Redis mock, adapted from Rarefied Redis's redis-mock-java project.
This fork was created to add features and bugfixes to the original Rarefied Redis mock project, which is more comprehensive than other Redis mocks but hasn't been updated in some time.
This project uses a standard Maven build.
mvn compile
- compile
mvn test
- run tests
mvn package
- publish local snapshot
CircleCI is set up to publish commits with a release-<version number>
tag to the SCX Bintray maven repo.
To use this in another project, the SCX maven Bintray repo must be added as a repository in that project's build file.
E.g. in an sbt build, add the bintray repo: resolvers += Resolver.bintrayRepo("streetcontxt", "maven")
...then add the library dependency: "com.streetcontxt" % "redis-mock-java" % "1.0"
In addition to the functionality of the original project (redis-mock-java), this fork adds a Mockito-based wrapper for the mocked Jedis object which will throw an informative error if you try to invoke a method that hasn't been mocked, rather than calling the superclass method and causing a more subtle error. (There are so many Jedis methods and no interface, so it's otherwise difficult to ensure full implementation of a mock.) It can be used as follows:
import com.streetcontxt.redis_mock.adapter.jedis.CheckedJedisMock;
import redis.clients.jedis.Jedis;
Jedis mockJedis = new CheckedJedisMock().getJedisMock();