A simple finite-difference program written in Modern Fortran that solves the linearized shallow-water equations with explicit time marching in variable bathymetry.
The domain is a rectangular structured grid domain where a portion near the edges is sacrificed for the PML region where a specific sink function is applied.
The output is in tecplot .dat format and the initial conditions are user-defined.
- Requires intel compilers
Clone the repository
git clone [email protected]:SpirosZafeiris/Shallow-Water-Equation.git
cd Shallow-Water-Equation
mkdir build
cd build/
Initiate cmake:
cmake ../
Build with Make:
- Run with:
- To use a fast I/O with cgns/hdf5 to create animative fields do the following:
cd Shallow-Water-Equation ./install-hdf5.sh ./install-cgns.sh
- In main.f90 uncomment call to write_cgns in main time loop