Table of Contents
A tesla Like Car in ROS2 will follow lane , Use AI to classify Sign Boards and perform Object tracking to act on the sign boards and set speed respectively
- Follow along the Wiki guide to setup the project.
- World Models Creation
- Prius OSRF gazebo Model Editing
- Nodes , Launch Files
- SDF through Gazebo
- Textures and Plugins in SDF
- Perception Pipeline setup
- Lane Detection with Computer Vision Techniques
- Traffic Light Detection Using Haar Cascades
- Sign and Traffic Light Tracking using Optical Flow
- Rule-Based Control Algorithms
- Sign Classification using (custom-built) CNN
Prius Hybrid Car
Satellite Navigation (NEW!)
Lane Following
Sign Board Detection
Traffic Signal Recognition
T-Junction Navigation
The World
Custom Models
Software Based
- Ubuntu 20.04 (LTS)
- ROS2 - Foxy Fitzroy
- Python 3.6
- Opencv 4.2
- Tensorflow 2.14
Skill Based
- Basic ROS2 Nodes Communication
- Launch Files
- Gazebo Model Creation
- Basic OpenCV Usage
- Motivated mind :)
Explaining repository structure (i.e important files and their functions).
Haider Najeeb (Computer Vision) - Profile Link Muhammad Luqman (ROS Simulation and Control Systems) - Profile Link
Distributed under the GNU-GPL License. See LICENSE
for more information.