Make a clear list of features that work/dont work
✅ This feature works.
❓ This feature works partially.
☑️ This extra (beyond the things that the lab was supposed to do) feature works.
❌ This required feature does not work.
🪲 This is a bug that affects the game.
✅ Attack, special, support, quit commands
✅ Special boss
✅ Different adventurer types
✅ Text inside text box
✅ Randomly chosen players/enemies
❓ Special attacks on enemies by players sometimes increases special
☑️ Red text for enemies
☑️ Checking for valid input command
☑️ Pre-assigned/default character names
☑️ Allows attacks/special attacks to specific enemies
Name: Seifer
HP: 21/21 1
Sprays: 20
Role: Long-range attacker/buffer
- Attack: Throws spices into opponent's eyes and makes them tear up (deals 3-5 damage, restores 2 sprays)
- Special Attack: (AoE) Sprays the gigantic pepper spray on opponents (deals 5-7 damage per opponent, reduces sprays by 6)
- Support (self): Drinks spicy soup and reinvigorates (restores 4 sprays, restores 1 HP)
- Support (comrades): Gives comrades spicy sticks to eat (restores 6 special)
Name: Morpheus
HP: 30/30 1
Lifeblood: 15
Role: Healer/debuffer
- Attack: Turns into a bat and unleashes martial arts moves (deals 2-4 damage, restores 2 lifeblood)
- Special Attack: Sucks opponent's blood (deals 8 damage, reduces lifeblood by 5, restores 2 HP)
- Support (self): Grabs a nearby wolf and sucks its blood (restores 6 lifeblood)
- Support (comrades): Gives comrades one drop of condensed lifeblood (restores comrade 3 HP, reduces self 2 HP)
Name: Carmack
HP: 24/24 1
Caffeine: 12
Role: Main attacker
- Attack: Attacks opponent and take a sip of coffee (deals 2-7 damage, restores 2 caffeine)
- Special Attack: Hacks the matrix (deals 3-12 damage, reduces caffeine by 8)
- Support (self): Drinks coffee (restores 6 special, restores 1 HP)
- Support (comrades): Gives comrades a coffee (restores 5 special)
Name: Albert
HP: 44/44 1
Calories: 22
Role: Strong attacker
- Attack: Launches cheeseburgers at opponents (deals 5-10 damage, restores 3 calories)
- Special Attack: Forces opponent to eat their veggies (deals 6-15 damage, reduces calories by 7)
- Support (self): Eats a pizza to restore 6 calories and 3 HP