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Nicholas Synovic edited this page Nov 9, 2021 · 7 revisions

SSL Metrics Wiki

Source of knowledge for all of the ssl-metrics projects


This wiki is meant to be the source of knowledge for all of the ssl-metrics projects. It is contains knowledge that allows anyone interested in the project to learn more about it, as well as the state of the the software engineering metrics community.

In other words, this wiki is meant to provide a landing page for those that want to begin working with us to find out more on how to do so.


Who are the maintainers of the ssl-metrics project?

We are the Software Systems Laboratory, a Computer Science/Software Engineering research organization at Loyola Univerisity Chicago.

This laboratory is both physical and digital. We have proven that significant contributions and work can be done on research projects without having to collaborate physically during the COVID-19 pandemic via digital mediums.

We welcome any student at Loyola University Chicago to apply for membership.

Who are the end users of the ssl-metrics project?

We are developing the ssl-metrics project to be used by any developer. Regardless of if the software that they are using is open or closed sourced.


What is the ssl-metrics project?

There is an emerging consensus in the scientific software community that progress in scientific research is dependent on the quality and accessibility of software at all levels. Continued progress depends on embracing the best traditional–and emergent–practices in software engineering, especially agile practices that intersect with the more formal tradition of software engineering.

As the first step in our larger exploratory project to study in-process quality metrics for software development projects in Computational Science and Engineering (CSE), we have developed the Metrics Dashboard, a platform for producing and observing metrics by mining open-source software repositories on GitHub.

The Metrics Dashboard focuses on metrics indicative of team progress and project health instead of privileging individual metrics, e.g. number of commits, etc. The Metrics Dashboard allows the user to submit the URL of a hosted repository for batch analysis, whose results are then cached. Upon completion, the user can interactively study various metrics over time (at varying granularity), numerically, and visually. The initial version of the system is up and running as a public cloud service (SaaS) and supports project size (KLOC), defect density, defect spoilage, and productivity. While our system is by no means the first to support software metrics, we believe it may be one of the first community-focused extensible resources that can be used by any hosted project.

What do we expect to achieve through this project?

We hope that by creating the ssl-metrics project that we are able to provide tools to developers and project managers to better understand underlying metrics and development patterns in their projects.

We also hope that by exploring software engineering metrics longitudily, that we can provide researchers with the tools to objectively quantify the growth or decay of a project from its conception to the current day.


Where is the Software Systems Laboratory?

Physically, the Software Systems Laboratory (SSL) is located at Loyola University Chicago.

Digitally, you can find SSL on our GitHub or at our website.

Where can you find the source code for the ssl-metrics project?

All source code is stored on our GitHub.

Projects that are related to the ssl-metrics project are titled as ssl-metrics-*.

Where can you find out more about the ssl-metrics project?

Continue to read this wiki!

Where can you find out more about the ssl-metrics maintainers?

At our website.


When was this project concevied?

This project was first concevied in August of 2016 in the paper Metrics Dashboard Services: A Framework for Analyzing Free/Open Source Team Repositories.


How to contribute

Please file issue and pull requests to their respective modules.

How to run the project

Please see the of this project for more information as well as where to read about the specifics of each module in this project.