R.I.P Faker.js 😥, so I just decided I would build my own tool and share it with whoever might find it useful.
This package is not designed to replace Faker.js - which was heavy like hell by the way. The purpose is to keep it as light and basic as possible - so no localization or country specific stuff -, which should cover lots of needs.
install as a dev dependency
npm i fakemeup -D
ES6 import
// import default
import fakemeup from "fakemeup/dist"
// import individual functions
import {user, lorem, image, address, date} from "fakemeup/dist"
// require default
const fakemeup = require("fakemeup/dist").default;
// require individual functions
const {user, lorem, image, address, date} = require("fakemeup/dist").default;
fakemeup.user.firstName() // random first Name
fakemeup.user.lastName() // random last name
fakemeup.user.fullName() // random full name (first name + last name)
fakemeup.user.email() // picks a random fullname before @, eg: [email protected]
fakemeup.user.email("mystring") // passes your custom string before @, eg: [email protected]
fakemeup.user.phone() // renders a 10 digit phone number, eg: 34 87 90 21 65
fakemeup.user.avatar(300) // returns a square picture from https://pravatar.cc . Max size is 1000, eg: https://pravatar.cc/300?u=26538906 (random identifier after ?u=)
fakemeup.user.avatar(600, "johnDoe") // you can pass a custom unique identifier, eg: https://pravatar.cc/600?u=johnDoe
fakemeup.lorem.paragraph() // returns a whole paragraph
fakemeup.lorem.sentence(4, 8) // pass min and max number of words (first word capitalized by default)
fakemeup.lorem.sentence(25, 35, false) // pass false as third argument to lowercase the first word
fakemeup.lorem.sentence(1, 1) // returns one word, set min === max for a fixed number of words
// random photos from unsplash (no api key needed)
fakemeup.image.random() // displays a random landscape photo 1280x720
fakemeup.image.random("square") // 3 preset ratios: "square", "portrait", "landscape" (sizes are 1000x1000, 576x1024, 1280x720)
fakemeup.image.random("250x420") // or any custom size "widthxheight"
fakemeup.image.random("portrait", "nature,purple") // optional, you can pass comma seperated keywords as second argument (ratio must be provided)
fakemeup.address.city() // US cities
fakemeup.address.state() // US states
fakemeup.address.way() // street, road, avenue, plaza ... etc
fakemeup.address.street() // name of the street, road, ...
fakemeup.address.number() // between 10 and 999
fakemeup.address.postcode() // between 10000 and 99999
fakemeup.address.fullAddress() // totally random, eg: 23 Albert Road, 34678 New-York, Mississipi FRANCE
// Year
fakemeup.date.year() // returns a random year between 1969 and now
fakemeup.date.year(2004) // optional minYear, returns a random year between minYear and now
fakemeup.date.year(2004, 2008) // optional minYear and maxYear, returns a random year between minYear and maxYear
// Month
fakemeup.date.month() // default, returns a random month as long string, eg: February
fakemeup.date.month("long") // same as default above
fakemeup.date.month("short") // returns a random month abbreviated, eg: Feb.
fakemeup.date.month("num") // returns a random month in two digit number format, eg: 02
// Day
fakemeup.date.day() // default, returns a random day as long string, eg: Monday
fakemeup.date.day("long") // same as default above
fakemeup.date.day("short") // returns a random day abbreviated, eg: Mon.
fakemeup.date.day("num") // returns a random day in two digit number format, eg: 02 - N.B. the range is between 01 and 28 to avoid silly dates like Feb 31 or April 31
// Date
fakemeup.date.full() // returns a whole date, eg: Sat Oct 08 2022, between 1969 and now by default
fakemeup.date.full("full") // same as above
fakemeup.date.full("slash") // returns date with slashes, eg: 12/3/2004
fakemeup.date.full("dash") //returns date with dashes, eg: 2019-09-17
fakemeup.date.full("dash", 2005, 2006) // optional, you can pass minYear and maxYear as arguments, eg: 2006-11-10
// custom Date function
// const custom = (
// format: "YMd" | "dMY" | "MdY" | "ddMY" = "dMY",
// separator: string = " ",
// opt?: {
// minYear?: number;
// maxYear?: number;
// day?: "long" | "short" | "num";
// month?: "long" | "short" | "num";
// }
// ) => ...
fakemeup.date.custom() // => 27 November 2011
fakemeup.date.custom("YMd") // => 2013 December 05
fakemeup.date.custom("dMY", " ", { month: "short" }) // => 13 Apr. 1985
fakemeup.date.custom("ddMY") // => Monday 05 February 2018
fakemeup.date.custom("YMd", "-", { minYear: 2003, maxYear: 2005, month: "num" }) // => 2004-03-13
fakemeup.numbers.centsPrice() // returns cents between 0 and 9900
fakemeup.numbers.centsPrice(50, 70) // => 6500, optional min and max price * 100,
fakemeup.numbers.floatPrice() // returns a price string between "0.00" and "99.00"
fakemeup.numbers.floatPrice(50, 70) // => "65.00", optional min and max price