Car Sharing Service is a system for tracking cars, rentals, users, and where you can pay for your rent using Stripe payment service. Additionally, the administration utilizes a Telegram bot to monitor timely car returns and manage rental payments.
This is the back-end part of the application, developed in Java.
- Java 17
- Maven
- Docker
- Swagger
- Spring Data (version 3.2.3, used consistently across all Spring modules in this project)
- Spring Boot Web (RESTful API)
- Spring Boot Security
- Spring Boot Testing (MockMvc, Mockito, Testcontainers)
- Lombok
- MapStruct
- Hibernate
- MySQL (version 8.0.33)
- Liquibase
- Telegram bot (telegrambots - version 6.8.0)
- Stripe payment service (stripe-java - version 20.97.0)
In this app, we have the following domain models (entities):
- User: Contains information about the registered user including their authentication details and personal information. This includes their role in the system, which can be either a customer or a manager.
- Car: Represents a vehicle available in the car sharing service, detailing its model, brand, type, inventory status, and rental fee.
- Rental: Represents a rental agreement for a car, detailing rental dates, return dates, the specific car involved, and the user who has rented it.
- Payment: Details payment transactions related to rentals, including the status of the payment, the type (regular payment or fine), and associated session details for processing the payment.
People involved:
- Customer (User): Someone who uses the app to rent cars, manage their rentals, and process payments.
- Manager (Admin): Someone responsible for managing the car inventory, user roles, and overseeing the rental operations within the app.
- Car:
- Model: String
- Brand: String
- Inventory (the number of this specific car available for now in the car sharing service): int
- Daily fee: decimal (in $USD)
- User (Customer):
- Email: String
- First name: String
- Last name: String
- Password: String
- Rental:
- Rental date: LocalDate
- Return date: LocalDate
- Actual return date: LocalDate
- Car id: Long
- User id: Long
- Payment:
- Status: Enum: PENDING | PAID
- Type: Enum: PAYMENT | FINE
- Rental id: Long
- Session url: Url # URL for the payment session with a payment provider
- Session id: String # ID of the payment session
- Amount to pay: decimal (in $USD) # calculated rental total price
Authentication Controller:
- POST: /register - register a new user (PUBLIC ENDPOINT)
- POST: /login - get JWT tokens (PUBLIC ENDPOINT)
Users Controller: Managing users (CRUD for Users)
- GET: /users/me - get my profile info (CUSTOMER ACCESS)
- PUT: /users/me - update profile info (CUSTOMER ACCESS)
- PATCH: /users/{id}/role - update user role (MANAGER ACCESS)
- DELETE: /users/ - delete user (MANAGER ACCESS)
Cars Controller: Managing car inventory (CRUD for Cars)
- GET: /cars - get a list of cars (PUBLIC ENDPOINT)
- GET: /cars/ - get car's detailed information (PUBLIC ENDPOINT)
- POST: /cars - add a new car (MANAGER ACCESS)
- PUT: /cars/ - update car and manage inventory (MANAGER ACCESS)
- DELETE: /cars/ - delete car (MANAGER ACCESS)
Rentals Controller: Managing users' car rentals
- GET: /rentals?userId=...&isActive=... - get rentals by user ID and whether the rental is still active or not (CUSTOMER and MANAGER ACCESS)
- GET: /rentals/ - get specific rental (CUSTOMER and MANAGER ACCESS)
- POST: /rentals - add a new rental (CUSTOMER ACCESS)
- POST: /rentals//return - set actual return date (CUSTOMER ACCESS)
Payments Controller (Stripe): Facilitates payments for car rentals through the platform. Interacts with Stripe API. Use stripe-java library.
- POST: /payments - create payment session (CUSTOMER ACCESS)
- GET: /payments?userId=... - get payments (CUSTOMER and MANAGER ACCESS)
- GET: /payments/success - check successful Stripe payments (ENDPOINT FOR STRIPE REDIRECTION)
- GET: /payments/cancel - return payment paused message (ENDPOINT FOR STRIPE REDIRECTION)
Notifications Service (Telegram):
- Notifications about new rentals created, overdue rentals, and successful payments
- Other services interact with it to send notifications to car sharing service administrators.
- Uses Telegram API, Telegram Chat, and Bot.
- Language: Java 17. Build System: Maven (with pom.xml file).
- The app was created using SOLID principles and follows the Controller - Service - Repository architecture with REST software architectural style for APIs.
- Security was implemented using Spring Boot Security with Bearer authorization using JWT tokens.
- The Repository layer was implemented using Spring Data JPA (JpaRepository) and Custom Queries.
- All sensitive information is protected using Data Transfer Objects (DTOs).
- Validation was applied for queries, and custom validation annotations were created for email and password fields in UserRegistrationRequestDto.
- Entities fetched from the repository level were automatically transformed into DTOs using Mappers (with MapStruct plugin using Lombok and MapStruct libraries) at the service level.
- CustomGlobalExceptionHandler was added to provide more informative exception handling.
- Pagination was added for specific requests.
- Stripe payment service and Telegram bot service were used for cashless payment and notification of managers.
- All endpoints were documented using Swagger.
- Liquibase was used as a database schema change management solution.
- The default user is "[email protected]" with the password "Password1234$" and the role MANAGER.
- All users registered through the common available endpoint POST: /auth/registration will have the default role USER.
- Tests were written using Testcontainers for repository-level, Mockito for service-level, and MockMvc for controller-level.
- Finally, Docker was integrated for easy application deployment (for access to private information such as JWT_SECRET and BOT_TOKEN, please contact me at [email protected]).