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PREFIX lrm: <http://iflastandards.info/ns/lrm/lrmer/>
PREFIX crm: <http://www.cidoc-crm.org/cidoc-crm/>
SELECT distinct (?TL as ?translation_language) (?SL as ?source_language) (count(?SL) as ?count)
where {
?translation lrm:R17i_was_created_by ?creation .
?creation lrm:P2_has_type "translation" .
?translation crm:P72i_has_language ?TL .
?translation lrm:R76i_is_derivative_of ?original .
?original crm:P72i_has_language ?SL .
group by ?SL ?TL
order by desc(?count)
limit 100
translation language | source language | count |
http://spacesoftranslation.org/ns/spatrem/DE | http://spacesoftranslation.org/ns/spatrem/EN-BE | 13 |
http://spacesoftranslation.org/ns/spatrem/DE | http://spacesoftranslation.org/ns/spatrem/EN-AE | 11 |
http://spacesoftranslation.org/ns/spatrem/DE | http://spacesoftranslation.org/ns/spatrem/RU | 7 |
http://spacesoftranslation.org/ns/spatrem/DE | http://spacesoftranslation.org/ns/spatrem/FR | 3 |
http://spacesoftranslation.org/ns/spatrem/DE | http://spacesoftranslation.org/ns/spatrem/DAN | 1 |
http://spacesoftranslation.org/ns/spatrem/DE | http://spacesoftranslation.org/ns/spatrem/UKR | 1 |
E.g. which languages are translated in magazine X between 1950-55?
PREFIX lrm: <http://iflastandards.info/ns/lrm/lrmer/>
PREFIX crm: <http://www.cidoc-crm.org/cidoc-crm/>
PREFIX rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#>
prefix xsd: <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#>
prefix ofn: <http://www.ontotext.com/sparql/functions/>
SELECT ?m ?year
where {
?mc crm:P4_has_time_span ?span .
?m lrm:R24i_was_created_by ?mc .
?span lrm:P82_at_some_time_within ?duration
bind(ofn:years-from-duration(?duration) as ?year)
filter(?year > "1946"^^xsd:long)
filter(?year < "1950"^^xsd:long).
What is translated from Hungarian between 1950-55 in magazine X?
Which in each language area? Which in each magazine?
Which translators do the most translations from language X across the corpus/language area/magazine?
E.g. who does the most translations from Polish in the magazine Encounter? And then refined: between the years 1950-55?
How might we map them by place of birth? (not sure this is a database query but one for data visualisation?)
What percentage of translators are anonymous for the corpus overall and then for each language area and for each magazine?
And for each genre? (we’ve listed Anon for all translations where we can’t determine who did the work).
What is the gender breakdown of our translators in the corpus overall and then in each language area and in each magazine?
Do they therefore primarily belong to a generation born before WW1 or one born during and after it?
(Hmm. This might a tricky one? The first part of the question looks easier to find values for – second part looks more interpretive to me)
What patterns can we discern for the volume and type of translation work temporally across our corpus?
E.g. are there years when more translations appear in the corpus or individual magazines? Are there patterns for the type of translation works that can be temporally mapped ? e.g. do we get a rise in Polish texts being translated in one year? Or a fall in French translations in another year? (Again, looks less like a database query to me)
In each magazine, in the corpus overall, in each language area. Then: who are the most frequently translated poets, fiction etc. using the genre tag?
Are there authors who translate their own work? (Not sure this is a database question)