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[Design] Druid Fetcher Framework

Sowmya N Dixit edited this page Jun 29, 2022 · 1 revision


This document describes the design for enhancing Core Fetcher framework to support Druid as one of the input source. This enhancements to the framework enables data product creation from druid.

Current Core Fetcher Framework Concept

Fetch Data/Input:

Following are the supported fetch types in the framework abstracted by DataFetcher:

  1. S3 - Fetch data from S3
  2. Azure - Fetch data from azure
  3. Local - Fetch data from local file. Using the local file one can fetch data from hdfs too.

Following are the APIs available in the DataFetcher

// API to fetch data. Fetch the data as an RDD when an explicit type parameter is passed.
val rdd:RDD[T] = DataFetcher.fetchBatchData[T](search: Fetcher);

A Fetcher object should be passed to the DataFetcher along with the type the data should be serialized to. Following are the example structures of the Fetcher object.

// Example fetcher to fetch data from S3
val s3Fetcher = Fetcher("s3", Option(Query("<bucket>", "<prefix>", "<startDate>", "<endDate>", "<delta>")))

// S3 Fetcher JSON schema
	"type": "s3",
	"query": {
    	"bucket": "telemetry-data-store",
     	"prefix": "raw/",
    	"startDate": "2019-07-01",
    	"endDate": "2019-07-02"

// Example fetcher to fetch data from Azure
val azureFetcher = Fetcher("azure", Option(Query("<bucket>", "<prefix>", "<startDate>", "<endDate>", "<delta>")))

// Azure Fetcher JSON schema
	"type": "azure",
	"query": {
    	"bucket": "telemetry-data-store",
     	"prefix": "unique/",
    	"startDate": "2019-07-01",
    	"endDate": "2019-07-02"

// Example fetcher to fetch data from Local

val localFetcher = Fetcher("local", Option(Query(None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, "/mnt/data/analytics/raw-telemetry-2019-07-01.log.gz")))

// Local Fetcher JSON schema
	"type": "local",
	"query": {
    	"file": "/mnt/data/analytics/raw-telemetry-2016-01-01.log.gz"

Enhancements - Support for new fetcher type

  • Druid - Fetch data from druid

Druid Fetcher is used to get results from druid for a specific query. It queries druid DB to fetch the results

// Example fetcher to fetch data from Druid
val druidFetcher = Fetcher("druid", None, None, Option(DruidQuery("<querytype>", "<dataSource>", "<interval>", "<granularity>", "<dimensions>", List(Aggregation("<type>", "<name>")), None, DruidHavingFilter("<type>","<aggregation>","<value>"))))

// Druid Fetcher JSON schema
    "type": "druid",
    "druidQuery": {
        "queryType": "groupBy",
        "dataSource": "telemetry-events",
        "intervals": "LastWeek",
        "granularity": "all",
        "dimensions": [
        "aggregations": [
                "type": "count",
                "name": "count"
        "having": {
            "type": "greaterThan",
            "aggregation": "count",
            "value": 100

DruidQuery model:

#Schema of DruidQuery:
    "queryType": String, // type of query. Ex: groupBy, topN, timeseries
    "dataSource": String, // datasource name to be queried. Ex: telemetry-events, summary-events, telemetry-log-events
    "intervals": String, // Supported intervals are LastDay, LastWeek, LastMonth, Last7Days, Last30Days
    "granularity": String, // Determines how gets aggregated by day, week etc.. Supported values are all, none, second, minute, fifteen_minute, thirty_minute, hour, day, week, month, quarter and year.
    "dimensions": List<String>, // List of fields to do groupBy.
    "aggregations": List<Aggregation>, // Aggregations for summarising data at query time.
    "filters": List<DruidFilter>, // Filters to be applied in query computation. Performs AND operations between filters.
    "having": DruidHavingFilter, // Filters to be applied post aggregation i.e., on aggregated fields.
    "threshold": Long, // Defining value for N in topN query.
    "metric": String, // metric field name on which topN values should be sorted.
    "descending": String // Whether to make descending ordered result for timeseries query. Default is false(ascending).

#Schema of Aggregation:
    "name": String, // output field name.
    "type": String, // type of the aggregator Ex: count, longSum, doubleSum, floatSum, doubleMin, doubleMax, longMin, longMax etc
    "fieldName": String // input field name.

#Schema of DruidFilter:
    "type": String, // type of filter. Ex: selector, in, true etc
    "dimension": String, // input fields on which filter should be applied.
    "value": String, // value to match for "selector" query.
    "values": List<String> // list of values to match for "in" filter.

#Schema of DruidHavingFilter:
    "type": String, // type of filter. Ex: greaterThan, equalTo, lessThan etc
    "aggregation": String, // aggregated field on which filter should be applied.
    "value": String // value to match.