A repository of user created configs for 3D printers running the LPC port of RRF
Clone this wiki, add your config in its own folder and then create a pull request.
The naming convention for the folder is as follows:
Printer Name - Board Name - Connection Type - User
Da Vinci Jr - SKR 1.4 Turbo - SBC - jaysuk
Please only include the following files:
- bed.g
- board.txt
- config.g
- homeall.g/homedelta.g
- homex.g
- homey.g
- homez.g
- pause.g
- resurrect.g
- sleep.g
- start.g
- stop.g
- tfreeX.g - There could be more than one depending on tools
- tpostX.g - There could be more than one depending on tools
- tpreX.g - There could be more than one depending on tools
You are also welcome to include and macro files in a folder called Macros