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SolBin - Solidity Binary Utility Library

License Solidity Version

SolBin is a Solidity library that provides various utility functions for working with binary numbers. It includes functions for converting decimal numbers to binary strings, counting bits, calculating Hamming distances, and more.

Table of Contents


You can install SolBin in your Solidity project via Foundry:

forge install solthodox/solbin


SolBin offers a set of utility functions for binary manipulation. Here's an overview of how to use it:

Converting Decimal to Binary

// Convert a decimal number to a binary string
uint256 value = 42;
string memory binaryString = value.toBinaryString();

Counting Set and Unset Bits

// Count the set and unset bits in a binary string
(uint256 setBits, uint256 unsetBits) = ("101001").countBits();

Calculating Hamming Distance

// Calculate the Hamming distance between two decimal numbers
uint256 distance = SolBin.getHammingDistance(46, 139);

And more...

SolBin provides additional utility functions for various binary operations.


  • toBinaryString(uint256 value): Converts a decimal number to a binary string.
  • toBinaryStringFillAllBits(uint256 value, bool fillWithOnes): Converts a decimal number to a binary string with leading zeros to a total length of 256 characters.
  • countBits(string memory bin): Counts the number of set (1) and unset (0) bits in a binary string.
  • getHammingDistance(string memory bin1, string memory bin2): Calculates the Hamming distance between two equal-length binary strings.
  • from(string memory bin): Creates a uint256 from its binary representation.
  • setBit(string memory bin): Modifies a bit of a decimal number.
  • getBit(string memory bin): Reads a bit of a decimal number.
  • insert(uint256 value, uint8 bitPosition, bool set): Manipulates uint256 numbers bit by bit.


Solbin's main purpose is to be used in testing environments where binary representations play an importante role(e.g. bitmaps).

// SPDX-License-Identifier: UNLICENSED
pragma solidity ^0.8.4;

contract BitMapContract{
    /** bitmap:
            bit 0 => condition1
            bit 1 => condition1
            bit 2 => condition1
            bit 3 => condition1
            bit 4 => condition1
            bit 5 to 160 => some address
    function foo(uint256 bitmap) {
// SPDX-License-Identifier: UNLICENSED
pragma solidity ^0.8.4;
import "forge-std/Test.sol";
import "src/SolBin.sol";
import "src/BitMapContract.sol";

contract BitMapContractTest is Test{
    using SolBin for uint256;
    using SolBin for string;

    BitMapContract public a;

    function setUp(){
        a = new BitMapContract();

    function testFoo() {
        uint256 bitmap=0;
        // manipulate each byte easily
        bitmap = bitmap

        // check out the result in console
        console.log("bitmap bin : ", bitmap.toBinaryString());;




SolBin is released under the MIT License.


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