Subject matter: AI services, SuperOffice Copilot
Subject matter: authentication and authorization
Subject matter: webhooks, triggers, super macro, Zapier
One or more links don't work or have wrong target
Subject matter: CEP, customer center
Subject matter: SuperOffice COM APIs
Subject matter: CRMScript
Subject matter: SuperOffice database
Feedback about omissions, errors, or confusing or conflicting text in an article.
Suggested addition or improvement to the article.
Request to create new documentation
Pertains to build pipeline
The content (Markdown or YAML) can't be edited directly. Requires changes to tool and/or source code
Used only when migrating content to GitHub from another source.
Feedback about the site experience or design
Subject matter: documents, template variables, SharePoint
This issue or pull request already exists
Subject matter: email, SOFO, Inbox, MailLink
Used to organize documentation features,
Anyone can grab this issue and fix it.
Subject matter: SuperID, Entra ID, SCIM
Subject matter: integrations, plug-ins, connectors
User guide (formerly known as help files)
Subject matter: mailings, forms, marketing automation
Subject matter: database mirroring
Subject matter: Mobile CRM