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ECUI (Engine Control Unit Interface)

This project was originally developed to construct a user interface for the development of a Rocket Engine at a testing facility. It represents a foundation for a future Project which enables full control for a rocket launch procedure, like "Mission Control". There are three main design goals which had been followed during development:

  1. A possibility to provide the current state of the facility to an arbitrary number of users/viewers.
  2. A very accurate timing interface, to execute commands at a precise point in time.
  3. A monitoring surface for all sensor values on the test stand.

To enable all of these features, multiple Software Layers have been developed.

Table of Contents

  1. Run
  2. Install
  3. Docker
  4. Architecture
  5. Web-Client
  6. Web-Server
  7. LLServer
  8. ECUI-Protocols
  9. JSON-Formats
  10. Appendix


After cloning the submodules need to be initialized and pulled using

git submodule init
git submodule update

This may be needed to be done in the pnid_houbolt submodule as well (alternatively git submodule update --recursively should also do the trick).

Load Configs

The configs are stored in another repository, each branch in there is for another hardware setup, so choose the one you want to run on. On start (see Run), either a config path has to be specified (config=<config path> CLI argument) or it is left free, in which case the server will use the config path specified in configPath.txt. For ease of use the path in this file can be changed to your personal path setup BUT DON'T COMMIT THESE CHANGES, to not have git constantly scream at you for having a tracked file with modified content, use git update-index --assume-unchanged configPath.txt, which will make git ignore this file, even if it has local changes. This will however make switching branches annoying, so if you don't want to mess around with that, specify it as CLI argument instead.


To run ECUI either log into the teststand server VM (can be skipped if run locally for development).

Then run

node server.js port=3001

to start the ECUI webserver. Instead of node it's convenient to use nodemon instead, especially during development as nodemon automatically detects changes to files and restarts the server if needed.

It might be necessary to (re)start the LLServer (again, can be skipped for local development), this can be done by going to its directory (on the teststand server next to the ECUI directory) and then running ./llserver_ecui_houbolt Then press Enter wherever it asks you to (usually once or twice on init when finding modules) and then it should be running.

To edit a Sequence or Checklist open FileZilla on your PC and connect to the ECUI Then open the TXV_ECUI_WEB -> sequence folder and Rightclick on Sequence.json or Checklist.json and and choose edit

then you can edit the sequence or checklist

when you're done press CTRL+S and go back to FileZilla. Choose "Delete Local File and upload" and click Yes then you can refresh the Webpage in the Browser.

To view the logs go in FileZilla into the TXV_ECUI_LLServer -> logs folder and download the desired log file


To install the ecui, pull both the TXV_ECUI_WEB and the TXV_ECUI_LLServer Repositories. For the WebServer node and are required. For the LLServer you only need gcc and cmake If the Warning Light Neopixel is also desired, ask an avionics guy for help

Commands to run the ecui

In the TXV_ECUI_WEB folder execute


and in TXV_ECUI_LLServer, if no console ouputs are required


else exec

make -j 3

if Warning Light is installed execute

sudo python3 ../warnlight/ &



Alternatively TXV_ECUI_WEB (GUI) could be deployed via docker. Use the docker file found in the repo.

NOTE: you need to have a valid github ssh key in order to pull the private repository

cd web_ecui_houbolt
DOCKER_BUILDKIT=0 docker build --build-arg branch=dev --build-arg ssh_key_path=<your_private_ssh_key_path> -t web_ecui .
docker run -p 80:80 -p 5555:5555 -v <path_to_config_repo>/config_ecui/:/home/config_ecui/ -it --rm --name web-ecui web_ecui

For subsequent runs you can either create a new container ('docker run' cmd) or reuse the old one (use ls to figure out the name of the container):

docker container ls -a
docker start <name/of/the/container>

If you end using docker don't forget to change the IP address that LLServer will try to reach the server (config.json)

Finally you will have to setup port forwading using iptables (I couldn't test that, but the commands should be the following) on the RPI:

sudo sysctl -w net.ipv4.ip_forward=1
sudo iptables -A PREROUTING -t nat -i eth0 -p tcp --dport 80 -j DNAT --to
sudo iptables -A FORWARD -p tcp -d --dport 80 -j ACCEPT
  1. eth0: is the interface to outside
  2. is the address of the docker container
  3. 80: is the port for the webserver


The user interface is written in HTML, CSS and JavaScript. This approach helps to generate a dynamic GUI and and provides Tablet and Smartphone support built in. In addition a Web-Server is running in the background, so the user interface can be opened with multiple devices at the same time. Currently the last user who connected to the server functions as the master. This means that only that user is able to control the test stand, while all others are only watchers and cannot manipulate or interfere any ongoing process. The communication Protocol used between Web-Client and Web-Server is called

The LLServer functions mainly as an accurate Timer and sends commands defined by the Sequence-File to the Hedgehog-Controller

ECUI Architecture


The Web-Client provides the interface between the end user and the ECUI System. When the Raspberry-Pi is connected to the same network, it can be accessed in Chrome, Firefox or Safari via the URL:


If multiple Clients are connected to the Server it automatically syncs any changes on one client to the others. There are 3 tabs located at the top of the Webpage: the Monitor-Tab, the Control-Tab and the Calibration-Tab.

Monitor Tab

When the Webpage has been loaded, it first displays the Checklist on the right side of the display, and the Sequence Chart on the left side. When all Items in the Checklist have been ticked, an Start Sequence button appears. Clicking it starts the Countdown and displays live data on the bottom of the screen.

Control Tab

In this view the "Enable Manual Control" Checkbox can be clicked to enable manual servo and motor (used for Igniter) control. Each Servo can be moved with the sliders between 0% and 100%. The Igniter can be enabled via a Checkbox. The Saftl button sets the Fuel servo to 100% for 2 seconds.

Calibration Tab

Here manual control has to be enabled first. Then the raw value of a servo can be set by writing a number in the text box. By clicking the Set Min/Set Max button, the minimum/maximum position of the servo can be set. This is used to map the percentage value in the sequence file to the actual servo position.

CAREFUL: SERVOS CAN BE DESTROYED WHEN VALUE IS TOO HIGH OR TOO LOW        Ask for help, when you're not sure about the safe range of the servo


The Web-Server is written in JavaScript with Node.js. On one hand it manages synchronization tasks between each client, on the other it also communicates with the LLServer and hands messages over to the client.

The Web-Server represents the Server for the Web-Client and at the same time the Server for the TCP Socket communication with the LLServer. When the server is started, it waits for the LLServer to connect. If the Web-Client connects and clicks on the Start Sequence button before the LLServer is connected, it won't start the Sequence.

The Sequence File and Abort Sequence File are located in the sequence/ folder of the Web-Servers local directory.

LLServer (low-level Server)

The LLServer is mainly responsible for coordinating the timing between the Sequence and the actual execution of each command. When the program is started, it waits for a server to connect to (Web-Server) After that the Web-Server needs to send the LLServer it's current Sequence and Abort Sequence which shall be executed. If there's any other event before that, it may result in a crash of the LLServer!

  • LLController main class initializes all required Modules
  • LLInterface represents an abstract Layer for all interfaces to hardware (HcpManager, Warnlight, ...)
  • Timer is managing high resolution Clock and fires an event after a specific tick interval
  • SequenceManager is responsible to start the timer and handles actions on abort.
  • HcpManager represents an abstract version of the Serial communication with the Hedgehog-Controller
  • HcpCommands defines all Messages there can be sent or received over the HCP Protocol
  • EcuiSocket static class for communicating with json objects; uses the socket class
  • Socket low level socket interface
  • Serial is responsible for communicating with the Controller on byte level
  • Debug prints to the console and can be enabled or disabled and logs to file
  • utils provides general tools for the Application
  • config config variables for the program
  • Warnlight Controls the neopixel warnlight via socket and a python program
  • I2C communicates with the raspberry pi i2c interface
  • Mapping manages json mapping file

Whenever the Sequence is started the server creates a Log file with the current Timestamp as name and logs sensor data in a specific sample rate, which can be specified in the config file.

All Log Files are located in the logs/ folder of the LLServers local directory

For each Device connected to the Hedgehog-Controller there's an JSON Object in the mapping.json located in the LLServers local directory


Communicates with another Device (in this case the LLServer) over the UART Interface.


To enable communication and synchronization for the ECUI System, the ECUI-Protocol was developed. requires a type and the payload for a message. For TCP Sockets this is not the case. For consistency a message over TCP Sockets is defined in the JSON format as follows

	"type": "abort"
	"content": {}

Web-Client ---> Web-Server

Message Type Payload/Content Description
abort none abort Sequence if running and start Abort Sequence automatically
checklist-start none tells server to send up to date checklist
checklist-save JSON Checklist Format tells server to save this json as the new Checklist
checklist-tick id:int tells server that client ticked off a checklist item
sequence-start none starts the sequence
send-postseq-comment comment:string user comment for post sequence
sequence-set sequenceName:string tells server to use this Sequence
abortSequence-set abortSequenceName:string tells server to use this Abort Sequence
sensors-start none tells WebServer that it shall send all sensors periodically
sensors-stop none tells WebServer that it shall stop sending all sensors
servos-enable none enables all servos
servos-disable none disables all servos
servos-calibrate JSON Servos Calibrate Format set new min or max position for an array of servos
servos-set JSON Servos Set Format set servo position between 0% and 100%
servos-set-raw JSON Servos Set Raw Format set servo raw position in microseconds
supercharge-get none get setpoint and hysteresis for supercharge (overpressure)
supercharge-set JSON Supercharge Set Format set setpoint and hysteresis for supercharge (overpressure)
tare none tares all load cells

Web-Server ---> Web-Client


These messages are sent from the Server to each connected client

Message Type Payload/Content Description
abort none abort Sequence if running and start Abort Sequence automatically
checklist-done none tells all clients that checklist is processed
sequence-load JSON Sequence Load Format sends all clients a list of Sequences which are in the folder as well as up to date Sequence
sequence-start none tells all clients that sequence is about to start
sequence-sync timeInSeconds:float sends current time of LLServer to sync their timers
sequence-done none tells all clients that the Sequence is done
timer-start none tells all clients that Sequence starts NOW
servos-load JSON Servos Load Format sends all servo names and min and max values to all clients
sensors-load (to be implemented) sends all sensor names
sensors JSON Sensors Format sends current value of an array of sensors with corresponding timestamp
supercharge-load JSON Supercharge Set Format sends setpoint and hysteresis for supercharge (overpressure)

Broadcasts except to Client who sent the message before

Message Type Payload/Content Description
abort none abort Sequence if running and start Abort Sequence automatically
checklist-update id:int sends id of Checklist item which has been ticked by master

Respond to Client

Message Type Payload/Content Description
checklist-load JSON Checklist Format sends up to date json Checklist directly back to client
sequence-load JSON Sequence Format sends up to date json Sequence directly back to client

Web-Server ---> LLServer

Message Type Payload/Content Description
abort none abort Sequence if running and start Abort Sequence automatically
sequence-start JSON Sequence Start Format tells LLServer that it shall start the Sequence which is transmitted with this message
send-postseq-comment comment:string user comment for post sequence
sensors-start none tells LLServer that it shall send all sensors periodically
sensors-stop none tells LLServer that it shall stop sending all sensors
servos-load none tells LLServer that it shall send all servo names and min and max values
servos-enable none enables all servos
servos-disable none disables all servos
servos-calibrate JSON Servos Calibrate Format tells LLServer to set new endpoints and feedbacks if there are any
servos-set JSON Servos Set Format set servo position between 0% and 100%
servos-set-raw JSON Servos Set Raw Format set servo raw position in microseconds
supercharge-get none get setpoint and hysteresis for supercharge (overpressure)
supercharge-set JSON Supercharge Set Format set setpoint and hysteresis for supercharge (overpressure)
tare none tares all load cells

LLServer ---> Web-Server

Message Type Payload/Content Description
abort none abort Sequence if running and start Abort Sequence automatically
timer-start none tells Web-Server that the Sequence starts NOW
timer-sync syncTime:float sends current time to Web-Server
timer-done none tells Web-Server that Sequence is done
sensors JSON Sensors Format sends current value of an array of sensors with corresponding timestamp
servos-load JSON Servos Load Format sends all servo names and min and max values to the Web-Server
supercharge-load JSON Supercharge Set Format sends setpoint and hysteresis for supercharge (overpressure)

JSON Formats

The comments describe the datatype on the LLServer

Checklist Format

	    "id": 0,  
		"name": "Check Servos",  
	    "notes": [  
	    "id": 5,  
	    "name": "Check Valves",  
	    "notes": [  
	    "id": 2,  
	    "name": "Check Igniter",  
	    "notes": [  

Sequence Format

Each timestamp MUST be a number type; timestamps in the data array objects may also have the value "START" or "END". The first object in action of the first data object HAS TO include all Devices used! Each number in actions except the timestamp is uint8 on the LLServer.

Note: The keywords "START" or "END" are only allowed in the Group Commands (objects inside data array).

        "endTime": 8,
            "fuel": "linear",
            "igniter": "none",
            "oxidizer": "linear",
            "solenoidDepress": "none",
            "solenoidPress": "none"
        "interval": 0.01,
        "startTime": -12
            "timestamp": "START",
            "name": "start",
            "desc": "set all to zero",
                    "timestamp": 0.0,
                    "fuel": 0,
                    "igniter": 0,
                    "oxidizer": 0,
                    "solenoidDepress": 0,
                    "solenoidPress": 0,
                        "chamberPressure": [-5, 20]
            "timestamp": -5.5,
            "name": "press",
            "desc": "pressurize tanks",
                    "timestamp": 0,
                    "solenoidDepress": 100
                    "timestamp": 0.5,
                    "solenoidPress": 100

Abort Sequence Format

For now exactly one object with all commands to be executed. The "endTime" key in "globals" is used to describe for how long the logging should continue in case of an abort.

    "globals": {
        "endTime": 3.2              //double
    "actions" : {  
        "fuel": 0,  				//uint8
	    "igniter": 0,  				//uint8
	    "oxidizer": 0  				//uint8

Servos Calibrate Format

Array of JSON object, each object needs to have the id (this is the name of the servo) and either min or max but not both (to be fixed)

	    "id": "fuel",  
	    "min": 20 					//uint16
	    "id": "oxidizer",  
	    "max": 2000  				//uint16

Servos Set Format

Array of JSON objects, each object needs to have the id (this is the name of the servo) and a value between 0 and 100

	"id": "fuel",    
	"value": 20  					//uint16

Servos Set Raw Format

Array of JSON objects, each object needs to have the id (this is the name of the servo) and a value in microseconds

	"id": "fuel",    
	"value": 2000  				//uint16

Servos Load Format

Array of JSON objects, each object needs to have the name of the servo and an array of at least 2 elements (others ignored) which describe the current min and max positions

	"name": "fuel",
	"endpoints": [1200,1800] 		//uint16[]

Sensors Format

Array of JSON objects, each object needs to have the name of the sensor and a value

    "name" = "fuel",
    "chartTitle" = "fuel"			//optional, name is used when not set 
    "time" = 2.0, 					//float
    "value" = 20  					//uint16

Sequence Load Format

    "type" : "sequence-load",  
    "content" : [<List of Sequences>, <List of Abort Sequences>, <JSON Sequence Format>, <JSON Abort Sequence Format>]  

List of Sequences: all available Sequences saved on server List of Abort Sequences: all available Abort Sequences saved on server JSON Sequence Format JSON Abort Sequence Format

Note: the first item of each list indicates the file currently used

Sequence Start Format

    "type" : "sequence-start",  
    "content" : [<JSON Sequence Format>, <JSON Abort Sequence Format>, <Comment Text>]  

JSON Sequence Format JSON Abort Sequence Format Comment Text: A string which should be saved alongside the log files

Supercharge Set Format

A JSON object that needs to have a setpoint of type int8 and a hysteresis value of type uint8.

	"setpoint": 40,					//int8    
	"hysteresis": 10  				//uint8

Note: hysteresis contains the actual hystereris*10 because hysteresis is a number with a single decimal place and an integer representation is desired.


The Mapping is necessary to map each Device to a port on the Hedgehog Controller and have the ability to set endpoints for servos and other configuration features.

   "analog": {  
		  "fuel feedback": {  
		      "port": 0,  
			  "servo": "fuel"  
		  "oxidizer feedback": {  
		      "port": 2,  
			  "servo": "oxidizer"  
		  "test": {  
		      "port": 1  
  "digital": {  
        "safety": {  
            "port": 3  
  "motor": {  
      "igniter": {  
          "port": 0  
  "servo": {  
      "fuel": {  
          "endpoints": [1200, 1800],  
		  "feedbackAnalog": "fuel feedback",  
		  "feedbackEndpoints": [92, 4093],  
		  "port": 0  


The LLServer is designed to enable a switch of any Micro-Controller, but the Interface has to be implemented first.