Creator and handler for Discord's slash commands.
You can create commands similar to Discord.JS Commando.
- Multiple server support (Express, Fastify, etc.)
- Hook into an existing Discord bot client
- Command syncing - Sync commands with your creator automatically.
- Load commands from a folder
- Command throttling/cooldowns
npm i slash-create
Or, using yarn:
yarn add slash-create
In order to use a specific webserver, you will need to install the dependency associated with that server. The following server types require these dependencies:
: none, see exampleGCFServer
: none technically, meant for use with@google-cloud/functions-framework
, see example
const { SlashCreator } = require('slash-create');
const creator = new SlashCreator({
applicationID: '12345678901234567',
token: 'BOT_TOKEN_HERE',
const path = require('path');
// Registers all of your commands in the ./commands/ directory
.registerCommandsIn(path.join(__dirname, 'commands'))
// This will sync commands to Discord, it must be called after commands are loaded.
// This also returns itself for more chaining capabilities.
const { ExpressServer } = require('slash-create');
const path = require('path');
.withServer(new ExpressServer())
// Depending on what server is used, this may not be needed.
* By default, this serves to ``.
* You can change the `serverPort` and `endpointPath` to affect where to serve to.
* You can also initialize the server with an existing application.
* If you are doing this with express applications, the express application must already have `express.json()` as middleware.
// Set `alreadyListening` if the server has already started.
.withServer(new ExpressServer(app, { alreadyListening: true }));
const { GatewayServer } = require('slash-create');
const Discord = require('discord.js');
const client = new Discord.Client();
new GatewayServer(
(handler) => client.ws.on('INTERACTION_CREATE', handler)
const { SlashCommand } = require('slash-create');
module.exports = class HelloCommand extends SlashCommand {
constructor(creator) {
super(creator, {
name: 'hello',
description: 'Says hello to you.'
this.filePath = __filename;
async run(ctx) {
return `Hello, ${ctx.user.username}!`;
This project borrows resources and references from the following repositories: