Important Notice: Remember this is considered still in development phase, it is nearing production usage. Please help test this library!
###Credits This script was originally created by Shane B.
###API, Wiki, Documentation, Instructions Coming soon
###Purpose Aimed at assisting in cutting down development time to integrate digital currency functionality into your PHP projects.
###List of benefits
- All math is done in integers instead of decimals or floating points to prevent precision rounding errors of any kind.
- Redundant checking to prevent stochastic situations from slipping past security measures.
- Simple API commands
- Does not rely on a database but if a database is used more features are available with out compromising security.
- Fast, Quick, Efficient
###PHP Requirements
- PHP5
- SSL support (if you're using HTTPS to communicate with your wallet)
###My Reddcoin Donation Address Ro9D17Q9E3vrSPZxKt5gePSE9dyCeqkkk2
###OC Bitcoin Donation Address 13ow3MfnbksrSxdcmZZvkhtv4mudsnQeLh
###License | AGPL
You should have received a copy of the Affero General Public License.
If not, see