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Reimplement ring reification in ltac instead of typeclasses
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While we may at some point use an ocaml (or Ltac2?)
implementation (for instance variable list manipulation is still done
by side effect through the evar map, not the nicest), this helps find
out what the typeclasses do when reifying.

Notable finds:
- the `reify` typeclass gets 1 instance outside Ncring_tac, from nsatz
  to reify IZR applied to ground ints. We replace this with a tactic redefition.
  Alternatives welcomed (redefinition isn't very modular so if we find
  another case we will have to come up with something).

- typeclasses do some conversion, eg the instance
Instance  reify_zero (R:Type)  lvar op
 `{Ring (T:=R)(ring0:=op)}
 : reify (ring0:=op)(PEc 0%Z) lvar op.
  will also apply to `@zero R (@zero_notation R op ...)`.
  The reimplementation matches syntactically `op` (the one appearing
  in the type of the proof of `Ring` prealably inferred) and `@zero _ _`.
  • Loading branch information
SkySkimmer committed Nov 16, 2023
1 parent ec31a6e commit 9b0dbb4
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Showing 5 changed files with 132 additions and 156 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion test-suite/success/Nsatz.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ Lemma example3 : forall x y z,
x*y*z==0 -> x^3%Z==0.
Time nsatz.
Time nsatz.

Lemma example4 : forall x y z u,
Expand Down
16 changes: 9 additions & 7 deletions theories/nsatz/Nsatz.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -67,13 +67,15 @@ try (try apply Rsth;
- exact Rplus_opp_r.

Class can_compute_Z (z : Z) := dummy_can_compute_Z : True.
Hint Extern 0 (can_compute_Z ?v) =>
match isZcst v with true => exact I end : typeclass_instances.
Instance reify_IZR z lvar {_ : can_compute_Z z} : reify (PEc z) lvar (IZR z).
Ltac extra_reify term ::=
match term with
| IZR ?z =>
match isZcst z with
| true => open_constr:((true, PEc z))
| false => open_constr:((false,tt))
| _ => open_constr:((false,tt))

Lemma R_one_zero: 1%R <> 0%R.
Expand Down
19 changes: 10 additions & 9 deletions theories/nsatz/NsatzTactic.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -362,24 +362,25 @@ Ltac nsatz_generic radicalmax info lparam lvar :=
let nparam := eval compute in (Z.of_nat (List.length lparam)) in
match goal with
|- ?g => let lb := lterm_goal g in
match (match lvar with
match (lazymatch lvar with
|(@nil _) =>
match lparam with
|(@nil _) =>
let r := eval red in (list_reifyl (lterm:=lb)) in r
lazymatch lparam with
|(@nil _) =>
let r := list_reifyl0 lb in
|_ =>
match eval red in (list_reifyl (lterm:=lb)) with
let reif := list_reifyl0 lb in
match reif with
|(?fv, ?le) =>
let fv := parametres_en_tete fv lparam in
(* we reify a second time, with the good order
for variables *)
let r := eval red in
(list_reifyl (lterm:=lb) (lvar:=fv)) in r
list_reifyl fv lb
|_ =>
let fv := parametres_en_tete lvar lparam in
let r := eval red in (list_reifyl (lterm:=lb) (lvar:=fv)) in r
let fv := parametres_en_tete lvar lparam in
list_reifyl fv lb
end) with
|(?fv, ?le) =>
reify_goal fv le lb ;
Expand Down
9 changes: 6 additions & 3 deletions theories/setoid_ring/Cring.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -93,8 +93,10 @@ End cring.

Ltac cring_gen :=
match goal with
|- ?g => let lterm := lterm_goal g in
match eval red in (list_reifyl (lterm:=lterm)) with
|- ?g =>
let lterm := lterm_goal g in
let reif := list_reifyl0 lterm in
match reif with
| (?fv, ?lexpr) =>
(*idtac "variables:";idtac fv;
idtac "terms:"; idtac lterm;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -249,7 +251,8 @@ Ltac cring_simplify_gen a hyp :=
| _::_ => a
| _ => constr:(a::nil)
end in
match eval red in (list_reifyl (lterm:=lterm)) with
let reif := list_reifyl0 lterm in
match reif with
| (?fv, ?lexpr) => idtac lterm; idtac fv; idtac lexpr;
let n := eval compute in (length fv) in
idtac n;
Expand Down
242 changes: 106 additions & 136 deletions theories/setoid_ring/Ncring_tac.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -23,145 +23,112 @@ Require Import Ncring_initial.

Set Implicit Arguments.

Class nth (R:Type) (t:R) (l:list R) (i:nat).

Instance Ifind0 (R:Type) (t:R) l
: nth t(t::l) 0.

Instance IfindS (R:Type) (t2 t1:R) l i
{_:nth t1 l i}
: nth t1 (t2::l) (S i) | 1.

Class closed (T:Type) (l:list T).

Instance Iclosed_nil T
: closed (T:=T) nil.

Instance Iclosed_cons T t (l:list T)
{_:closed l}
: closed (t::l).

Class reify (R:Type)`{Rr:Ring (T:=R)} (e:PExpr Z) (lvar:list R) (t:R).

Instance reify_zero (R:Type) lvar op
`{Ring (T:=R)(ring0:=op)}
: reify (ring0:=op)(PEc 0%Z) lvar op.

Instance reify_one (R:Type) lvar op
`{Ring (T:=R)(ring1:=op)}
: reify (ring1:=op) (PEc 1%Z) lvar op.

Instance reifyZ0 (R:Type) lvar
`{Ring (T:=R)}
: reify (PEc Z0) lvar Z0|11.

Instance reifyZpos (R:Type) lvar (p:positive)
`{Ring (T:=R)}
: reify (PEc (Zpos p)) lvar (Zpos p)|11.

Instance reifyZneg (R:Type) lvar (p:positive)
`{Ring (T:=R)}
: reify (PEc (Zneg p)) lvar (Zneg p)|11.

Instance reify_add (R:Type)
e1 lvar t1 e2 t2 op
`{Ring (T:=R)(add:=op)}
{_:reify (add:=op) e1 lvar t1}
{_:reify (add:=op) e2 lvar t2}
: reify (add:=op) (PEadd e1 e2) lvar (op t1 t2).

Instance reify_mul (R:Type)
e1 lvar t1 e2 t2 op
`{Ring (T:=R)(mul:=op)}
{_:reify (mul:=op) e1 lvar t1}
{_:reify (mul:=op) e2 lvar t2}
: reify (mul:=op) (PEmul e1 e2) lvar (op t1 t2)|10.

Instance reify_mul_ext (R:Type) `{Ring R}
lvar (z:Z) e2 t2
`{Ring (T:=R)}
{_:reify e2 lvar t2}
: reify (PEmul (PEc z) e2) lvar
(@multiplication Z _ _ z t2)|9.

Instance reify_sub (R:Type)
e1 lvar t1 e2 t2 op
`{Ring (T:=R)(sub:=op)}
{_:reify (sub:=op) e1 lvar t1}
{_:reify (sub:=op) e2 lvar t2}
: reify (sub:=op) (PEsub e1 e2) lvar (op t1 t2).

Instance reify_opp (R:Type)
e1 lvar t1 op
`{Ring (T:=R)(opp:=op)}
{_:reify (opp:=op) e1 lvar t1}
: reify (opp:=op) (PEopp e1) lvar (op t1).
Ltac reify_as_var_aux n lvar term :=
lazymatch lvar with
| @cons _ ?t0 ?tl =>
match constr:(ltac:((constr_eq term t0; exact true) || exact false)) with
| true => n
| false => reify_as_var_aux open_constr:(S n) tl term
| _ =>
let _ := open_constr:(eq_refl : lvar = @cons _ term _) in

Instance reify_pow (R:Type) `{Ring R}
e1 lvar t1 n
`{Ring (T:=R)}
{_:reify e1 lvar t1}
: reify (PEpow e1 n) lvar (pow_N t1 n)|1.
Ltac reify_as_var lvar term := reify_as_var_aux Datatypes.O lvar term.

Instance reify_var (R:Type) t lvar i
`{nth R t lvar i}
`{Rr: Ring (T:=R)}
: reify (Rr:= Rr) (PEX Z (Pos.of_succ_nat i))lvar t
| 100.
Ltac close_varlist lvar :=
match lvar with
| @nil _ => idtac
| @cons _ _ ?tl => close_varlist tl
| _ => let _ := constr:(eq_refl : lvar = @nil _) in idtac

Class reifylist (R:Type)`{Rr:Ring (T:=R)} (lexpr:list (PExpr Z)) (lvar:list R)
(lterm:list R).
Ltac extra_reify term := open_constr:((false,tt)).

Ltac reify_term Tring lvar term :=
lazymatch open_constr:((Tring, term)) with
| (_, Z0) => open_constr:(PEc 0%Z)
| (_, Zpos ?p) => open_constr:(PEc (Zpos p))
| (_, Zneg ?p) => open_constr:(PEc (Zneg p))
| (Ring (ring0:=?op), ?op) => open_constr:(PEc 0%Z)
| (_, zero) => open_constr:(PEc 0%Z)
| (Ring (ring1:=?op), ?op) => open_constr:(PEc 1%Z)
| (_, one) => open_constr:(PEc 1%Z)
| (Ring (add:=?op), ?op ?t1 ?t2) =>
let et1 := reify_term Tring lvar t1 in
let et2 := reify_term Tring lvar t2 in
open_constr:(PEadd et1 et2)
| (_, addition ?t1 ?t2) =>
let et1 := reify_term Tring lvar t1 in
let et2 := reify_term Tring lvar t2 in
open_constr:(PEadd et1 et2)
| (Ring (mul:=?op), ?op ?t1 ?t2) =>
let et1 := reify_term Tring lvar t1 in
let et2 := reify_term Tring lvar t2 in
open_constr:(PEmul et1 et2)
| (Ring (T:=?R), multiplication (A:=?R) ?t1 ?t2) =>
let et1 := reify_term Tring lvar t1 in
let et2 := reify_term Tring lvar t2 in
open_constr:(PEmul et1 et2)
| (_, @multiplication Z _ _ ?z ?t) =>
let et := reify_term Tring lvar t in
open_constr:(PEmul (PEc z) et)
| (Ring (sub:=?op), ?op ?t1 ?t2) =>
let et1 := reify_term Tring lvar t1 in
let et2 := reify_term Tring lvar t2 in
open_constr:(PEsub et1 et2)
| (_, subtraction ?t1 ?t2) =>
let et1 := reify_term Tring lvar t1 in
let et2 := reify_term Tring lvar t2 in
open_constr:(PEsub et1 et2)
| (Ring (opp:=?op), ?op ?t) =>
let et := reify_term Tring lvar t in
open_constr:(PEopp et)
| (_, opposite ?t) =>
let et := reify_term Tring lvar t in
open_constr:(PEopp et)
| (_, pow_N ?t ?n) =>
let et := reify_term Tring lvar t in
open_constr:(PEpow et n)
| (_, @power _ _ power_ring ?t ?n) =>
let et := reify_term Tring lvar t in
open_constr:(PEpow et (ZN n))
| _ =>
let extra := extra_reify term in
lazymatch extra with
| (false,_) =>
let n := reify_as_var lvar term in
open_constr:(PEX Z (Pos.of_succ_nat n))
| (true,?v) => v

Instance reify_nil (R:Type) lvar
`{Rr: Ring (T:=R)}
: reifylist (Rr:= Rr) nil lvar (@nil R).
Ltac list_reifyl_core Tring lvar lterm :=
match lterm with
| @nil _ => open_constr:(@nil (PExpr Z))
| @cons _ ?t ?tl =>
let et := reify_term Tring lvar t in
let etl := list_reifyl_core Tring lvar tl in
open_constr:(@cons (PExpr Z) et etl)

Instance reify_cons (R:Type) e1 lvar t1 lexpr2 lterm2
`{Rr: Ring (T:=R)}
{_:reify (Rr:= Rr) e1 lvar t1}
{_:reifylist (Rr:= Rr) lexpr2 lvar lterm2}
: reifylist (Rr:= Rr) (e1::lexpr2) lvar (t1::lterm2).
Ltac list_reifyl lvar lterm :=
match lterm with
| @cons ?R _ _ =>
let R_ring := constr:(_ :> Ring (T:=R)) in
let Tring := type of R_ring in
let lexpr := list_reifyl_core Tring lvar lterm in
let _ := open_constr:(ltac:(close_varlist lvar;exact tt)) in

Definition list_reifyl (R:Type) lexpr lvar lterm
`{Rr: Ring (T:=R)}
{_:reifylist (Rr:= Rr) lexpr lvar lterm}
`{closed (T:=R) lvar} := (lvar,lexpr).
Ltac list_reifyl0 lterm :=
match lterm with
| @cons ?R _ _ =>
let lvar := open_constr:(_ :> list R) in
list_reifyl lvar lterm

Unset Implicit Arguments.

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -214,8 +181,10 @@ Qed.

Ltac ring_gen :=
match goal with
|- ?g => let lterm := lterm_goal g in
match eval red in (list_reifyl (lterm:=lterm)) with
|- ?g =>
let lterm := lterm_goal g in
let reif := list_reifyl0 lterm in
match reif with
| (?fv, ?lexpr) =>
(*idtac "variables:";idtac fv;
idtac "terms:"; idtac lterm;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -321,7 +290,8 @@ Ltac ring_simplify_gen a hyp :=
| _::_ => a
| _ => constr:(a::nil)
end in
match eval red in (list_reifyl (lterm:=lterm)) with
let reif := list_reifyl0 lterm in
match reif with
| (?fv, ?lexpr) => idtac lterm; idtac fv; idtac lexpr;
let n := eval compute in (length fv) in
idtac n;
Expand Down

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