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🍃 A micro HKT (higher-kinded type) implementation for TypeScript, with type safety elegantly guaranteed.


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🍃 A micro HKT (higher-kinded type) implementation for TypeScript, with type safety elegantly guaranteed.

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/* Use as classical HKTs (e.g., @effect/typeclass or fp-ts style) */
interface MonadTypeClass<F extends HKT> {
  of: <T>(a: T) => Kind<F, T>; // Lift a value into the monad
  flatMap: <T, U>(fa: Kind<F, T>, f: (a: T) => Kind<F, U>) => Kind<F, U>;

// Create a `flatten` function for a monad from a monad type class
const createFlatten =
  <F extends HKT>(monad: MonadTypeClass<F>) =>
  <T>(ffa: Kind<F, Kind<F, T>>): Kind<F, T> =>
    monad.flatMap(ffa, (x) => x);

/* Use as type-level functions (e.g., HOTScript style) */
type ConcatNames<Names extends string[]> = Pipe<
  Names, // [1]
  Filter<Flow<StringLength, NotExtend<1 | 2>>>, // Filter out short names
  Map<CapitalizeString>, // Capitalize each name
  JoinBy<", "> // Join names with a comma

type _ = ConcatNames<["alice", "bob", "i"]>; // => "Alice, Bob"

[1]: This is just an example to demonstrate type-level functions. Some types used here (e.g., Filter, Map) are not built into hkt-core. See the following sections for more details.


Higher-Kinded Types (HKT) are a powerful concept used in many popular TypeScript libraries, including Effect, fp-ts, TypeBox and HOTScript. While these libraries share the core idea of HKTs, their detailed implementations differ, making it difficult to share HKTs across libraries seamlessly.

hkt-core solves this problem by providing a standardized and type-safe HKT implementation that works for both classical HKT use cases (like @effect/typeclass or fp-ts) and type-level functions (like HOTScript). Designed for easy integration with other libraries, it’s a micro-library that focuses solely on core HKT functionality without unnecessary extras.

Regarding the type-level functions use case, hkt-core also aims for zero-cost abstractions — the type computations are optimized to be as efficient as possible. By using hkt-core, you get a more concise way to write type-level code without worrying about slowing down TypeScript's compilation.


To install hkt-core via npm (or any other package manager you prefer):

npm install hkt-core

Alternatively, if you prefer a zero-dependency approach, you can directly copy-and-paste src/index.ts into your project, which contains all hkt-core’s code in a single file. We guarantee no breaking changes in releases without a major version bump.


hkt-core introduces some concepts that might take a little time to fully grasp. To get the most out of it, we recommend following the quickstart guide from start to finish. However, if you’re eager to jump straight into examples, we’ve provided a few here as TypeScript playground links. These examples will give you a quick overview of what hkt-core can do:


This section demonstrates how to use hkt-core in two common scenarios: classical HKTs (like in @effect/typeclass or fp-ts) and type-level functions (like in HOTScript).

Use as classical HKTs 🐱


This section assumes familiarity with monads and type classes. If you’re new to these concepts, we recommend checking out the Effect documentation or the fp-ts documentation first — or feel free to skip to the next section, which is more beginner-friendly.

Let’s start with a monad example. A monad is a container type that supports flatMap (also known as chain) and of (also known as pure or return). For example, both Array and Option are monads because they support these operations. Since TypeScript doesn’t have a built-in Option type, let’s define one first:

type Option<T> = { _tag: "Some"; value: T } | { _tag: "None" };
const some = <T>(value: T): Option<T> => ({ _tag: "Some", value });
const none: Option<never> = { _tag: "None" };

Next, let’s define of and flatMap for both Array and Option. We’ll use an object to represent a monad (a monad type class):

const arrayMonad = {
  of: <T>(a: T) => [a],
  flatMap: <T, U>(fa: T[], f: (a: T) => U[]) => fa.flatMap(f),

const optionMonad = {
  of: some,
  flatMap: <T, U>(fa: Option<T>, f: (a: T) => Option<U>) =>
    fa._tag === "Some" ? f(fa.value) : none,

Now, let’s define a flatten function for a monad. Notice that flatten can be derived from flatMap:

const flattenArray = <T>(ffa: T[][]): T[] => arrayMonad.flatMap(ffa, (x) => x);
const flattenOption = <T>(ffa: Option<Option<T>>): Option<T> => optionMonad.flatMap(ffa, (x) => x);

To avoid writing separate flatten functions for each monad, we can create a createFlatten function that generates a flatten function from a monad:

const createFlatten = (monad) => (ffa) => monad.flatMap(ffa, (x) => x);

const flattenArray = createFlatten(arrayMonad);
const flattenOption = createFlatten(optionMonad);

The challenge is how to type createFlatten correctly. Ideally, createFlatten should accept a monad type class for a generic monad type F<~>, where F is a higher-kinded type. If TypeScript supported higher-kinded types natively, we could write something like this:

interface MonadTypeClass<F<~>> {
  of: <T>(a: T) => F<T>;
  flatMap: <T, U>(fa: F<T>, f: (a: T) => F<U>) => F<U>;

const arrayMonad: MonadTypeClass<Array<~>> = /* ... */;
const optionMonad: MonadTypeClass<Option<~>> = /* ... */;

const createFlatten =
  <F<~>>(monad: MonadTypeClass<F>) =>
  <T>(ffa: F<F<T>>): F<T> =>
    monad.flatMap(ffa, (x) => x);

We can think of HKTs as functions that operate on types, or as type constructors in Haskell terms (represented as * -> *). For example:

  • In Haskell, Maybe is a type constructor of kind * -> *. It takes a type a (like Int) and returns a new type Maybe a (like Maybe Int).
  • Similarly, List is a type constructor of kind * -> *. It takes a type a and returns a new type [a] (a list of a).

In the code above, F<~> represents such a type constructor. The MonadTypeClass accepts a type constructor F and uses F<T> to map a type T to a new type F<T>. For example:

  • If F is Array, then F<number> is Array<number>.
  • If F is Option, then F<string> is Option<string>.

We have seen the power of HKTs in action. Unfortunately, TypeScript doesn’t natively support this syntax. However, hkt-core provides a way to simulate it:

import { Apply, Arg0, TypeLambda1, Call1 } from "hkt-core";

// We use untyped `TypeLambda`s for now,
// see the next section for typed `TypeLambda`s
interface ArrayHKT extends TypeLambda1 {
  return: Array<Arg0<this>>;
interface OptionHKT extends TypeLambda1 {
  return: Option<Arg0<this>>;

type NumberArray = Apply<ArrayHKT, [number]>; // => Array<number>
type StringOption = Call1<OptionHKT, string>; // => Option<string>

TypeLambdas are the core building blocks of hkt-core. They represent type-level functions that operate on types. Here, we use TypeLambda1 because both Array and Option are type constructors that take one type argument. To extract the type arguments passed to a TypeLambda, we use utility types like Args, Arg0, Arg1, etc.

As shown above, we can “invoke” a TypeLambda with type arguments using Apply or its aliases like Call1, Call2, etc, which correspond to type-level functions that take exactly one, two, or more type arguments. These work similarly to Function.prototype.apply and in JavaScript.

For classical HKT use cases, hkt-core provides concise aliases like HKT and Kind, which can be seen as aliases for TypeLambda1 and Call1 (Kind is actually an alias for Call1W, see the Aliases for classical HKT use cases section for details). Using these aliases, we can define a MonadTypeClass and createFlatten function like this:

import { Arg0, HKT, Kind } from "hkt-core";

interface MonadTypeClass<F extends HKT> {
  of: <T>(a: T) => Kind<F, T>;
  flatMap: <T, U>(fa: Kind<F, T>, f: (a: T) => Kind<F, U>) => Kind<F, U>;

const createFlatten =
  <F extends HKT>(monad: MonadTypeClass<F>) =>
  <T>(ffa: Kind<F, Kind<F, T>>): Kind<F, T> =>
    monad.flatMap(ffa, (x) => x);

interface ArrayHKT extends HKT {
  return: Array<Arg0<this>>;
const arrayMonad: MonadTypeClass<ArrayHKT> = {
  of: (a) => [a],
  flatMap: (fa, f) => fa.flatMap(f),

interface OptionHKT extends HKT {
  return: Option<Arg0<this>>;
const optionMonad: MonadTypeClass<OptionHKT> = {
  of: some,
  flatMap: (fa, f) => (fa._tag === "Some" ? f(fa.value) : none),

const flattenArray = createFlatten(arrayMonad);
//    ^?: <T>(ffa: T[][]) => T[]
const flattenOption = createFlatten(optionMonad);
//    ^?: <T>(ffa: Option<Option<T>>) => Option<T>

This code achieves the same functionality as the imaginary syntax above, but it works in real TypeScript. By defining ArrayHKT and OptionHKT and using HKT and Kind, we can simulate higher-kinded types effectively.

Use as type-level functions ✨

hkt-core isn’t just for type constructors — it also supports typed type-level functions, which go beyond * -> * to enable TypeA -> TypeB transformations. This makes it possible to combine type-level functions with type-safety, including generic type-level functions!


Generic type-level functions are a powerful feature and make up almost half of hkt-core’s codebase. However, due to their complexity, they are not covered in this quickstart guide. If you are curious, check out the Generic type-level functions section after finishing this guide.

Let’s start with a JavaScript example: suppose we have an array of employee names, and we want to filter out names that are too short (which might be a bug in the data), capitalize the first letter of each name, and then join the names with a comma. We can write a function like this:

const capitalize = (s: string) => (s.length > 0 ? s[0].toUpperCase() + s.slice(1) : "");

const concatNames = (names: string[]) =>
    .filter((name) => name.length > 2)
    .join(", ");

In functional programming libraries like Effect, this can be rewritten using function composition:

import { pipe } from "effect";
import { filter, map } from "effect/Array";

const joinBy = (sep: string) => (strings: string[]) => strings.join(sep);

const concatNames = (names: string[]) =>
    filter((name) => name.length > 2),
    joinBy(", "),

Here, filter, map, and join are higher-order functions that return new unary functions, and pipe chains them together. For example, pipe(value, f, g, h) is equivalent to h(g(f(value))). Similarly, flow can be used to create a composed function in Effect, e.g., flow(f, g, h) is equivalent to (value) => h(g(f(value))).

But how can we implement such a function at type level? While the employee names example might seem trivial at type level, consider a real-world use case: replacing names with route paths, the predicate with a route prefix, and the join function with a router builder. This becomes a type-safe routing system! For now, let’s focus on the employee names example.

A practiced TypeScript developer might write the following type-level implementation:

type FilterOutShortNames<Names extends string[]> =
  Names extends [infer Head extends string, ...infer Tail extends string[]] ?
    Head extends `${infer A}${infer B}${infer C}` ?
      "" extends A | B | C ?
      : [Head, ...FilterOutShortNames<Tail>]
    : FilterOutShortNames<Tail>
  : [];

type CapitalizeNames<Names extends string[]> = {
  [K in keyof Names]: Capitalize<Names[K]>;

type JoinNames<Names extends string[]> =
  Names extends [infer Head extends string, ...infer Tail extends string[]] ?
    Tail extends [] ?
    : `${Head}, ${JoinNames<Tail>}`
  : "";

type ConcatNames<Names extends string[]> = JoinNames<CapitalizeNames<FilterOutShortNames<Names>>>;

While this works, it’s not reusable. We can identify several common patterns here:

  • Filter tuple elements: Recursive types with predicates, like FilterOutShortNames.
  • Map tuple elements: Mapped types, like CapitalizeNames.
  • Reduce tuple elements: Recursive types to reduce a tuple to a single value, like JoinNames.

If we continue writing such code, we’ll end up with a lot of boilerplate. Just as higher-order functions like filter, map, and reduce simplify JavaScript code, hkt-core enables us to implement these patterns with type-level functions in TypeScript. But before diving into implementing these familiar functions, let’s first explore how type-level functions work in hkt-core.

TypeLambdas are the core building blocks of hkt-core. They represent type-level functions that operate on types. To define a type-level function, we can create an interface extending TypeLambda and specify the return property, which describes how the input type is transformed:

import { Apply, Arg0, Arg1, Call2, Sig, TypeLambda } from "hkt-core";

interface Concat extends TypeLambda<[s1: string, s2: string], string> {
  return: `${Arg0<this>}${Arg1<this>}`;

// Use the `Sig` utility to check the signature of a type-level function
type ConcatSig = Sig<Concat>; // => (s1: string, s2: string) => string

type _1 = Apply<Concat, ["Hello", "World"]>; // => "HelloWorld"
type _2 = Call2<Concat, "foo", "bar">; // => "foobar"

Inside a TypeLambda, we can access the input types using Args<this> and its variants like Arg0<this>, Arg1<this>, etc. To “invoke” a TypeLambda, we use Apply or its aliases like Call1, Call2, etc., which correspond to type-level functions that take exactly one, two, or more type arguments. These utilities work similarly to Function.prototype.apply and in JavaScript.

It’s worth noting that the Concat type-level function we created above is typed, meaning the input types are strictly checked. We declared the parameters as [s1: string, s2: string] and the return type as string. The parameters are represented as a labeled tuple — these labels are just used by Sig to generate a human-readable signature and do not affect type checking or validation. You can remove them if you prefer.

If the input types don’t match the expected types, TypeScript will issue an error:

type ConcatWrong1 = Apply<Concat, ["foo", 42]>;
//                                ~~~~~~~~~~~
// Type '["foo", 42]' does not satisfy the constraint '[s1: string, s2: string]'.
//   Type at position 1 in source is not compatible with type at position 1 in target.
//     Type 'number' is not assignable to type 'string'.

type ConcatWrong2 = Call2<Concat, "foo", 42>;
//                                       ~~
//             Type 'number' does not satisfy the constraint 'string'.

For more details on type checking and validation (e.g., how incompatible arguments are handled and how to bypass strict type checking), check out the Type checking and validation in Detail section.

hkt-core also provides type-level Flow and Pipe utility types to compose unary type-level functions. These types work similarly to pipe and flow in Effect or fp-ts:

interface ConcatFoo extends TypeLambda<[s: string], string> {
  return: `${Arg0<this>}foo`;
interface ConcatBar extends TypeLambda<[s: string], string> {
  return: `${Arg0<this>}bar`;

type Composed = Flow<ConcatFoo, ConcatBar>;
type ComposedSig = Sig<Composed>; // => (s: string) => string
type _1 = Call1<Composed, "hello">; // => "hellofoobar"

type ConcatFooBar<S extends string> = Pipe<S, ConcatFoo, ConcatBar>;
type _2 = ConcatFooBar<"hello">; // => "hellofoobar"

Flow and Pipe supports up to 16 variadic type arguments, which should be sufficient for most use cases. Type checking is also performed on these utility types, ensuring that the input and output types match the expected types:

interface Add1 extends TypeLambda<[n: number], number> {
  return: [..._BuildTuple<Arg0<this>, void>, void]["length"];
type _BuildTuple<Length extends number, Fill, Acc extends Fill[] = []> =
  [Length] extends [never] ? never
  : Acc["length"] extends Length ? Acc
  : _BuildTuple<Length, Fill, [...Acc, Fill]>;

type ComposedWrong = Flow<ConcatFoo, Add1, ConcatBar>;
//                                   ~~~~
// Type 'Add1' does not satisfy the constraint 'TypeLambda1<string, any>'.
//   Types of property 'signature' are incompatible.
//     Type '(n: number) => number' is not assignable to type '(args_0: string) => any'.
//       Types of parameters 'n' and 'args_0' are incompatible.
//         Type 'string' is not assignable to type 'number'.

type ConcatFooBarWrong<S extends string> = Pipe<S, ConcatFoo, ConcatBar, Add1>;
//                                                                       ~~~~
// Type 'Add1' does not satisfy the constraint 'TypeLambda1<string, any>'.
//   Types of property 'signature' are incompatible.
//     Type '(n: number) => number' is not assignable to type '(args_0: string) => any'.
//       Types of parameters 'n' and 'args_0' are incompatible.
//         Type 'string' is not assignable to type 'number'.

While strict type checking on type-level functions might seem restrictive in simple examples, it becomes a powerful tool for catching errors early when working with more complex types.

Now let’s revisit the employee names example. With the knowledge we’ve gained, we can implement the type-level functions Filter, Map, and Join, and then compose them into a ConcatNames type-level function

/* Define utility type-level functions */
interface NotExtend<U> extends TypeLambda<[x: unknown], boolean> {
  return: [Arg0<this>] extends [U] ? false : true;

interface StringLength extends TypeLambda<[s: string], number> {
  return: _StringLength<Arg0<this>>;
type _StringLength<S extends string, Acc extends void[] = []> =
  S extends `${string}${infer Tail}` ? _StringLength<Tail, [...Acc, void]> : Acc["length"];

interface CapitalizeString extends TypeLambda<[s: string], string> {
  return: Capitalize<Arg0<this>>;

/* Define type-level functions for filtering, mapping and joining */
interface Filter<F extends TypeLambda1<never, boolean>>
  extends TypeLambda<[xs: Param0<F>[]], Param0<F>[]> {
  return: _Filter<F, Arg0<this>>;
type _Filter<F, TS, Acc extends unknown[] = []> =
  TS extends [infer Head, ...infer Tail] ?
    Call1W<F, Head> extends true ?
      _Filter<F, Tail, [...Acc, Head]>
    : _Filter<F, Tail, Acc>
  : Acc;

interface Map<F extends TypeLambda1> extends TypeLambda<[xs: Param0<F>[]], RetType<F>[]> {
  return: _Map<F, Arg0<this>>;
type _Map<F, TS> = { [K in keyof TS]: Call1W<F, TS[K]> };

interface JoinBy<Sep extends string> extends TypeLambda<[strings: string[]], string> {
  return: Arg0<this> extends [infer S extends string] ? S
  : Arg0<this> extends [infer Head extends string, ...infer Tail extends string[]] ?
    `${Head}${Sep}${Call1<JoinBy<Sep>, Tail>}`
  : "";

/* We can use either `Flow` or `Pipe` to compose type-level functions */
type ConcatNamesFn = Flow<
  Filter<Flow<StringLength, NotExtend<1 | 2>>>,
  JoinBy<", ">
type ConcatNamesSig = Sig<ConcatNamesFn>; // => (xs: string[]) => string

type ConcatNames<Names extends string[]> = Pipe<
  Filter<Flow<StringLength, NotExtend<1 | 2>>>,
  JoinBy<", ">

/* Test the results! */
type Names = ["alice", "bob", "i", "charlie"];

type _1 = Call1<ConcatNamesFn, Names>; // => "Alice, "Bob", Charlie"
type _2 = ConcatNames<Names>; // => "Alice, "Bob", Charlie"

Some unfamiliar utility types are used in the example above:

  • Params and its variants (Param0, Param1, etc.) are used to extract the declared parameters of a TypeLambda.
  • RetType is used to extract the declared return type of a TypeLambda.

Don’t confuse these with the actual arguments passed to a TypeLambda, which are accessed using Args and its variants. You might notice that these type names are similar to Parameters and ReturnType in TypeScript — this is intentional to make them easier to remember.

We also use an interesting pattern to define types that “return” a type-level function. For example, Filter and JoinBy are just simple type-level functions, but by using generic type parameters, we can “invoke” them with different types to create different type-level functions.

In the following sections, we’ll refer to these simple type-level functions with generic type parameters (like Filter, Map, and JoinBy) as “type-level function templates”. We’ll represent their signatures as:

  • Filter: <T>[predicate: (value: T) => boolean](values: T[]) => T[]
  • Map: <T>[f: (value: T) => U](values: T[]) => U[]
  • JoinBy: [sep: string](strings: string[]) => string

Here, the part wrapped with [...] represents the generic type parameters, and the part wrapped with (...) represents the actual parameters. If you’re looking for a truly generic type-level function, check out the Generic Type-Level Functions section


Generic type-level functions

While the “type-level function templates” technique as described at the end of the quickstart guide is useful in some cases, it has limitations. There’re times when a truly generic type-level functions is still unavoidable.

Let’s continue with the employee names example from the quickstart guide. Sometimes, the number of employees might be too large, and we only want to display the first 3 names. In common functional programming libraries, this can be achieved by using a function typically called take, which accepts a number n and a list of values, and returns the first n values of the list. We can define a type-level function Take as follows:

interface Take<N extends number> extends TypeLambda<[values: any[]], any[]> {
  return: _Take<Arg0<this>, N>;
type _Take<TS extends unknown[], N extends number, Counter extends void[] = []> =
  TS extends [infer Head, ...infer Tail] ?
    Counter["length"] extends N ?
    : [Head, ..._Take<Tail, N, [...Counter, void]>]
  : [];

type TakeSig = Sig<Take<3>>; // => (values: any[]) => any[]

Since we haven’t yet introduced the concept of generic type-level functions, we simply declare the signature of Take as [n: number](values: any[]) => any[]. Let’s use it to enhance the ConcatNames example:

interface Append<Suffix extends string> extends TypeLambda<[s: string], string> {
  return: `${Arg0<this>}${Suffix}`;

type ConcatNames = Flow<
  Filter<Flow<StringLength, NotExtend<1 | 2>>>,
  JoinBy<", ">,
  Append<", ...">

type Names = ["alice", "bob", "i", "charlie", "david"];
type _ = Call1<ConcatNames, Names>; // => "Alice, Bob, Charlie, ..."

This version works as expected, but we lose some type safety since the return type of Take is any[]. If we change Map<CapitalizeString> to something like Map<RepeatString<"foo">>, TypeScript will not catch the error:

interface RepeatString<S extends string> extends TypeLambda<[n: number], string> {
  return: _RepeatString<S, Arg0<this>>;
type _RepeatString<S extends string, Times extends number, Counter extends void[] = []> =
  [Times] extends [never] ? never
  : Counter["length"] extends Times ? ""
  : `${S}${_RepeatString<S, Times, [...Counter, void]>}`;

type ConcatNames = Flow<
  Filter<Flow<StringLength, NotExtend<1 | 2>>>,
  JoinBy<", ">,
  Append<", ...">

// Unexpected result!
type _ = Call1<ConcatNames, Names>; // => "${string}, ..."

We can declare Take as a generic type-level function to ensure type safety:

import type { Arg0, Sig, TArg, TypeLambdaG } from "hkt-core";

interface Take<N extends number> extends TypeLambdaG<["T"]> {
  signature: (values: TArg<this, "T">[]) => TArg<this, "T">[];
  return: _Take<Arg0<this>, N>;

type TakeSig = Sig<Take<3>>; // => <T>(values: T[]) => T[]

Here, instead of extending TypeLambda, we extend TypeLambdaG, where the G suffix stands for “generic”. Instead of directly declaring the signature in TypeLambda, we declare the type parameter list in TypeLambdaG and use the signature property inside the function body to define the signature. All declared type parameters can be accessed using the TArg<this, "Name"> syntax within the TypeLambdaG body.

By defining Take as a generic type-level function, TypeScript can now catch the error:

type ConcatNames = Flow<
  Filter<Flow<StringLength, NotExtend<1 | 2>>>,
  // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  // Type 'Map<RepeatString<"foo">>' does not satisfy the constraint 'TypeLambda1<string[], any>'.
  //   Types of property 'signature' are incompatible.
  //     Type '(xs: number[]) => string[]' is not assignable to type '(args_0: string[]) => any'.
  //       Types of parameters 'xs' and 'args_0' are incompatible.
  //         Type 'string[]' is not assignable to type 'number[]'.
  //           Type 'string' is not assignable to type 'number'.
  JoinBy<", ">,
  Append<", ...">

How does this work? Similar to generic functions in TypeScript, the inference mechanism of generic type-level functions in hkt-core also relies on type parameters, which works as follows:

  1. Try to infer the type parameters from all the parameter types or return types that are already known.
  2. If a type parameter cannot be inferred, it defaults to its upper bound (unknown by default).
  3. Replace all occurrences of type parameters in the signature with their actual types.

In the example above, we already know the type of the first parameter of Take<3> is string[] (from the previous type-level function Filter<Flow<StringLength, NotExtend<1 | 2>>>), so we can infer the type parameter T in Take as string. Then, we replace TArg<this, "T"> with string in the signature of Take, inferring the return type as string[]. This allows TypeScript to catch the error when the next type-level function Map expects number[] but receives string[].

How can Flow pass the “known” types to Take in order to return the correct type? Internally, it involves a utility type called TypeArgs, which accepts the second argument, Known, as the known types, and then gives the inferred type parameters:

import type { TypeArgs } from "hkt-core";

type InferredTypeArgs1 = TypeArgs<Take<3>, [string[]]>; // => { readonly "~T": string }
type InferredTypeArgs2 = TypeArgs<Take<3>, { 0: number[] }>; // => { readonly "~T": number }
type InferredTypeArgs3 = TypeArgs<Take<3>, { r: boolean[] }>; // => { readonly "~T": boolean }
type InferredTypeArgs3 = TypeArgs<Take<3>, { 0: string[]; r: number[] }>; // => { readonly "~T": string | number }

Here, Known can be an object with integer keys and a special key "r" (tuples are also supported since they satisfy this condition), where the integer keys represent known parameter types at specific indexes, and "r" represents the known return type.

Utility types like Params, RetType, and their variants also support Known to provide a more precise result based on the known types:

type InferredParams = Params<Take<3>, { r: string[] }>; // => [values: string[]]
type InferredRetType = RetType<Take<3>, { 0: string[] }>; // => string[]

The implementation of Flow relies on the second argument of RetType to compute a more precise return type of a type-level function based on the return type of the previous one, which is how type safety is achieved.

Now that we’ve explored how the generic type system works in hkt-core, let’s look at the format of generic type parameters in more detail:

type GenericTypeParams = Array<SimpleTypeParam | TypeParamWithUpperBound>;
// A simple type parameter with only a name and the upper bound defaults to `unknown`
type SimpleTypeParam = `${Capitalize<string>}`;
// A type parameter with its name (the first element) and an upper bound (the second element)
type TypeParamWithUpperBound = [`${Capitalize<string>}`, unknown];

At the end of this section, let’s quickly skim some examples of other generic type-level functions:

// A type-level function that simply returns the input (this is already built into hkt-core)
interface Identity extends TypeLambdaG<["T"]> {
  signature: (value: TArg<this, "T">) => TArg<this, "T">;
  return: Arg0<this>;

type IdentitySig = Sig<Identity>; // => <T>(value: T) => T

// A generic implementation of `Map`
interface Map extends TypeLambdaG<["T", "U"]> {
  signature: (
    f: TypeLambda<[x: TArg<this, "T">], TArg<this, "U">>,
    xs: TArg<this, "T">[],
  ) => TArg<this, "U">[];
  return: _Map<Arg0<this>, Arg1<this>>;
type _Map<F, TS> = { [K in keyof TS]: Call1W<F, TS[K]> };

type MapSig = Sig<Map>; // => <T, U>(f: (x: T) => U, xs: T[]) => U[]

// A generic `Object.fromEntries` at type level
interface FromEntries extends TypeLambdaG<[["K", PropertyKey], "V"]> {
  signature: (
    entries: [TArg<this, "K">, TArg<this, "V">][],
  ) => Record<TArg<this, "K">, TArg<this, "V">>;
  return: _FromEntries<Arg0<this>>;
type _FromEntries<Entries extends [PropertyKey, unknown][]> = _PrettifyObject<{
  [K in Entries[number][0]]: Extract<Entries[number], [K, unknown]>[1];
type _PrettifyObject<O> = O extends infer U ? { [K in keyof U]: U[K] } : never;

type FromEntriesSig = Sig<FromEntries>; // => <K extends PropertyKey, V>(entries: [K, V][]) => Record<K, V>
type _ = Call1<FromEntries, [["name", string], ["age", number]]>; // => { name: string, age: number }

Aliases for classical HKT use cases

hkt-core provide the following aliases for type constructors:

  • HKT, HKT2, HKT3 and HKT4 are aliases for TypeLambda1, TypeLambda2, TypeLambda3 and TypeLambda4, respectively.
  • Kind, Kind2, Kind3 and Kind4 are aliases for Call1W, Call2W, Call3W and Call4W, respectively.

The aliases for higher-arity type constructors allow you to work with type constructors that take multiple type arguments, such as Either<L, R> or State<S, A>.

The W suffix in Call*W stands for “widening”, meaning type checking and validation are relaxed for arguments passed to the type-level function. For more details, see the Bypass strict type checking and validation sections.

Type checking and validation in detail

Type checking V.S. Type validation

Just like in plain TypeScript, type checking and type validation are two different concepts that are often confused.

In plain TypeScript, type checking refers to the compile-time verification that ensures variables, function parameters, and return values match their declared types. Meanwhile, (runtime) type validation is the run-time process that confirms actual values conform to the declared types. Type checking is handled by the TypeScript compiler, whereas type validation is usually performed by custom code or 3rd-party libraries such as Zod, TypeBox and Arktype.

Although hkt-core is a type-only library operating solely at compile-time, the distinction still applies. In hkt-core, type checking verifies that the input types provided to a type-level function are compatible with the declared types, e.g., the TypeScript compiler will emit errors for signature mismatches in utilities like Flow or Pipe.

On the other hand, type validation in hkt-core ensures that the actual arguments passed or the computed return result match the declared types, typically using utilities like Args, Apply and Call*. For example, if a Concat type-level function declared to return a string accidentally returns a number, the utility will yield never as the result without triggering a TypeScript error.

Bypass strict type checking and validation

There are cases where you might want to bypass strict type checking or validation, such as when working with complex generic types or when you need to handle incompatible types. hkt-core provides a set of utilities to help you handle these cases:

  • ApplyW, Call1W, Call2W, etc. are the “widening” versions of Apply, Call1, Call2, etc. They relax both type checking for arguments passed to the type-level function and type validation for the return type.
  • RawArgs and its variants (RawArg0, RawArg1, etc.) are used to access the original arguments passed to a TypeLambda, regardless of whether they are compatible with the parameters.
  • Params, RetType, Args and RawArgs all provide their widening versions (e.g., RetTypeW, Args0W, RawArgs1W, etc.) to bypass strict type checking. Unlike ApplyW and its variants, which relax both type checking for arguments and type validation for return types, these widening utilities are simple aliases for their strict counterparts that relaxes type checking. They return never when the input type is not a TypeLambda, and do not perform additional checks or relaxations.

Note that using ApplyW and its variants alone does not fully bypass strict type checking and validation if the body of a type-level function is still defined using Args and its variants. ApplyW and its variants only relax type checking for arguments passed to the type-level function and the return type, but they do not suppress type validation performed by Args in the type-level function’s body. For example:

interface Concat extends TypeLambda<[s1: string, s2: string], string> {
  return: `${Arg0<this>}${Arg1<this>}`;

type ConcatWrong = ApplyW<Concat, ["foo", 42]>; // => never

Here, ApplyW<Concat, ["foo", 42]> still returns never because 42 is not compatible with string. To handle incompatible types, you can use RawArgs and its variants to access the original arguments:

type Stringifiable = string | number | bigint | boolean | null | undefined;

interface Concat extends TypeLambda<[s1: string, s2: string], string> {
  return: RawArg0<this> extends infer S1 extends Stringifiable ?
    RawArg1<this> extends infer S2 extends Stringifiable ?
    : never
  : never;

type ConcatWrong = ApplyW<Concat, ["foo", 42]>; // => "foo42"

However, you still need to manually check the types of RawArg0<this> and RawArg1<this> to ensure they are compatible with stringifiable types. Otherwise, TypeScript will issue an error:

interface Concat extends TypeLambda<[s1: string, s2: string], string> {
  return: `${RawArg0<this>}${RawArg1<this>}`;
  //         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  // Type 'RawArg0<this>' is not assignable to type 'string | number | bigint | boolean | null | undefined'.
  // Type 'RawArg1<this>' is not assignable to type 'string | number | bigint | boolean | null | undefined'.

While ApplyW might seem less useful in this example, it can be helpful in specific scenarios, such as when relaxing the return type of a type-level function:

interface Concat extends TypeLambda<[s1: string, s2: string], number> {
  // <- Return type is `number`
  return: `${Arg0<this>}${Arg1<this>}`;

type _1 = Apply<Concat, ["foo", "bar"]>; // => never, since the declared return type is `number`
type _2 = ApplyW<Concat, ["foo", "bar"]>; // => "foobar", since the return type is relaxed

As we can see, bypassing strict type checking doesn’t always simplify things and can introduce additional complexity. These widening utilities are primarily intended for handling complex scenarios, such as when dealing with intricate variance or type constraints, and are not meant for common use cases. For example, they are useful when defining a Flip type-level function (already built into hkt-core) that swaps the order of two types.

In most cases, you don’t need these widening utilities if you skip declaring your type-level function’s signatures (i.e., use untyped type-level functions). The parameters and return type of TypeLambda already default to any, so these widening utilities and their strict counterparts behave the same in such cases, as shown in the Use as classical HKTs section.

Type validation in Args

Args and its variants (Arg0, Arg1, etc.) enforce strict type validation inside the TypeLambda definition. By using them, TypeScript can infer the types of the arguments against the declared parameters correctly — meaning you don’t need to manually check the types of the arguments inside the TypeLambda, they just work!

type JoinString<S1 extends string, S2 extends string> = `${S1}${S2}`;
type JoinStringAndNumber<S extends string, N extends number> = `${S}${N}`;

// This is not necessary
interface ConcatRedundant extends TypeLambda<[s1: string, s2: string], string> {
  return: Arg0<this> extends infer S1 extends string ?
    Arg1<this> extends infer S2 extends string ?
      JoinString<S1, S2>
    : never
  : never;

// This is enough
interface Concat extends TypeLambda<[s1: string, s2: string], string> {
  return: JoinString<Arg0<this>, Arg1<this>>; // OK

// Incompatible type errors are caught by TypeScript
interface ConcatMismatch extends TypeLambda<[s1: string, s2: string], string> {
  // The intermediate error messages might be confusing, just focus on the last one for the actual issue
  return: JoinStringAndNumber<Arg0<this>, Arg1<this>>;
  //                                      ~~~~~~~~~~
  // Type 'Arg1<this>' does not satisfy the constraint 'number'.
  //   Type 'CastArgs<unknown, TolerantParams<this>>[1]' is not assignable to type 'number'.
  //     Type 'TolerantParams<this>[1] | (AlignArgs<{}, TolerantParams<this>, []> extends infer CastedArgs extends ExpectedParams ? CastedArgs : never)[1]' is not assignable to type 'number'.
  //       Type 'TolerantParams<this>[1]' is not assignable to type 'number'.
  //         Type 'string' is not assignable to type 'number'.

What happens if you force-call a typed type-level function with incompatible types? In such cases, incompatible arguments are replaced with never:

interface Concat extends TypeLambda<[s1: string, s2: string], string> {
  return: [Arg0<this>, Arg1<this>]; // We just print the arguments here for demonstration

type ConcatWrong = Call2W<Concat, "foo", 42>; // => ["foo", never]

The rules for handling incompatible arguments are as follows:

  • If an argument is not compatible with the corresponding parameter, it is cast to never.
  • Redundant arguments are truncated.
  • Missing arguments are filled with never.

Here’s an example to demonstrate these rules:

interface PrintArgs extends TypeLambda<[a: string, b: string], string> {
  return: Args<this>;

// Incompatible arguments are cast to `never`
type _1 = ApplyW<PrintArgs, ["foo", 42]>; // => ["foo", never]
// Redundant arguments are truncated
type _2 = ApplyW<PrintArgs, ["foo", "bar", "baz"]>; // => ["foo", "bar"]
// Missing arguments are filled with `never`
type _3 = ApplyW<PrintArgs, ["foo"]>; // => ["foo", never]

If you want to access the original arguments passed to a TypeLambda, regardless of whether they are compatible with the parameters, use RawArgs or its variants instead (see the Bypass strict type checking and validation section for more details).

Type checking and validation in Apply and Call*

Just like Args and its variants, which coerce the arguments to match the declared parameters, Apply and its variants (Call1, Call2, etc.) coerce the returned value of a type-level function to match the declared return type. If the returned value is not compatible with the declared return type, it is cast to never:

interface Concat extends TypeLambda<[s1: string, s2: string], string> {
  return: `${Arg0<this>}${Arg1<this>}`;

// Here we return a number, which is incompatible with the declared return type `string`
interface ConcatWrong extends TypeLambda<[s1: string, s2: string], string> {
  return: 42;

type _1 = Apply<Concat, ["foo", "bar"]>; // => "foobar"
type _2 = Apply<ConcatWrong, ["foo", "bar"]>; // => never
type _3 = Call2<ConcatWrong, "foo", "bar">; // => never

In the example above, ConcatWrong returns a number, which is incompatible with the declared return type string. Even though ConcatWrong returns a value that is not never (i.e., 42), Apply still coerces the returned value to never because it is not compatible with the declared return type. The same applies to the variants of Apply, such as Call2 in this case.

As is already mentioned in the Bypass strict type checking and validation section, you can use ApplyW and its variants if you don’t want the return value to be coerced to never when it’s incompatible with the declared return type.

While the return type coercion behavior of Apply and its variants might cause confusion in some cases, it is useful for making TypeScript aware of type incompatibilities early on. For example, let’s revisit the JoinBy function from the JoinBy function from the Generic type-level functions section. However, instead of using Arg0<this> extends [infer S extends string] in the body, let’s remove the extends string constraint and use Arg0<this> extends [infer S]:

interface JoinBy<Sep extends string> extends TypeLambda<[strings: string[]], string> {
  return: Arg0<this> extends [infer S] ? S
  : Arg0<this> extends [infer Head extends string, ...infer Tail extends string[]] ?
    `${Head}${Sep}${Call1<JoinBy<Sep>, Tail>}`
  : "";

In this case, TypeScript cannot ensure that the return type of JoinBy is always string, because it cannot infer the type of S in the first condition, even though we know S can only be string. If we replace Call1 with Call1W, we’ll actually get an error:

interface JoinBy<Sep extends string> extends TypeLambda<[strings: string[]], string> {
  return: Arg0<this> extends [infer S] ? S
  : Arg0<this> extends [infer Head extends string, ...infer Tail extends string[]] ?
    `${Head}${Sep}${Call1W<JoinBy<Sep>, Tail>}`
  : //              ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    // Type '...' is not assignable to type 'string | number | bigint | boolean | null | undefined'.
    //   Type 'unknown' is not assignable to type 'string | number | bigint | boolean | null | undefined'.

However, because we use Call1 in the original implementation, TypeScript doesn’t report such an issue in the function. This is because Call1 always coerces the return value to match the declared return type string, allowing TypeScript to ensure that the type of Call1<JoinBy<Sep>, Tail> must be string, and thus no issue arises.

Type checking and validation in generic type-level functions


This section assumes you’ve already read the Generic type-level functions section.

When it comes to generic type-level functions, the type checking/validation behavior is slightly different. The general rule is still the same as in previous sections, but here we have to address an issue that can often break type checking in many libraries: variance.

Consider the generic Map example we skimmed at the end of the Generic type-level functions section:

interface Map extends TypeLambdaG<["T", "U"]> {
  signature: (
    f: TypeLambda<[x: TArg<this, "T">], TArg<this, "U">>,
    xs: TArg<this, "T">[],
  ) => TArg<this, "U">[];
  return: _Map<Arg0<this>, Arg1<this>>;
type _Map<F, TS> = { [K in keyof TS]: Call1W<F, TS[K]> };

Let’s try to implement a “type-safe” MyApply based on ApplyW, which you might initially write like this:

type MyApply<F extends TypeLambda, Args extends Params<F>> = ApplyW<F, Args>;

This works well for simple non-generic type-level functions, such as Concat, Add, or even type-level function templates like JoinBy. But when we apply it to Map, an issue arises:

type _ = MyApply<Map, [Append<"baz">, ["foo", "bar"]]>;
//                    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
// Type '[Append<"baz">, ["foo", "bar"]]' does not satisfy the constraint '[f: TypeLambda<[x: unknown], unknown>, xs: unknown[]]'.
//   Type at position 0 in source is not compatible with type at position 0 in target.
//     The types of 'signature' are incompatible between these types.
//       Type '(s: string) => string' is not assignable to type '(x: unknown) => unknown'.
//         Types of parameters 's' and 'x' are incompatible.
//           Type 'unknown' is not assignable to type 'string'.

This issue arises due to TypeScript's generic instantiation mechanism: when TypeScript cannot infer the type of a type parameter, it defaults to its upper bound (unknown by default). For those familiar with variance handling in TypeScript, this behavior may seem unintuitive: for covariant type parameters, this is expected, but for contravariant type parameters (like those in function parameters), they should default to never. This mismatch is why the issue occurs.

Let’s take a look at the result of Params<Map> to better understand the root cause:

type ParamsOfMap = Params<Map>; // => [f: TypeLambda<[x: unknown], unknown>, xs: unknown[]]

The signature of Append<"baz"> is (s: string) => string, whereas the expected signature is (x: unknown) => unknown. Because of the covariant nature of function parameters in TypeScript, (s: string) => string is not considered a subtype of (x: unknown) => unknown. This is because unknown is not assignable to string, which causes the type checking error.

Similar issues also occur in non-type-level functions in TypeScript. For example:

const apply = <F extends (...args: any) => unknown>(f: F, args: Parameters<F>): ReturnType<F> =>
  Function.prototype.apply(f, args);

const map = <T, U>(f: (x: T) => U, xs: T[]): U[] =>;

apply(map, [(s: string) => s + "baz", ["foo", "bar"]]);
//          ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
//          Type '(s: string) => string' is not assignable to type '(x: unknown) => unknown'.
//            Types of parameters 's' and 'x' are incompatible.
//              Type 'unknown' is not assignable to type 'string'.

This explains why the signature of Function.prototype.apply in TypeScript is (thisArg: any, argArray?: any) => any: TypeScript cannot correctly handle the variance of function parameters, so it uses any to bypass strict type checking.

However, in hkt-core, we need a solution for this problem because the only way to invoke a type-level function is through utilities like Apply and Call*. That’s where TolerantParams and TolerantRetType come in. They work as follows:

  1. Test the variance of each type parameter (using dummy types):
    • If a type parameter is covariant, it is replaced with its upper bound.
    • If a type parameter is contravariant, it is replaced with never.
    • If a type parameter is invariant, it is replaced with any.
  2. Replace the type parameters in the signature with the corresponding types.
  3. Extract the parameters or return type from the signature.

By applying these rules, TolerantParams and TolerantRetType yield more precise results than Params and RetType when used with generic type-level functions:

import type { TolerantParams, TolerantRetType } from "hkt-core";

type TolerantParamsOfMap = TolerantParams<Map>; // => [f: TypeLambda<[x: never], unknown>, xs: unknown[]]
type TolerantRetTypeOfMap = TolerantRetType<Map>; // => unknown[]

With TolerantParams replacing Params, TypeScript no longer throws errors about incompatible types — and that’s how type checking for parameters is handled in Apply and its variants.

The same principles apply to Args and its variants. TolerantParams is used instead of Params to ensure correct type validation, and we’ll skip the details here since they work in much the same way.

Common Utilities

There are many utilities commonly used in functional programming libraries. Some are very simple but are used frequently, while others may be used less often but can be quite complex to implement at the type level, especially to work well with generic type-level functions. Some of these utilities are already built into hkt-core and can be seamlessly composed with your own type-level functions.

Always, Identity and Ask

These utilities are simple but frequently used in functional programming libraries. Let's start with Always, which creates a type-level function that accepts zero arguments and always returns a constant value (this function is often called constant in some libraries):

interface Always<T> extends TypeLambda<[], T> {
  return: T;

This utility is useful when a type-level function accepts a transformer function, like TypeLambda1, to transform the input type, but you don’t actually need to transform the input type and just want to return a constant value:

// Suppose we have a Rust-like `Result` type
type Result<T, E> = Ok<T> | Err<E>;
// ... and a utility type-level function `Result.Match` to match the result
namespace Result {
  export interface Match<OnOk extends TypeLambda1, OnErr extends TypeLambda1>
    extends TypeLambda</* ... */> {
    return: /* ... */

type _ = Pipe<Ok<"Bob">, Result.Match<Prepend<"Mr. ">, Always<"Oops!">>>; // => "Mr. Bob"

Next is Identity, a generic type-level function that accepts a single argument and returns the same value:

interface Identity extends TypeLambdaG<["T"]> {
  signature: (value: TArg<this, "T">) => TArg<this, "T">;
  return: Arg0<this>;

Identity serves a similar role to Always, useful when you need to pass a transformer function but don’t want to transform the input type:

type MatchResult = Pipe<Err<"Oops!">>, Result.Match<Prepend<"Mr. ">, Identity>>;

Another interesting use case of Identity is converting a FlatMap operation to Flatten by passing Identity as the transformer, and you can find even more use cases in practice

Lastly, we have Ask, which behaves similarly to Identity, but instead of being a generic type-level function, it is defined as a type-level function template:

interface Ask<T> extends TypeLambda<[value: T], T> {
  return: Arg0<this>;

Ask might be the most useful utility among these three. It is commonly used with Flow or Compose to “pin” the signature of a type-level function to a specific type. For example:

import type { Ask, Compose, Flow, Identity } from "hkt-core";

type IdentityStringSig = Sig<Flow<Ask<string>, Identity>>; // => (value: string) => string

// You can also use `Compose`, which is used internally by `Flow`,
// to compose exactly 2 type-level functions from **right to left**
type IdentityNumberSig = Sig<Compose<Identity, Ask<number>>>; // => (value: number) => number

When composing multiple type-level functions via Flow, if the first function is a generic type-level function, you can use Ask to “pin” the first type-level function to avoid type errors about incompatible types.

Tupled and Untupled

Flow and Pipe are incredibly useful for composing multiple type-level functions together, but they only work with functions that accept a single argument. If you have a type-level function that accepts multiple arguments, you can use Tupled to convert it into a function that accepts a single tuple argument:

interface Concat extends TypeLambda<[s1: string, s2: string], string> {
  return: `${Arg0<this>}${Arg1<this>}`;
type ConcatSig = Sig<Concat>; // => (s1: string, s2: string) => string
type _1 = Call2<Concat, "foo", "bar">; // => "foobar"

type TupledConcat = Tupled<Concat>;
type TupledConcatSig = Sig<TupledConcat>; // => (args: [s1: string, s2: string]) => string
type _2 = Call1<TupledConcat, ["foo", "bar"]>; // => "foobar"

The inverse of Tupled is Untupled, which converts a function that accepts a single tuple argument back into a function that accepts multiple arguments:

interface First extends TypeLambdaG<["T"]> {
  signature: (pair: [TArg<this, "T">, unknown]) => TArg<this, "T">;
  return: Arg0<this>[0];
type FirstSig = Sig<First>; // => <T>(pair: [T, unknown]) => T
type _1 = Call1<First, [42, "foo"]>; // => 42

type UntupledFirst = Untupled<First>;
type UntupledFirstSig = Sig<UntupledFirst>; // => <T>(args_0: T, args_1: unknown) => T
type _2 = Call2<UntupledFirst, 42, "foo">; // => 42


Flip is useful when you need to swap the order of the arguments in a TypeLambda2. It is already built into hkt-core and can be used as follows:

interface Map extends TypeLambdaG<["T", "U"]> {
  signature: (
    f: TypeLambda<[x: TArg<this, "T">], TArg<this, "U">,
    xs: TArg<this, "T">[],
  ) => TArg<this, "U">[];
  return: _Map<Arg0<this>, Arg1<this>>;
type _Map<F, TS> = { [K in keyof TS]: Call1W<F, TS[K]> };

type MapSig = Sig<Map>; // => <T, U>(f: (x: T) => U, xs: T[]) => U[]
type _1 = Call2<Map, Append<"baz">, ["foo", "bar"]>; // => ["foobaz", "barbaz"]

type FlippedMap = Flip<Map>;
type FlippedMapSig = Sig<FlippedMap>; // => <U, T>(xs: U[], f: (x: U) => T) => T[]
type _2 = Call2<FlippedMap, ["foo", "bar"], Append<"baz">>; // => ["foobaz", "barbaz"]

As you can see, Flip swaps the order of the arguments in the function. In this example, the Map function originally expects the function (f) to be the first argument, and the array (xs) to be the second. After using Flip, the arguments are reversed so that the array comes first, followed by the function.

Flip also works with curried binary type-level functions (i.e., TypeLambda1<TypeLambda1>):

// See the next section for `Curry`
type CurriedMap = Curry<Map>;
type CurriedMapSig = Sig<CurriedMap>; // => <T, U>(f: (x: T) => U) => (xs: T[]) => U[]
type _1 = Call1<Call1<CurriedMap, Append<"baz">>, ["foo", "bar"]>; // => ["foobaz", "barbaz"]

type FlippedCurriedMap = Flip<CurriedMap>;
type FlippedCurriedMapSig = Sig<FlippedCurriedMap>; // => <T, U>(xs: T[]) => (f: (x: T) => U) => U[]
type _2 = Call1<Call1<FlippedCurriedMap, ["foo", "bar"]>, Append<"baz">>; // => ["foobaz", "barbaz"]


Currying is a common technique in functional programming that transforms a function accepting multiple arguments into a series of functions that each accept a single argument. While useful, currying doesn't fit well in TypeScript, especially auto-currying (see a discussion about TypeScript support in Ramda’s repository). It’s also quite challenging to create a type-safe, general-purpose curry function that works well with generics.

However, it is possible to create type-safe curry functions for a specific number of arguments (e.g., curry2, curry3, etc.), or use overloads for each number of arguments to create a close-to-general-purpose, type-safe curry function. hkt-core provides a utility called Curry that supports up to 3 arguments, which can be thought of as a combination of overloads for curry2 and curry3.

For example, you can curry the previously defined Map function like this:

type CurriedMap = Curry<Map>;
type CurriedMapSig = Sig<CurriedMap>; // => <T, U>(f: (x: T) => U) => (xs: T[]) => U[]
type _ = Call1<Call1<CurriedMap, Append<"baz">>, ["foo", "bar"]>; // => ["foobaz", "barbaz"]

You can also create a curried version of Reduce:

interface Reduce extends TypeLambdaG<["T", "U"]> {
  signature: (
    f: TypeLambda<[acc: TArg<this, "U">, x: TArg<this, "T">], TArg<this, "U">>,
    init: TArg<this, "U">,
    xs: TArg<this, "T">[],
  ) => TArg<this, "U">;
  return: _Reduce<Arg0<this>, Arg1<this>, Arg2<this>>;
type ReduceSig = Sig<Reduce>; // => <T, U>(f: (acc: U, x: T) => U, init: U, xs: T[]) => U
type _1 = Call3<Reduce, Concat, "", ["foo", "bar", "baz"]>; // => "foobarbaz"

type CurriedReduce = Curry<Reduce>;
type CurriedReduceSig = Sig<CurriedReduce>; // => <T, U>(f: (acc: U, x: T) => U) => (init: U) => (xs: T[]) => U
type _2 = Call1<Call1<Call1<CurriedReduce, Concat>, "">, ["foo", "bar", "baz"]>; // => "foobarbaz"

Curry is also quite useful in combination with Flip. If you have a binary type-level function like Map, you can use Curry and Flip to create two type-level function templates with different argument orders:

// <T, U>[f: (x: T) => U](xs: T[]) => U[]
type MapBy<F extends TypeLambda1> = Call1<Curry<Map>, F>;
type MapBySig = Sig<MapBy<Append<"baz">>>; // => (xs: string[]) => string[]

// <T, U>[xs: T[]](f: (x: T) => U) => U[]
type MapOn<TS extends unknown[]> = Call1<Curry<Flip<Map>>, TS>;
type MapOnSig = Sig<MapOn<string[]>>; // => (f: (x: string) => unknown) => unknown[]

It’s worth noting that U is widened to unknown in the MapOn example. This is a limitation of TypeScript’s type inference system, and you’ll encounter the same issue if you define similar non-type-level flip and curry2 functions in TypeScript. We provide this example for demonstration purposes, but in real-world scenarios, manually creating curried versions for the two different argument orders is generally a better choice.

Tips for creating and managing your type-level functions

hkt-core is a core library that provides essential utilities for type-level programming in TypeScript, but it doesn’t come with many built-in type-level functions out of the box. We’ve shown some examples of useful type-level functions in the previous sections, and you might create your own toolkit with a lot of useful type-level functions based on hkt-core. Below are some tips for creating and managing your type-level functions effectively.

First, while it might seem appealing, we don’t recommend creating auto-currying type-level functions like those in HOTScript. TypeScript cannot reliably identify whether a function is partially applied or not (see a discussion about TypeScript support in Ramda’s repository), and this applies to type-level functions as well. Instead, we recommend manually creating curried functions, similar to how Effect and fp-ts handles currying.

Another challenge is how to manage different variants of the same type-level function — such as the simple generic version, the type-level function version, and the type-level function template version. A useful strategy is to apply different suffixes to distinguish between these variants. For example, Map, Map$, and Map$$, where the number of $ indicates the number of arguments the returned type-level function accepts:

type ConcatNames<Names extends string[]> = Pipe<
  List.Filter$<Flow<Str.Length$, Any.NotExtend$<1 | 2>>>,
  List.Join$<", ">

export namespace Any {
  /* NotExtend */
  export type NotExtend<T, U> = [T] extends [U] ? false : true;
  export interface NotExtend$<U> extends TypeLambda<[x: unknown], boolean> {
    return: NotExtend<Arg0<this>, U>;
  export interface NotExtend$$ extends TypeLambda<[x: unknown, y: unknown], boolean> {
    return: NotExtend<Arg0<this>, Arg1<this>>;

export namespace List {
  /* Filter */
  export type Filter<F extends TypeLambda1<TS[number], boolean>, TS extends unknown[]> = _Filter<
  type _Filter<F, TS, Acc extends unknown[] = []> =
    TS extends [infer Head, ...infer Tail] ?
      Call1W<F, Head> extends true ?
        _Filter<F, Tail, [...Acc, Head]>
      : _Filter<F, Tail, Acc>
    : Acc;
  export interface Filter$<F extends TypeLambda1<never, boolean>>
    extends TypeLambda<[xs: Param0<F>[]], Param0<F>[]> {
    return: _Filter<F, Arg0<this>>;
  export interface Filter$$ extends TypeLambdaG<["T"]> {
    signature: (
      f: TypeLambda<[x: TArg<this, "T">], boolean>,
      xs: TArg<this, "T">[],
    ) => TArg<this, "T">[];
    return: _Filter<Arg0<this>, Arg1<this>>;

  /* Map */
  export type Map<F extends TypeLambda1<TS[number]>, TS extends unknown[]> = _Map<F, TS>;
  type _Map<F, TS> = { [K in keyof TS]: Call1W<F, TS[K]> };
  export interface Map$<F extends TypeLambda1> extends TypeLambda<[xs: Param0<F>[]], RetType<F>[]> {
    return: _Map<F, Arg0<this>>;
  export interface Map$$ extends TypeLambdaG<["T", "U"]> {
    signature: (
      f: TypeLambda<[x: TArg<this, "T">], TArg<this, "U">>,
      xs: TArg<this, "T">[],
    ) => TArg<this, "U">[];
    return: _Map<Arg0<this>, Arg1<this>>;

  /* Reduce */
  export type Reduce<
    F extends TypeLambda2<never, TS[number]>,
    Init extends Param0<F>,
    TS extends unknown[],
  > = _Reduce<F, TS, Init>;
  type _Reduce<F, TS, Acc> =
    TS extends [infer Head, ...infer Tail] ? _Reduce<F, Tail, Call2W<F, Acc, Head>> : Acc;
  export interface Reduce$<F extends TypeLambda2, Init extends Param0<F>>
    extends TypeLambda<[xs: Param1<F>[]], Param0<F>> {
    return: _Reduce<F, Arg0<this>, Init>;
  export interface Reduce$$$ extends TypeLambdaG<["T", "U"]> {
    signature: (
      f: TypeLambda<[acc: TArg<this, "U">, x: TArg<this, "T">], TArg<this, "U">>,
      init: TArg<this, "U">,
      xs: TArg<this, "T">[],
    ) => TArg<this, "U">;
    return: _Reduce<Arg0<this>, Arg2<this>, Arg1<this>>;

  /* Join */
  export type Join<Sep extends string, Strings extends string[]> = _Join<Sep, Strings>;
  type _Join<Sep extends string, Strings extends string[], Acc extends string = ""> =
    Strings extends [infer Head extends string, ...infer Tail extends string[]] ?
      _Join<Sep, Tail, `${Acc}${Acc extends "" ? "" : Sep}${Head}`>
    : Acc;
  export interface Join$<Sep extends string> extends TypeLambda<[ss: string[]], string> {
    return: _Join<Sep, Arg0<this>>;
  export interface Join$$ extends TypeLambda<[sep: string, strings: string[]], string> {
    return: _Join<Arg0<this>, Arg1<this>>;

export namespace Str {
  /* Cap */
  export type Cap<S extends string> = Capitalize<S>;
  export interface Cap$ extends TypeLambda<[s: string], string> {
    return: Cap<Arg0<this>>;

  /* Length */
  export type Length<S extends string> = _Length<S>;
  type _Length<S extends string, Acc extends void[] = []> =
    S extends `${string}${infer Tail}` ? _Length<Tail, [...Acc, void]> : Acc["length"];
  export interface Length$ extends TypeLambda<[s: string], number> {
    return: _Length<Arg0<this>>;

We use namespaces here to avoid polluting the global scope, and apply different suffixes to distinguish different variants of the same type-level function. For instance, List.Map is a simple generic type that isn’t a type-level function, List.Map$ is a type-level function template that accepts a single argument, and List.Map$$ is a type-level function that accepts two arguments. This naming convention allows you to easily manage various versions of the same type-level function and avoid confusion.


For experienced TypeScript developers, performance in type-level programming is a common concern. Although hkt-core uses many conditional types and recursive type aliases, it’s designed so that TypeScript simplifies types as if hkt-core weren’t even there. For example:

import type { Arg0, Pipe, TypeLambda } from "hkt-core";

interface CapStr extends TypeLambda<[s: string], string> {
  return: Capitalize<Arg0<this>>;

interface StrLength extends TypeLambda<[s: string], number> {
  return: _StrLength<Arg0<this>>;
type _StrLength<S extends string, Acc extends void[] = []> =
  S extends `${string}${infer Tail}` ? _StrLength<Tail, [...Acc, void]> : Acc["length"];

type F<S extends string> = Pipe<S, CapStr, StrLength>;

When you hover over F, TypeScript simplifies it to something like:

type F<S extends string> =
  Capitalize<S> extends `${string}${infer Tail}` ? _StrLength<Tail, [void]> : 0;

This is equivalent to writing the type directly without hkt-core, demonstrating that the extra type-checking adds minimal overhead.

However, there are cases where hkt-core can slow down the TypeScript compiler, especially when using utilities with type validation (not merely type checking) features. In particular, Apply and its variants might slow down the compiler when used with generic type-level functions that have complex type signatures — if you encounter this, try using ApplyW and Call*W instead. On the other hand, even though Args and its variants also perform type validation, they seldom affect the compiler’s performance, so normally, you can safely use them without worry.


Should I add it as a dev dependency or a regular dependency?

Even though hkt-core is a type-only library, it should not be added as a dev dependency if you are developing a library or framework that will be used by other projects. Without hkt-core as a regular dependency, the type definitions of your library will be incomplete, and users will encounter type errors when they try to use it.

On the other hand, if you’re using hkt-core just for your own project and don’t plan to publish it as a library, you can safely add it as a dev dependency.

Generic type-level functions don’t infer types correctly!

hkt-core simulates the TypeScript type system at the type level as closely as possible, but it’s not perfect. If something doesn’t work in TypeScript, it’s likely that it won’t work in hkt-core either. When encountering issues with generic type-level functions, first test whether their equivalent runtime version works in TypeScript (you can use Effect or other libraries for this). If it doesn’t work in TypeScript, it’s also unlikely to work in hkt-core.

For example, the following code will trigger an error in TypeScript:

interface Head extends TypeLambdaG<["T"]> {
  signature: (tuple: [TArg<this, "T">, ...unknown[]]) => TArg<this, "T">;
  return: Arg0<this>[0];

type Composed = Flow<Head, Head, Head>;
//                         ~~~~
// Type 'Head' does not satisfy the constraint 'TypeLambda1<unknown, any>'.
//   Types of property 'signature' are incompatible.
//     Type '(tuple: [unknown, ...unknown[]]) => unknown' is not assignable to type '(args_0: unknown) => any'.
//       Types of parameters 'tuple' and 'args_0' are incompatible.
//         Type 'unknown' is not assignable to type '[unknown, ...unknown[]]'.

You might expect the signature of Composed to be inferred as <T>(tuple3: [[[T, ...unknown[]], ...unknown[]], ...unknown[]]) => T, but this is the expected behavior. If you try the equivalent runtime code in Effect, you’ll see that it still doesn’t work in TypeScript:

import { flow } from "effect";

const head = <T>(tuple: [T, ...unknown[]]): T => tuple[0];

flow(head, head, head);
//   ~~~~
// Argument of type '<T>(tuple: [T, ...unknown[]]) => T' is not assignable to parameter of type '(tuple: [T, ...unknown[]]) => [unknown, ...unknown[]]'.
//   Type 'T' is not assignable to type '[unknown, ...unknown[]]'.

These kinds of “issues” are not considered bugs in hkt-core. In such cases, it’s often necessary to rethink your design and simplify the type-level functions to avoid complex type inference issues.

Though many unexpected behaviors are not true issues, as described above, there are also cases where unexpected behavior is due to limitations inherent in hkt-core, particularly with generic function composition. For example, the following code works in TypeScript because TypeScript provides special support for generic function types:

declare function compose2<T, U, V>(g: (y: U) => V, f: (x: T) => U): (x: T) => V;

declare function toString(n: number): string;
declare function makeTuple<T>(x: T): [T];

const testCompose2 = compose2(makeTuple, toString);
//    ^?: (x: number) => [string]

However, if you try to define a similar type-level Compose2 in hkt-core, it won’t work as expected:

interface Compose2 extends TypeLambdaG<["T", "U", "V"]> {
  signature: (
    g: (y: TArg<this, "U">) => TArg<this, "V">,
    f: (x: TArg<this, "T">) => TArg<this, "U">,
  ) => (x: TArg<this, "T">) => TArg<this, "V">;

declare function toString(n: number): string;
declare function makeTuple<T>(x: T): [T];

type TestCompose2 = RetType<Compose2, [typeof makeTuple, typeof toString]>; // => (x: number) => [unknown]

Here, the return type is inferred as (x: number) => [unknown] instead of (x: number) => [string]. Since hkt-core simulates the TypeScript type system at the type level, it cannot provide the same special support for generic function types that TypeScript does.

While these limitations are not expected to be fixed in the near future, you’re welcome to open an issue to present these cases and discuss potential solutions.

If you believe you’ve encountered a bug — where the equivalent runtime code works in TypeScript but hkt-core behaves unexpectedly — please open an issue on the GitHub repository with a minimal reproduction case. Some known issues are already listed there, so please check whether your issue has already been reported before submitting a new one.

What’s the magic behind generic type-level functions?

Here’s a minimal example of a generic type-level function:

type TODO = any;

// Utility types for type arguments
type ArgT<F> = F extends { T: infer T } ? T : never;
type ArgU<F> = F extends { U: infer U } ? U : never;

// Define a generic type-level function
interface Map {
  signature: (f: (x: ArgT<this>) => ArgU<this>, xs: ArgT<this>[]) => ArgU<this>[];
  return: TODO;

// Instantiate type arguments from known parameter types
type TypeArgs =
  // ^?: { T: string; U: number }
  ((f: (x: string) => number, xs: string[]) => never) extends (
    (Map & { T: infer T; U: infer U })["signature"]
  ) ?
    { T: T; U: U }
  : never;

// Get the refined signature with instantiated type args
type _ = (Map & TypeArgs)["signature"];
//   ^?: (f: (x: string) => number, xs: string[]) => number[]

We use ArgT and ArgU to extract the type arguments from the type-level function, just like TArg in hkt-core. We then instantiate the type arguments from known parameter types and refine the signature with the instantiated type arguments. This is the basic idea behind generic type-level functions.

We use ArgT and ArgU to extract the type arguments from the type-level function — just like TArg in hkt-core. Then we instantiate these type arguments from known parameter types and refine the signature accordingly. This is the core idea behind generic type-level functions.

While the example above works well for simple cases, it doesn’t handle subtyping correctly. For instance, the following code will simply yield never:

// We replace `xs: string[]` with `xs: "foo"[]` to test subtyping
type TypeArgs =
  // ^?: never
  ((f: (x: string) => number, xs: "foo"[]) => never) extends (
    (Map & { T: infer T; U: infer U })["signature"]
  ) ?
    { T: T; U: U }
  : never;

To support subtyping properly, we need to flip the variance of parameter types in our type-level function. We achieve this by wrapping each parameter with a helper type that inverts the variance:

// Flip the variance of a type
interface In<T> {
  (_: T): void;

// Same as before
type ArgT<F> = F extends { T: infer T } ? T : never;
type ArgU<F> = F extends { U: infer U } ? U : never;

// Wrap each parameter with `In<...>`
interface Map {
  signature: (f: In<(x: ArgT<this>) => ArgU<this>>, xs: In<ArgT<this>[]>) => ArgU<this>[];
  return: any;

// Still wrap each parameter with `In<...>`, and...
// Now it works!
type TypeArgs =
  // ^?: { T: "foo"; U: number }
  ((f: In<(x: string) => number>, xs: In<"foo"[]>) => never) extends (
    (Map & { T: infer T; U: infer U })["signature"]
  ) ?
    { T: T; U: U }
  : never;

type _ = (Map & TypeArgs)["signature"];
//   ^?: (f: In<(x: "foo") => number>, xs: In<"foo"[]>) => number[

This might seem like magic at first, and it can be a bit tricky to grasp initially. We’ll skip the finer details here, but if you’re curious, you can apply the variance rules in TypeScript step by step to see how everything falls into place.

Internally, hkt-core uses a similar technique to handle variance correctly, so you don’t have to write this kind of code yourself. Understanding the basic idea behind generic type-level functions can help explain why some seemingly simple functions might not infer types correctly in edge cases.

Why not just access arguments and type parameters via this?

Libraries like HOTScript use syntax like this["arg0"] to access arguments inside a type-level function. While this approach seems simpler and more concise, it introduces unnecessary properties to the type-level function, which can lead to variance issues. Let’s first revisit the variance of function types in TypeScript:

type IsSubtype<T, U> = [T] extends [U] ? true : false;

// All types are subtypes of `unknown`
type Test1 = IsSubtype<string, unknown>; // => true
// `never` is the subtype of all types
type Test2 = IsSubtype<never, string>; // => true

// `() => string` is also a subtype of `() => unknown`,
// indicating the return type of a function is covariant
type TestReturn = IsSubtype<() => string, () => unknown>; // => true
// While `(_: string) => void` is not a subtype of `(_: unknown) => void`,
// instead, `(_: unknown) => void` is a subtype of `(_: string) => void`,
// indicating the parameter type of a function is contravariant
type TestParam1 = IsSubtype<(_: string) => void, (_: unknown) => void>; // => false
type TestParam2 = IsSubtype<(_: unknown) => void, (_: string) => void>; // => true

// So we get the following result
type TestFunc = IsSubtype<(_: string) => number, (_: never) => unknown>; // => true

hkt-core provides a typed version of type-level functions, so we should keep the variance rules of TypeLambda aligned with TypeScript’s function types. However, if we add extra properties like args to TypeLambda for convenience to access arguments, we can break the variance rules:

interface TypeLambda<Params extends unknown[], R> {
  signature: (...args: Params) => R;
  args: Params;

// Oops! This _should_ be `true` as expected
type TestVariance = IsSubtype<TypeLambda<[string], number>, TypeLambda<[never], unknown>>; // => false

If we remove the args: Params from the code above, we get the standard TypeLambda implementation as it is defined in hkt-core, and the result of TestVariance will be true as expected. However, by adding args: Params back, Params now appears in both a contravariant position (as function parameters in the signature property) and a covariant position (as the args property). This makes Params invariant and breaks the variance rules.

Now, you might wonder, what if we use a contravariant args property, like args: (_: Params) => void? While this would work, it forces the user to access the arguments using the more complex syntax Parameters<this["args"]>[0], which doesn’t provide much benefit over the standard Args utility in hkt-core.


🍃 A micro HKT (higher-kinded type) implementation for TypeScript, with type safety elegantly guaranteed.








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