Simple filesystem monitoring method without relying on inotify or mtime.
Records the names of directories in a parent directory in a sqlite db alongside a hash, creating a snapshot. This can then be used to determine if new files or directories have been exported since the last time it has been run. It is expected that this is ran as a cron job.
There is also the option to filter the files/directories based on a regex string.
An example workflow:
import sys
from snapshot import Snapshot
results_dir = "/mnt/proj-c19/ABNEUTRALISATION/NA_raw_data"
regex_filter = r"^[S|T].*/*Measurement 1$"
snapshot = Snapshot(results_dir, regex=regex_filter)
if snapshot.current_hash == snapshot.stored_hash:
# nothing has changed since last time
# get new directory names
new_data = snapshot.get_new_dirs()
# record new snapshot
if new_data:
# do stuff with new data