Red Bus application is an online Bus registration application offers a simple booking procure bus tickets on luxury buses.
Features for this project
- User can select the bus based on source,destination and date of the journey.
- After selecting the bus based on the requirements it will show the entire details of the bus like cost,timings, bus_no,rest_stops,available_seats and rating of the bus.
- After slecting the bus with all the reuirements of the user , user can register the bus with bus_id,user_id,sorce and destinstion.
4.After registration of the user , it will store in data user_registration tables.
Software Requirements of the project :
Visual Studio Code
MySql version 8.0.26
Python 3.8.10 4.from flask import Flask,render_template,request,redirect,session,flash,url_for 5.from functools import wraps 6.from flask_mysqldb import MySQL 7.import mysql.connector as db 8.from flask_caching import Cache
The above softwares,frameworks,databases,packages that are the required for this project to run this project.
Project Execution:
For this project , In the visual studio first we need to import mysql connector from mysql module and also we have to import datetime module, flask frmaework,cache.
A connection with the MySQL server can be established using either the mysql.connector.connect() method.
mydb = db.connect( host="localhost", user="root", db = "RED_BUS", password = "Sravani@364" )
Flask is an API of Python that allows us to build up web-applications.We have to connect your Flask app to an existing MYSQL database.
Connecting will require your own database username and database password.
app=Flask(name) app.config['MYSQL_HOST']='localhost' app.config['MYSQL_USER']='root' app.config['MYSQL_PASSWORD']='Sravani@364' app.config['MYSQL_DB']='RED_BUS' app.config['MYSQL_CURSORCLASS']='DictCursor' mysql=MySQL(app)