fuse-colors.pl - automatically make most commands colorful
./fuse-colors.pl /tmp/fuse
./fuse-colors.pl /tmp/fuse '__command__ && echo "haha"'
This script helps you by automatically appending " | lolcat" to most commands.
I was in #climagic on Freenode when "adprice" asked if there was a way to have bash automatically append " | lolcat" to all of his commands. The channel discussed different solutions for a bit before I decided to make fuse-colors. When you mount fuse-colors to a directory, the next immediate step should be to set your PATH=/that/directory. Once this step is complete, all of your command output will be very pretty.
fuse-colors attempts to mimic your PATH, so when you set your PATH=/directory, you'll still be able to run any of the commands that were in your path previously. Behind the scenes, fuse-colors hands out mini perl scripts for any file requested. It shells out to the command requested (the "filename"), appending lolcat. fuse-colors respects all arguments passed and allows for the shell to continue using built-ins and so on.
Unfortunately, running vim with an automatic pipe was not as pretty. On startup, fuse-colors builds a list of binaries that have been linked to ncurses. Any request for these files will be run without the " | lolcat" command.
fuse-colors optionally takes a second argument describing the command you want to run when something is requested. "__command__" will be replaced with the file of the thing being requested and any parameters to that command. It tries to find "lolcat" if no template is passed.
fuse-colors depends on the Fuse module, ldd, and lolcat:
lolcat is like the `cat` command, except its output is very colorful. On Debian, the dependencies can be installed by running:
apt-get install fuse fuse-utils libfuse-perl libfile-which-perl
gem install lolcat
Newer Ubuntu systems have a package for lolcat.
Get set up by making a directory and mounting fuse-colors there:
mkdir /tmp/fuse
./fuse-colors.pl /tmp/fuse
# either in a new window, or after backgrounding fuse-colors:
You could technically keep your PATH on the end (PATH=/tmp/fuse:$PATH), but it's less exciting that way. Then run whatever you'd normally run, or whatever generates lots of pretty words.
yes "this is awesome"
ls -lha
You can force the ncurses cache to update by running (assuming your mount is /tmp/fuse):
cat /tmp/fuse/refresh-ncurses-cache
You can make fuse-colors do anything you want. To automatically append "haha" to the output of every command, start fuse-colors with something like:
./fuse-colors.pl /tmp/fuse '__command__ && echo "haha"'
Here's a makeshift command-logger:
./fuse-colors.pl ~/fuse 'echo "Command is: __command__" >> /tmp/commands.txt; __command__ | tee -a /tmp/commands.txt'
Be safe!
I'm not aware of any outstanding bugs at this time, although there are parts of the code I'd like to make more resilient. Properly daemonizing fuse-colors may be helpful in the event that this turns out to be exciting for people.
If you ctrl-c out of fuse-colors, please note that you'll need to unmount the path you specified originally before remounting. If you launched it as root, you can just umount it, otherwise use 'fusermount -u'
Stan Schwertly (http://www.schwertly.com)