Batch edit 9patch files from the command line.
9pedit - Batch editing for 9-patch pngs
9pedit {command options} file...
Each file is processed in order and the commands given on the command
line are applied to each. When all commands are applied to a file it
is saved. If the commands result in a 9-patch, a .9.png will be saved.
If the commands result in a regular .png, then a .png file will be saved.
Command options:
-clear: Reset the 9-patch border to #00000000. Presumes that a border is present
Converts to .9.png if not already.
-strip: If is a .9.png, converts back to a standard .png, removing the border
-sx {pixels}: Set the given pixels on the x-scale axis (top)
-sy {pixels}: Set the given pixels on the y-scale axis (left)
-px {pixels}: Set the given pixels on the x-padding axis (bottom)
-py {pixels}: Set the given pixels on the y-padding axis (right)
-template {source.9.png}: Gets border information from another file
All arguments that take {pixels} take a comma delimitted list of zero based
pixel numbers or ranges. Example: 0,1,10-20
Either check the project out and build by doing "ant dist" (note you need to git submodule init && git submodule update after clone) -or- download prebuilt binaries from the dist folder:
- (posix executable)
- (java executable jar)
- (windows executable)
Convert a standard png to 9-patch:
athena:files stella$ 9pedit -clear raw.png
--> Processing file raw.png
- Image is 28x28 pixels
+ Clear 9 patch border area to default
=> Saving to raw.9.png
Convert a 9-patch to a standard png (remove border):
athena:files stella$ 9pedit -strip raw.9.png
--> Processing file raw.9.png
- Image is 30x30 pixels
+ Strip 9-patch border and convert to standard png
=> Saving to raw.png
Programmatically set scale and padding pixels:
athena:files stella$ 9pedit -sx 14 -sy 15 -px 9-19 -py 4-25 raw.png
--> Processing file raw.png
- Image is 28x28 pixels
+ Set x scale points 14
+ Set y scale points 15
+ Set x padding points 9-19
+ Set y padding points 4-25
=> Saving to raw.9.png
Copy scale and padding pixels from another 9-patch:
athena:files stella$ 9pedit -template template.9.png raw.png
--> Processing file raw.png
- Image is 28x28 pixels
+ Set x scale points 15
+ Set x padding points 9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19
+ Set y scale points 14
+ Set y padding points 4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25
=> Saving to raw.9.png
Update an existing 9-patch:
athena:files stella$ 9pedit -clear -sx 14 -sy 15 raw.9.png
--> Processing file raw.9.png
- Image is 30x30 pixels
+ Clear 9 patch border area to default
+ Set x scale points 14
+ Set y scale points 15
=> Saving to raw.9.png
Expand a 9-patches to new sizes and save as standard pngs (I did this as a shortcut to building a bigger combined background image in the image editor):
athena:btn stella$ 9pedit -expand 34x34 -out ../session -strip nav.9.png
Will save images to ../session
--> Processing file nav.9.png
- Image is 22x21 pixels
+ Expand 9-patch to 34x34
+ Strip 9-patch border and convert to standard png
=> Saving to ../session/nav.png