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Releases: Spacexplorer11/Space_Dodge

Patch: A highscore bug

05 Nov 21:30
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A bug where the highscore would remain stuck at 1 and a highscore broken message would occur even though no highscore file was found, this bug has been successfully patched now.

Thank you for playing Space Dodge

Minor: A critical bug stopping Windows users playing the game - Fixed

24 Oct 14:57
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This release removes all references to the "space_dodge" module in imports on all scripts. I have also updated the to reflect the new module that needs installing - pygame_widgets .

Why this release is crucial for Windows users

This release allows the game to be run on windows, provided all packages are installed whereas previously, it could not be run on Windows due to all scripts returning a ModuleNotFound Error when they tried to access other files but first referenced the "space_dodge" module.

Minor: Changed classes and removed redundant variables

23 Oct 13:55
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This release adds more decorators to the classes and transitions further to OOP(Object-Oriented Programming).
It also adds some features that improve the optimisation and readability of the code and also add to the game itself.

Code features and improvements

  • I have added the @property decorator to conduct extra logic when referencing instance variables such as the image of the player and extra logic when setting the x position, to make sure it doesn't go off the screen.
  • I have added a new method to the Button class which allows the objects to return True or False based on if they are clicked or not, removing the need for excess conditionals in other files and improving readability.
  • Some variables were renamed to better suit their name.

Visible improvements

  • I have also added a little effect so that when you hover a button it gets slightly larger.
  • The settings menu has been added to the title screen. Also, made sure the correct music plays when you exit the settings menu from the title screen.


These features may not be perfectly implemented
Please report all bugs here

Patch: Keybindings screen will not add to played time

21 Oct 20:29
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This is a release that patches a bug where the played time would keep going if you were in the keybindings screen even though the game was paused.
I also created a decorator to use for any screen that pauses the game and I will implement it next time.

Thanks for playing Space Dodge

Minor: Added more classes

15 Oct 19:51
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I recently learnt object-oriented programming so I had to implement it in my game.
I have changed the player, bullet and symbols to use classes instead.
This allows for better and more readable/concise code.
I can even implement specific methods in each class!

Thank you for playing Space Dodge!


This may not be a perfect implementation so if you find any bugs, please report them here

Major: Overhauled variables and file loading

29 Sep 19:01
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This release completely overhauls where files are loaded and where the constant variables are stored.
All constant variables and files are loaded in a new file, appropriately named "".
All other files, including, are imported from this file.
It also includes a loading bar whilst the assets are loading.

Bug Fixes

I have also fixed a minor bug where clicking the mute symbol on the title screen would display the incorrect type.
For example, the sound was muted, but the symbol displayed unmuted on the screen.

Thank you for playing Space Dodge!

Minor: Added cross-compatibility and bullet collision update

07 Sep 20:47
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This release makes sure that only bullets that touch the player actually collide.
It also makes cross-compatibility possible and now this game does work on Windows.
The file loading has been completely overhauled with the help of an anonymous person who helped me on Discord. The file names and organisation have been changed to comply with pep-8 and a log file is now generated every time an error occurs for better debugging.
Many unnecessary files have been deleted from Github and added to .gitignore.
Thank you so much for playing Space Dodge!

Patch: Bug fix

06 Sep 18:48
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This release is a patch release and fixes some crucial bugs that were overlooked. The bugs included the incorrect referencing of file names in the code.

Major: Completion of basic features.

05 Sep 15:12
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This is the first release, as Space Dodge has developed to a stage where it is good enough as a basic game with all basic things completed.
This release has many features including a title screen, clickable buttons, music, sound effects, a lives system, and much more.
These features make the basic needs of a game and after this version, I will start adding special features.
There is much more to come for this game, this is just the first release. To a bigger and better future of Space Dodge! 🍷


21 Sep 20:59
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This release changes the bullet texture and adds an explosion animation for when the bullets touch the bottom of the screen.
It also patches a few bugs and optimises the code.
Title screen music was added to the files but wasn't used.
This has now been fixed; you will hear different music on the title screen. As a result, I have added mute icons to the title screen.
You can now quit the game from the pause menu, sorry that it took so long to fix, I didn't realise.
Thank you for playing Space Dodge!