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Stronger disambiguation of vernac extension names.
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We prepend the plugin name to the vernac entry name. This prevents accidental
conflict between two plugins defining VERNAC EXTEND entries with the same name.
This happens currently with equations and quickchick that both define a Derive
command, leading to the impossibility of requiring both at the same time.
  • Loading branch information
ppedrot committed Nov 23, 2023
1 parent 54e61bc commit 704767c
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Showing 7 changed files with 38 additions and 28 deletions.
8 changes: 1 addition & 7 deletions stm/
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Expand Up @@ -126,13 +126,7 @@ let pr_ast { expr; indentation } = Pp.(int indentation ++ str " " ++
(* Commands piercing opaque *)
let may_pierce_opaque = function
| VernacSynPure (VernacPrint _) -> true
| VernacSynterp (VernacExtend (("Extraction",_), _)
| VernacExtend (("SeparateExtraction",_), _)
| VernacExtend (("ExtractionLibrary",_), _)
| VernacExtend (("RecursiveExtractionLibrary",_), _)
| VernacExtend (("ExtractionConstant",_), _)
| VernacExtend (("ExtractionInlinedConstant",_), _)
| VernacExtend (("ExtractionInductive",_), _)) -> true
| VernacSynterp (VernacExtend ({ ext_plugin = "coq-core.plugins.extraction" }, _)) -> true
| _ -> false

type depth = int
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion vernac/
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Expand Up @@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ let get_extend_vernac_rule s =

let declare_vernac_command_grammar ~allow_override s nt gl =
let () = if not allow_override && Hashtbl.mem vernac_exts s
then CErrors.anomaly Pp.(str "bad vernac extend: " ++ str (fst s) ++ str ", " ++ int (snd s))
then CErrors.anomaly Pp.(str "bad vernac extend: " ++ str s.ext_entry ++ str ", " ++ int s.ext_index)
let nt = Option.default Pvernac.Vernac_.command nt in
Hashtbl.add vernac_exts s (nt, gl)
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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions vernac/
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Expand Up @@ -686,7 +686,7 @@ let pr_using e =
let pr_extend s cl =
let pr_arg a =
try pr_gen a
with Failure _ -> str "<error in " ++ str (fst s) ++ str ">" in
with Failure _ -> str "<error in " ++ str s.ext_entry ++ str ">" in
let rl = Egramml.get_extend_vernac_rule s in
let rec aux rl cl =
Expand All @@ -697,7 +697,7 @@ let pr_extend s cl =
| _ -> assert false in
hov 1 (pr_sequence identity (aux rl cl))
with Not_found ->
hov 1 (str "TODO(" ++ str (fst s) ++ spc () ++ prlist_with_sep sep pr_arg cl ++ str ")")
hov 1 (str "TODO(" ++ str s.ext_entry ++ spc () ++ prlist_with_sep sep pr_arg cl ++ str ")")

let pr_synpure_vernac_expr v =
let return = tag_vernac v in
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion vernac/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ let classify_vernac e =
| VernacLoad _ -> VtSideff ([], VtNow)
| VernacExtend (s,l) ->
try Vernacextend.get_vernac_classifier s l
with Not_found -> anomaly(str"No classifier for"++spc()++str (fst s)++str".")
with Not_found -> anomaly(str"No classifier for"++spc()++str s.ext_entry ++str".")
let static_pure_classifier ~atts e = match e with
(* Qed *)
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11 changes: 7 additions & 4 deletions vernac/vernacexpr.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -327,13 +327,16 @@ type arguments_modifier =
| `ReductionNeverUnfold
| `Rename ]

type extend_name =
(* Name of the vernac entry where the tactic is defined, typically found
type extend_name = {
ext_plugin : string;
(** Name of the plugin where the extension is defined as per DECLARE PLUGIN *)
ext_entry : string;
(** Name of the vernac entry where the tactic is defined, typically found
after the VERNAC EXTEND statement in the source. *)
string *
ext_index : int;
(* Index of the extension in the VERNAC EXTEND statement. Each parsing branch
is given an offset, starting from zero. *)

type discharge = DoDischarge | NoDischarge

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37 changes: 25 additions & 12 deletions vernac/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ let vinterp_map s =
Hashtbl.find vernac_tab s
with Not_found ->
(str"Cannot find vernac command " ++ str (fst s) ++ str".")
(str"Cannot find vernac command " ++ str s.ext_entry ++ str".")

let warn_deprecated_command =
let open CWarnings in
Expand All @@ -95,13 +95,24 @@ let type_vernac opn converted_args ?loc ~atts =
type classifier = Genarg.raw_generic_argument list -> vernac_classification

(** Classifiers *)
let classifiers : classifier array String.Map.t ref = ref String.Map.empty
module StringPair =
type t = string * string
let compare (s1, s2) (t1, t2) =
let c = s1 t1 in
if Int.equal c 0 then s2 t2 else c

let get_vernac_classifier (name, i) args =
(String.Map.find name !classifiers).(i) args
module StringPairMap = Map.Make(StringPair)

let classifiers : classifier array StringPairMap.t ref = ref StringPairMap.empty

let get_vernac_classifier e args =
let open Vernacexpr in
(StringPairMap.find (e.ext_plugin, e.ext_entry) !classifiers).(e.ext_index) args

let declare_vernac_classifier name f =
classifiers := String.Map.add name f !classifiers
classifiers := StringPairMap.add name f !classifiers

let classify_as_query = VtQuery
let classify_as_sideeff = VtSideff ([], VtLater)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -173,10 +184,10 @@ let declare_dynamic_vernac_extend ~command ?entry ~depr cl ty f =
let cl = untype_classifier ty cl in
let f = untype_command ty f in
let r = untype_grammar ty in
let ext = command, 0 in
let ext = { command with Vernacexpr.ext_index = 0 } in
vinterp_add depr ext f;
Egramml.declare_vernac_command_grammar ~allow_override:true ext entry r;
declare_vernac_classifier command [|cl|];
declare_vernac_classifier (ext.ext_plugin, ext.ext_entry) [|cl|];

let is_static_linking_done = ref false
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -215,26 +226,28 @@ let static_vernac_extend ~plugin ~command ?classifier ?entry ext =
CErrors.user_err (Pp.strbrk msg)
let cl = Array.map_of_list get_classifier ext in
let ext_plugin = Option.default "__" plugin in
let iter i (TyML (depr, ty, f, _)) =
let f = untype_command ty f in
let r = untype_grammar ty in
let () = vinterp_add depr (command, i) f in
let () = Egramml.declare_vernac_command_grammar ~allow_override:false (command, i) entry r in
let ext = Vernacexpr.{ ext_plugin; ext_entry = command; ext_index = i } in
let () = vinterp_add depr ext f in
let () = Egramml.declare_vernac_command_grammar ~allow_override:false ext entry r in
let () = match plugin with
| None ->
let () =
if !is_static_linking_done
then CErrors.anomaly
Pp.(str "static_vernac_extend in dynlinked code must pass non-None plugin.")
Egramml.extend_vernac_command_grammar ~undoable:false (command, i)
Egramml.extend_vernac_command_grammar ~undoable:false ext
| Some plugin ->
Mltop.add_init_function plugin (fun () ->
Egramml.extend_vernac_command_grammar ~undoable:true (command, i))
Egramml.extend_vernac_command_grammar ~undoable:true ext)
let () = declare_vernac_classifier command cl in
let () = declare_vernac_classifier (ext_plugin, command) cl in
let () = List.iteri iter ext in

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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion vernac/vernacextend.mli
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Expand Up @@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ val static_linking_done : unit -> unit
enabled it.
val declare_dynamic_vernac_extend
: command:string
: command:Vernacexpr.extend_name
-> ?entry:Vernacexpr.vernac_expr Pcoq.Entry.t
-> depr:bool
-> 's (* classifier *)
Expand Down

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