- Python 3.x installed on your machine
- NEO4j Server installed and configured
- Access to the OpenAI website to generate an API token
- Install requirements.
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Clone the repository to your local machine:
cd Middleware
NEO4J-HOME/bin/neo4j start
- Run the activeChecker.py script. Replace <python_command> with the appropriate command for your system.
<python_command> activeChecker.py
Go to the OpenAI website and generate an API token. Copy the generated token.
Go to the NLU folder and create a file named secret.json. Open the file and add the following JSON structure, replacing <api_token> with the token you generated in the previous step:
Copy code
"api_token": "<api_token>"
- Start the RASA server by running the actions and endpoint. Replace <rasa_command> with the appropriate command for your system.
<rasa_command> run actions
<rasa_command> run --endpoints endpoints.yml --port 5005
- Run GUI.py inside GUI folder.
<python_command> GUI.py
That's it! You have successfully set up and started the project.