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catter1 edited this page Jul 28, 2023 · 8 revisions


Welcome to the StardustMC wiki!

Here you will find detailed information on the server rules, list of datapacks and plugins used on the server, detailed command usage for plugins, and much more. The sidebar will take you to the respective pages.

Wait, why here and not Miraheze?

Miraheze/MediaWiki has a lot of functionality that we simply do not need. Github's markdown syntax works perfect, and we don't need to have Tera do a ton of extra work for us! Additionally, Miraheze has had a lot of hiccoughs in its management, and we would rather not use them any more than we have to for now.

What will be different than the previous season of StardustMC?

A lot. Not only are we much more prepared (6+ months?), but we have a better machine to host it on, and put a lot of thought into everything. We hope you enjoy!