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Merge PR coq#18221: Fix various issues around recarg computation
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Reviewed-by: SkySkimmer
Co-authored-by: SkySkimmer <[email protected]>
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coqbot-app[bot] and SkySkimmer authored Dec 13, 2023
2 parents 704f840 + 50c1e95 commit 4f23351
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40 changes: 0 additions & 40 deletions interp/
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Expand Up @@ -551,46 +551,6 @@ let patntn_loc ?loc (args,argslist,binders) =
let error_invalid_pattern_notation ?loc () =
CErrors.user_err ?loc (str "Invalid notation for pattern.")

(* Interpret the index of a recursion order annotation *)
let split_at_annot bl na =
let open CAst in
let names = (fun { v } -> v) (names_of_local_assums bl) in
match na with
| None ->
begin match names with
| [] -> CErrors.user_err (Pp.str "A fixpoint needs at least one parameter.")
| _ -> ([], bl)
| Some { loc; v = id } ->
let rec aux acc = function
| CLocalAssum (bls, k, t) as x :: rest ->
let test { CAst.v = na } = match na with
| Name id' -> Id.equal id id'
| Anonymous -> false
let l, r = List.split_when test bls in
begin match r with
| [] -> aux (x :: acc) rest
| _ ->
let ans = match l with
| [] -> acc
| _ -> CLocalAssum (l, k, t) :: acc
(List.rev ans, CLocalAssum (r, k, t) :: rest)
| CLocalDef ({ CAst.v = na },_,_) as x :: rest ->
if Name.equal (Name id) na then
CErrors.user_err ?loc
(Id.print id ++ str" must be a proper parameter and not a local definition.")
aux (x :: acc) rest
| CLocalPattern _ :: rest ->
Loc.raise ?loc (Gramlib.Grammar.Error "pattern with quote not allowed after fix")
| [] ->
CErrors.user_err ?loc
(str "No parameter named " ++ Id.print id ++ str".")
in aux [] bl

(** Pseudo-constructors *)

let mkIdentC id = CAst.make @@ CRef (qualid_of_ident id,None)
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2 changes: 0 additions & 2 deletions interp/constrexpr_ops.mli
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Expand Up @@ -124,8 +124,6 @@ val occur_var_constr_expr : Id.t -> constr_expr -> bool
(** Return all (non-qualified) names treating binders as names *)
val names_of_constr_expr : constr_expr -> Id.Set.t

val split_at_annot : local_binder_expr list -> lident option -> local_binder_expr list * local_binder_expr list

val ntn_loc : ?loc:Loc.t -> constr_notation_substitution -> notation -> (int * int) list
val patntn_loc : ?loc:Loc.t -> cases_pattern_notation_substitution -> notation -> (int * int) list

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22 changes: 16 additions & 6 deletions interp/
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Expand Up @@ -2171,12 +2171,22 @@ let internalize globalenv env pattern_mode (_, ntnvars as lvar) c =
let (env',bl) = List.fold_left intern_local_binder (env,[]) bl in
let bl = List.rev_map glob_local_binder_of_extended bl in
let n = (fun recarg ->
List.fold_left_until (fun n (id,_,body,_) -> match body with
| None ->
if Name.equal id (Name recarg.v) then Stop n else Cont (n+1)
| Some _ -> Cont n (* let-ins don't count *))
0 bl)
let exception Found of int in
List.fold_left (fun n (id,_,body,_) ->
match body, Name.equal id (Name recarg.v) with
| None, true -> raise (Found n)
| Some _, true ->
CErrors.user_err ?loc
(Name.print id ++ str" must be a proper parameter and not a local definition.")
| None, false -> n + 1
| Some _, false -> n (* let-ins don't count *))
0 bl |> ignore;
CErrors.user_err ?loc:recarg.loc
(str "No parameter named " ++ Id.print recarg.v ++ str".");
Found k -> k)
let bl_impls = remember_binders_impargs env' bl in
(n, bl, intern_type env' ty, bl_impls)) dl in
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7 changes: 5 additions & 2 deletions pretyping/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -93,6 +93,9 @@ let search_guard ?loc env possible_indexes fixdefs =
(* we now search recursively among all combinations *)
let combinations = List.combinations possible_indexes in
if List.is_empty combinations then
user_err ?loc (Pp.str "A fixpoint needs at least one parameter.");
(fun l ->
Expand All @@ -109,7 +112,7 @@ let search_guard ?loc env possible_indexes fixdefs =
let env = Environ.set_typing_flags flags env in
check_fix env fix; raise (Found indexes)
with TypeError _ -> ())
(List.combinations possible_indexes);
let errmsg = "Cannot guess decreasing argument of fix." in
user_err ?loc (Pp.str errmsg)
with Found indexes -> indexes)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -813,7 +816,7 @@ struct
Array.to_list (Array.mapi
(fun i annot -> match annot with
| Some n -> [n]
| None -> List.map_i (fun i _ -> i) 0 ctxtv.(i))
| None -> List.interval 0 (Context.Rel.nhyps ctxtv.(i) - 1))
let fixdecls = (names,ftys,fdefs) in
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5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions test-suite/bugs/bug_18215.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
Fail Definition a := fix f {struct unbound} :=
fun (t : unit) => tt.

Generalizable Variable A.
Fixpoint fails `(l : list A) {struct l} : unit := tt.
34 changes: 24 additions & 10 deletions vernac/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -103,17 +103,31 @@ let check_true_recursivity env evd ~isfix fixl =
| [x,Inr []] -> warn_non_recursive (x,isfix)
| _ -> ()

(* Interpret the index of a recursion order annotation *)
exception Found of int
let find_rec_annot bl ctx na =
let name = Name na.CAst.v in
Context.Rel.fold_outside (fun decl n ->
match Context.Rel.Declaration.(get_value decl, Name.equal (get_name decl) name) with
| None, true -> raise (Found n)
| Some _, true ->
let loc = List.find_map (fun id -> if Name.equal name id.CAst.v then Some id.CAst.loc else None) (Constrexpr_ops.names_of_local_binders bl) in
let loc = Option.default na.CAst.loc loc in
CErrors.user_err ?loc
(Name.print name ++ str" must be a proper parameter and not a local definition.")
| None, false -> n + 1
| Some _, false -> n (* let-ins don't count *))
~init:0 ctx |> ignore;
CErrors.user_err ?loc:na.loc
(str "No parameter named " ++ Id.print na.v ++ str".");
Found k -> k

let interp_fix_context ~program_mode ~cofix env sigma fix =
let before, after =
if not cofix
then Constrexpr_ops.split_at_annot fix.Vernacexpr.binders fix.Vernacexpr.rec_order
else [], fix.Vernacexpr.binders in
let sigma, (impl_env, ((env', ctx), imps)) = interp_context_evars ~program_mode env sigma before in
let sigma, (impl_env', ((env'', ctx'), imps')) =
interp_context_evars ~program_mode ~impl_env env' sigma after
let annot = (fun _ -> List.length (Termops.assums_of_rel_context ctx)) fix.Vernacexpr.rec_order in
sigma, ((env'', ctx' @ ctx), (impl_env',imps @ imps'), annot)
let sigma, (impl_env, ((env', ctx), imps)) = interp_context_evars ~program_mode env sigma fix.Vernacexpr.binders in
let annot = (find_rec_annot fix.Vernacexpr.binders ctx) fix.Vernacexpr.rec_order in
sigma, ((env', ctx), (impl_env, imps), annot)

let interp_fix_ccl ~program_mode sigma impls (env,_) fix =
let flags = Pretyping.{ all_no_fail_flags with program_mode } in
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