To add a new dashboard, create a new file inside "/resources/views/dashboards/" directory with ".blade.php" extension. The "/resources/views/empty.blade.php" file explains how this file must be filled and can be used as a template.
First of all you need to have the following services and tools:
- Web server (Apache, Nginx...)
- MySQL server
- Composer
- Bower We recommend the use of Homestead ( as it contains all of them. Make sure to point your web server root path to the /public folder of this repository.
Use composer to install all the dependencies:
composer install
Create a copy of the .env.sample file provided in he repository and call it .env. Edit that .env file:
- Set the database configuration variables (DB_HOST, DB_DATABASE, DB_USERNAME, DB_PASSWORD). Make sure the database exists in your MySQL server.
- Set the API configuration variables:
- SDH_API: this is an URL that will be used in the dashboards to access the SDH API, so it should be accessible from a web browser.
- SDH_API_INTERNAL: this is an URL that will be used by Laravel to access he API authentication endpoints.
Use the Laravel artisan cli to execute the migration and seed files:
php artisan migrate --force --seed
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