Hello, and welcome to the materials I use to give workshops on Data Hazards. This is where I will be adding the materials I use for various workshops I run. They all follow pretty much the same patter but have slightly different tweaks depending on whether they are run as a hybrid, online or in-person.
Please find more information on Data Hazards here.
Or if you're not too comfortable with github, have a browse at the website for more info.
(Hybrid) DER symposium 2023.
- timeline here
- slides and edit using google docs here
- Co-facilitated with Vanessa Hanschke
(In person) COMBINE conference 2022.
- timeline here
- script for the presentation here
- slides and edit using google docs here
- Co-facilitated with Melanie Stefan
These slides have been taken and modified from the Data Hazards Website
Please feel free to re-use the material I provide here and credit myself as well as the Data Hazards group for creating the original template and materials.
Feel free to contact me ([email protected]) if you would like to discuss anything else about this topic.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.