The ChatBot application is a Spine-based Google Chat bot that monitors the build statuses of Spine repositories and notifies the developers via the Google Chat.
In order to build the application, run:
./gradlew clean build
Also, it is possible to build a Docker image using jib
./gradlew clean build jib
It is possible to run the application as a docker image locally. In order to do that, please make
sure you have saved the appropriate GCP credentials at .credentials/gcp-adc.json
Then run the following script from the repository root folder:
export APP_PORT=8080
export LOCAL_PORT=9090
export CONTAINER_CREDENTIALS_PATH="/tmp/keys/gcp-adc.json"
export LOCAL_CREDENTIALS_PATH="${PWD}/.credentials/gcp-adc.json"
export GCP_PROJECT_ID="spine-chat-bot"
docker run \
--tty \
--rm \
-p "${LOCAL_PORT}:${APP_PORT}" \
-e "PORT=${APP_PORT}" \
The application will be available at${LOCAL_PORT}
Locally-supplied GCP credentials are mounted into the image directly.
For detailed Application Default Credentials (ADC) guide for Docker see example Cloud Run guide.
The application is deployed in the Google Cloud Platform cloud, and the overview of the cloud deployment is available in a separate document.