🚀 Auto Transaction INI
Auto Transaction script for Inichain that automates SWAPs on the Inichain Testnet.
Note: Simply fill in your private key in the .env file, install dependencies, and run the script. Make sure you have WINI tokens in your wallet before starting.
✨ Features
Automatic transactions on the Inichain testnet.
Option to send to random or specific addresses.
Includes delay and confirmation for secure transactions.
🔧 Installation & Setup
1️⃣ Clone the Repository
git clone https://github.com/Svz1404/Inichain.git
cd Inichain
2️⃣ Create a .env File
3️⃣ Install Dependencies
npm install ethers
npm install dotenv
npm install cfonts
4️⃣ Run the Script on Background
screen -S inichain
node index.js