KIFHarness is primarily intended as a template for easily adding KIF to your iOS application. Many of the awkward design decisions have been made for you, with a variety of scripts in place to minimize the Xcode hoop jumping necessary.
Many parts of the installation instructions for KIFHarness parallel those of KIF itself. The main difference with (and motivation for) KIFHarness is in the way it handles application integration. The KIF instructions suggest duplicating your application target in order to create a special "testing version". The multiple targets approach quickly becomes cumbersome to maintain, especially in a heavily shared code base, or in large teams.
KIFHarness isolates tests in their own project and target; adding classes to your main project does not require remembering to also add them to the test target. The direct integration with your application source is identical to the standard KIF approach, and the heavy lifting of conditionally linking the KIF library is handled by a few pre and post build scheme scripts.
There are a lot of steps here, but if you just follow the steps, everything should "just work". This is still a work in progress, any feedback is very much welcome.
Because it is intended as a template, you will be modifying the KIFHarness project after it is integrated - for this reason, it is recommended that you do NOT install KIFHarness as a git submodule.
You can download a zipped copy of the project here [ADD ZIP LINK]
There are three directories located under the KIFHarness
directory that need to be copied to the root of your projects source directory:
You'll notice that the KIF directory is empty - you can either include the KIF source directly, or setup a submodule, depending on the way your project is setup.
Download the zipped source from the KIF repo. Unarchive and copy to /path/to/MyApplicationSource/KIF
cd /path/to/MyApplicationSource
git submodule add KIF
Let your project know about KIFHarness by adding the KIFHarness project into a workspace along with your main project. Find the KIFHarness.xcodeproj file at /path/to/MyApplicationSource/KIFHarnessTemplate
and drag it into the Project Navigator.
Add the Configurations
directory to your project by dragging the folder to the Project Navigator. DO NOT add them to a target. I know this is unusual, but these files are necessary for some configuration, but you do not want them to be copied into your application bundle.
[ADD SCREENSHOT of an unselected target]
KIFHarness is designed to leverage xcconfig files to conditionally link the KIF and KIFHarness libraries for testing only.
Click on your project in the Project Navigator, make sure the project is highlighted under PROJECT
in the editor pane, then choose the Info
tab. If you haven't changed them, you should see two configurations, Debug
and Release
. Expand the detail disclosures, and to the right of your project, choose "Config-Merged" from the drop downs for both Debug
and Release
[ADD SCREENSHOT of configuration screen]
Choose Product->Manage Schemes… from the menu bar. Click the scheme you use to build your application, then click the gear at the bottom and choose Duplicate
. Change the name of the new scheme to something other than Copy of YourScheme
In the left column, expand the Build section and choose Pre-actions
, then New Run Script Action
. Select your target from the Provide build settings from
drop down and copy the following into the script box:
ruby "${SRCROOT}/Configurations/configurations.rb" --merge Config-KIF.xcconfig "${SRCROOT}/Configurations"
Add a new Post-action script, and copy the following:
ruby "${SRCROOT}/Configurations/configurations.rb" --reset "${SRCROOT}/Configurations"
Click the Build
action. Click the add button and under target and select the KIFHarness library. Be sure to drag it above your project, then uncheck the Parallelize Build checkbox.
Xcode resolves build settings by merging them in the following order iOS Default, Config Files, Project Settings, Target Settings. Settings defined later in the order override settings defined earlier. In order for settings to inherit values defined at higher levels you must include $(inherited)
in the value.
KIFHarness requires that build settings inherit the values for Preprocessor Macros
, Header Search Paths
and Other Linker Flags
if you prefer the raw GCC flags).
Just like in the KIF example, you'll want to add the following code to your application delegate
#import "KIFHarness.h"
and the following code to the end of its -application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:
[[KIFHarness sharedInstance] startTestingWithCompletionBlock:^{
// Exit after the tests complete so that CI knows we're done
exit([[KIFHarness sharedInstance] failureCount]);
At this point, KIFHarness should be ready to go! Choose your testing target and run it with Command+R. If KIFHarness has been added successfully, your application should build without errors and quit abruptly. You should see a log in the console that is something like Running KIF Tests With KIFHarness!
. At this point, I suggest heading over to KIF Documentation and learning a bit about writing KIF tests.
To add tests, look for the file KIFHarness.h
and follow the steps outlined in the KIF readme. The very important difference in KIFHarness is that scenario and step files should be added to the KFHarness project and not your application.
Unfortunately, as byproduct of the way we have the project setup, Xcode often won't include your latest testing code each time you run the app - you'll need to build clean every time. This can be incredibly frustrating, and often has me chasing my own tail for several minutes before I remember to clean. This can be solved with some more shell scripting hoop jumping - just add the following to a pre-build action in your testing scheme.
file_list=`xcodebuild -project "$PROJECT_FILE_PATH" -target "$TARGET_NAME" -sdk "$SDKROOT" -configuration "$CONFIGURATION" -showBuildSettings | grep "LINK_FILE_LIST_"$BUILD_VARIANTS"_"$NATIVE_ARCH | sed s/[^=]*\=\ //`
touch $file_list