Blog App The Blog App is a web application that allows users to create and manage blog posts, interact with comments, and like posts. It provides a platform for users to share their thoughts, engage with other users, and build a community around their interests.
Ruby on Rails Visual Studia C
Ruby on Rails
PostgreSQL Database
- [Posts]
- [Comments]
- [Likes]
In order to use this project.. Clone this repository to your desired folder by pasting this command in your command line interface:
Ruby on Rails PostgreSQL Git
To install the project's dependencies, run:
bundle install
To test, run:
👤 Surafel Samson
GitHub: @githubhandle
Twitter: @twitterhandle
👤 Burhan Uddin
GitHub: @githubhandle
GitHub: @githubhandle
- [Conversion of a real wireframe using Rails]
- [Creating a User]
- [Create blogs, likes and comments]
- [Creating, querying, updating and auditing blogs by database]
Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check the issues page.
Kindly give this project a star if you like it.
I would like to thank Microverse.
This project is MIT license.