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Backend for the Noodle-Project



Install NodeJS from the Downloads-Page or your package manager.


The following instructions are primarly for Linux. Instructions on MacOS or Windows may require other steps

  1. Install PostgreSQL either from the Downloads-Page or from your package manager
  2. Switch to the postgres-user and initialize the database cluster
sudo -iu postgres
initdb -D /var/lib/postgres/data
  1. Start or enable the PostgreSQL-Service
sudo systemctl start postgresql
  1. Create a database named noodle
createdb noodle
  1. Add a user with the name noodle
createuser noodle
psql -d noodle -c "CREATE USER noodle WITH PASSWORD 'noodle'; GRANT ALL ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA public TO noodle;"

For more information see the the Section Server Setup and Operation in the PostgreSQL-Documentation or the PostgreSQL-Entry in the Arch Linux-Wiki.


  1. Clone this repository
  2. Run npm i
  3. Set up the database settings in src/index.ts and tests/integration/helper.ts (Only needed if using a different database than describe above)
  4. Run npm start init
  • This will create a administrator with the the username administrator and the password administrator



Start the server and NOT restart on file change

npm start

Start the server and restart on file changes

npm run watch


npm run test


npm run test:e2e

Build the project

npm run build

The output of the build process will be inside build/


The application can be run by using the package (recommend) or cloning and running/building this repository.

For more information about accquiring the package see the Package Repository

If using the application in production NODE_ENV=development MUST NOT BE SET.
Not doing so will sign with the JWT with a hardcoded value and produce a huge security risk.

Running from package

Globally installed

If the packages has been installed globally, use the following command

Local installation

If the packages has been installed in a local project, use the application with the following command

npx noodleBackend

Running from the cloned repository

This will compile the project and the execute it with node, to improve performance

npm run start:prod


The API-Documentation can be found in the Wiki For the Module Documentation look here