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Portia Seater Developer Log

pseater edited this page Apr 22, 2016 · 1 revision

April 4th-7th: Worked on the Android Apps UI. I built of off Charlie's base design, adding a background and altering the look of the text and buttons. I tried several backgrounds and combinations of colors before deciding on the final draft and pushing. I waited to push until I felt it was ready for my team members feedback.

April 11th-18th: Made updates to background image, editing it so the text would appear more visibly in the app. I also begun working on the dispatchers HTML, first by drawing potential layouts on paper in order to think of necessary features, and then creating the first iteration of that page. I also created a model flask server in order to do isolated basic functionality testing of the dispatchers page.

April 18th-19th: Changed the overall layout of the dispatchers page after finding a more modular way to construct it. Added checkboxes in order to implement reservation deletion.

April 20th: Added a reservation confirmation page that the online reservation page will redirect to. Created the final dispatchers HTML final in order to integrate what I had with the actual server.

April 21st: Updated the reservation webpage (index.html) and the confirmation webpage with the Safe Ride banner to add some visual completion and continuity to the pages. Changed the padding and button looks and cleaned up unused functions. Tidied up the GitHub page by moving loose files into folders.