4 wheeled holonomous, 4 wheeled car drive and 3 wheel holonomous drive system with ps2 controller
ps2 code is the code use to control all these drive system using bluetooth wireless communication with easy of controlling by using the body of sony ps2 controller.
X drive wheeled robot, based on the AVR 2560 micro-controller, which uses a LQR control architecture. In this drive the control is done using the ps2 controller and the x drive is used because of ease of direction change which changes its direction instantly as it uses holonomous wheels. Demerit of this drive is that traction issues usually occurs when there is minor change on the surface for locomotion.
3 wheeled drive robot, based on the AVR 2560 micro-controller, which uses a PID control architecture. In this drive the control is done using the ps2 controller and the 3 wheeled drive is used because of ease of direction change which changes its direction instantly as it uses holonomous wheels and also the traction issue in this drive system gets eliminated. Demerit of this drive is that the speed output from this drive system is less than x drive system.
In this drive system we have not used holonomous wheels so the demerit of this drive results in no instantaneous direction change. In this drive we get the best speed output compared to other drive system. In this drive I have callibrated all the speeds of all the wheels of the bot. This drive system is generally used where turning is least required.