <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:string" use="required">
          Textual identifier for the sub-population (i.e. for an intervention
          component, since sub-populations are defined as the hosts an
          intervention component is deployed to).
        <xs:appinfo>name:Sub-population identifier;</xs:appinfo>
    <xs:attribute name="number" type="xs:integer" use="required">
          Number identifying a sub-population; used to define identifiers of
          output sets. This number must be a power of 2 (i.e. 1, 2, 4, 8, ...).
          See documentation of subPop element.
        <xs:appinfo>name:Sub-population number;units:dimensionless;min:1;max:2097152;</xs:appinfo>

Time to first event

Three options exist to allow measuring time-to-first-event:

firstBoutOnly Remove individuals from the cohort at the start of their first episode (clinical bout) Intended for measuring time to first episode with active case detection
firstTreatmentOnly Remove individuals from the cohort when they first seek treatment Intended for measuring time to first episode with passive case detection
firstInfectionOnly Remove individuals from the cohort at completion of the first survey in which they present with a patent infection Intended for measuring time to first infection, using active case detection

These are enabled by adding an attribute to the monitoring element, for example (here also enabling cohortOnly):

<monitoring name="..." cohortOnly="true" firstBoutOnly="true">
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