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Deploys a Application Gateway in Azure

Based of original module:

It supports creating:

  • Public IP
  • Application Gateway
  • Diagnostic Settings

Usage Examples

You can go to the tests folder, or review the examples folder: examples


Perform the following commands on the root folder:

  • terraform init to get the plugins
  • terraform plan to see the infrastructure plan
  • terraform apply to apply the infrastructure build
  • terraform destroy to destroy the built infrastructure

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Installed Software

The following dependencies must be installed on the development system:



Name Version
azurerm n/a


No modules.


Name Type
azurerm_application_gateway.main resource
azurerm_monitor_diagnostic_setting.agw-diag resource
azurerm_monitor_diagnostic_setting.pip-diag resource
azurerm_public_ip.pip resource
azurerm_log_analytics_workspace.logws data source
azurerm_resource_group.rgrp data source
azurerm_storage_account.storeacc data source
azurerm_subnet.snet data source
azurerm_virtual_network.vnet data source


Name Description Type Default Required
agw_diag_logs Application Gateway Monitoring Category details for Azure Diagnostic setting list
app_gateway_name The name of the application gateway string "" no
authentication_certificates Authentication certificates to allow the backend with Azure Application Gateway
name = string
data = string
[] no
autoscale_configuration Minimum or Maximum capacity for autoscaling. Accepted values are for Minimum in the range 0 to 100 and for Maximum in the range 2 to 125
min_capacity = number
max_capacity = optional(number)
null no
backend_address_pools List of backend address pools
name = string
fqdns = optional(list(string))
ip_addresses = optional(list(string))
n/a yes
backend_http_settings List of backend HTTP settings.
name = string
cookie_based_affinity = string
affinity_cookie_name = optional(string)
path = optional(string)
enable_https = bool
probe_name = optional(string)
request_timeout = number
host_name = optional(string)
pick_host_name_from_backend_address = optional(bool)
authentication_certificate = optional(object({
name = string
trusted_root_certificate_names = optional(list(string))
connection_draining = optional(object({
enable_connection_draining = bool
drain_timeout_sec = number
n/a yes
custom_error_configuration Global level custom error configuration for application gateway list(map(string)) [] no
domain_name_label Label for the Domain Name. Will be used to make up the FQDN. any null no
enable_http2 Is HTTP2 enabled on the application gateway resource? bool false no
firewall_policy_id The ID of the Web Application Firewall Policy which can be associated with app gateway any null no
health_probes List of Health probes used to test backend pools health.
name = string
host = string
interval = number
path = string
                 = number<br>    unhealthy_threshold                       = number<br>    port                                      = optional(number)<br>    pick_host_name_from_backend_http_settings = optional(bool)<br>    minimum_servers                           = optional(number)<br>    match = optional(object({<br>      body        = optional(string)<br>      status_code = optional(list(string))<br>    }))<br>  }))</pre> | `[]` | no |

| http_listeners | List of HTTP/HTTPS listeners. SSL Certificate name is required |

name = string
host_name = optional(string)
host_names = optional(list(string))
require_sni = optional(bool)
ssl_certificate_name = optional(string)
firewall_policy_id = optional(string)
ssl_profile_name = optional(string)
custom_error_configuration = optional(list(object({
status_code = string
custom_error_page_url = string
| n/a | yes | | identity_ids | Specifies a list with a single user managed identity id to be assigned to the Application Gateway | any | null | no | | location | The location/region to keep all your network resources. To get the list of all locations with table format from azure cli, run 'az account list-locations -o table' | string | "" | no | | log_analytics_workspace_name | The name of log analytics workspace name | any | null | no | | pip_diag_logs | Load balancer Public IP Monitoring Category details for Azure Diagnostic setting | list |
| no | | private_ip_address | Private IP Address to assign to the Load Balancer. | any | null | no | | redirect_configuration | list of maps for redirect configurations | list(map(string)) | [] | no | | request_routing_rules | List of Request routing rules to be used for listeners. |
name = string
rule_type = string
http_listener_name = string
backend_address_pool_name = optional(string)
backend_http_settings_name = optional(string)
redirect_configuration_name = optional(string)
rewrite_rule_set_name = optional(string)
url_path_map_name = optional(string)
| [] | no | | resource_group_name | A container that holds related resources for an Azure solution | string | "" | no | | rewrite_rule_set | List of rewrite rule set including rewrite rules | any | [] | no | | sku | The sku pricing model of v1 and v2 |
name = string
tier = string
capacity = optional(number)
| n/a | yes | | ssl_certificates | List of SSL certificates data for Application gateway |
name = string
data = optional(string)
password = optional(string)
key_vault_secret_id = optional(string)
| [] | no | | ssl_policy | Application Gateway SSL configuration |
disabled_protocols = optional(list(string))
policy_type = optional(string)
policy_name = optional(string)
cipher_suites = optional(list(string))
min_protocol_version = optional(string)
| null | no | | storage_account_name | The name of the hub storage account to store logs | any | null | no | | subnet_name | The name of the subnet to use in VM scale set | string | "" | no | | tags | A map of tags to add to all resources | map(string) | {} | no | | trusted_root_certificates | Trusted root certificates to allow the backend with Azure Application Gateway |
name = string
data = string
| [] | no | | url_path_maps | List of URL path maps associated to path-based rules. |
name = string
default_backend_http_settings_name = optional(string)
default_backend_address_pool_name = optional(string)
default_redirect_configuration_name = optional(string)
default_rewrite_rule_set_name = optional(string)
path_rules = list(object({
name = string
backend_address_pool_name = optional(string)
backend_http_settings_name = optional(string)
paths = list(string)
redirect_configuration_name = optional(string)
rewrite_rule_set_name = optional(string)
firewall_policy_id = optional(string)
| [] | no | | virtual_network_name | The name of the virtual network | string | "" | no | | vnet_resource_group_name | The resource group name where the virtual network is created | any | null | no | | waf_configuration | Web Application Firewall support for your Azure Application Gateway |
firewall_mode = string
rule_set_version = string
file_upload_limit_mb = optional(number)
request_body_check = optional(bool)
max_request_body_size_kb = optional(number)
disabled_rule_group = optional(list(object({
rule_group_name = string
rules = optional(list(string))
exclusion = optional(list(object({
match_variable = string
selector_match_operator = optional(string)
selector = optional(string)
| null | no | | zones | A collection of availability zones to spread the Application Gateway over. | list(string) | [] | no |


Name Description
application_gateway_id The ID of the Application Gateway
authentication_certificate_id The ID of the Authentication Certificate
backend_address_pool_id The ID of the Backend Address Pool
backend_http_settings_id The ID of the Backend HTTP Settings Configuration
backend_http_settings_probe_id The ID of the Backend HTTP Settings Configuration associated Probe
custom_error_configuration_id The ID of the Custom Error Configuration
frontend_ip_configuration_id The ID of the Frontend IP Configuration
frontend_port_id The ID of the Frontend Port
gateway_ip_configuration_id The ID of the Gateway IP Configuration
http_listener_frontend_ip_configuration_id The ID of the associated Frontend Configuration
http_listener_frontend_port_id The ID of the associated Frontend Port
http_listener_id The ID of the HTTP Listener
http_listener_ssl_certificate_id The ID of the associated SSL Certificate
probe_id The ID of the health Probe
redirect_configuration_id The ID of the Redirect Configuration
request_routing_rule_backend_address_pool_id The ID of the Request Routing Rule associated Backend Address Pool
request_routing_rule_backend_http_settings_id The ID of the Request Routing Rule associated Backend HTTP Settings Configuration
request_routing_rule_http_listener_id The ID of the Request Routing Rule associated HTTP Listener
request_routing_rule_id The ID of the Request Routing Rule
request_routing_rule_redirect_configuration_id The ID of the Request Routing Rule associated Redirect Configuration
request_routing_rule_rewrite_rule_set_id The ID of the Request Routing Rule associated Rewrite Rule Set
request_routing_rule_url_path_map_id The ID of the Request Routing Rule associated URL Path Map
rewrite_rule_set_id The ID of the Rewrite Rule Set
ssl_certificate_id The ID of the SSL Certificate
ssl_certificate_public_cert_data The Public Certificate Data associated with the SSL Certificate
url_path_map_default_backend_address_pool_id The ID of the Default Backend Address Pool associated with URL Path Map
url_path_map_default_backend_http_settings_id The ID of the Default Backend HTTP Settings Collection associated with URL Path Map
url_path_map_default_redirect_configuration_id The ID of the Default Redirect Configuration associated with URL Path Map
url_path_map_id The ID of the URL Path Map
- Service Principals - IAM Roles - Service Accounts


Refer to the contribution guidelines for information on contributing to this module.