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Merge PR coq#18260: Cache set of undefined impossible case evars in e…
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Reviewed-by: ppedrot
Co-authored-by: ppedrot <[email protected]>
coqbot-app[bot] and ppedrot authored Nov 17, 2023


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2 parents 5c9bceb + b84c198 commit 4a20f70
Showing 7 changed files with 151 additions and 26 deletions.
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions engine/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -497,12 +497,12 @@ let filter_effective_candidates evd evi filter candidates =
let ids = set_of_evctx (Filter.filter_list filter (evar_context evi)) in
List.filter (fun a -> Id.Set.subset (collect_vars evd a) ids) candidates

let restrict_evar evd evk filter ?src candidates =
let restrict_evar evd evk filter candidates =
let evar_info = Evd.find_undefined evd evk in
let candidates = (filter_effective_candidates evd evar_info filter) candidates in
match candidates with
| Some [] -> raise (ClearDependencyError (*FIXME*)(Id.of_string "blah", (NoCandidatesLeft evk), None))
| _ -> Evd.restrict evk filter ?candidates ?src evd
| _ -> Evd.restrict evk filter ?candidates evd

let rec check_and_clear_in_constr ~is_section_variable env evdref err ids ~global c =
(* returns a new constr where all the evars have been 'cleaned'
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion engine/evarutil.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -225,7 +225,7 @@ exception ClearDependencyError of Id.t * clear_dependency_error * GlobRef.t opti
into an empty list. *)

val restrict_evar : evar_map -> Evar.t -> Filter.t ->
?src:Evar_kinds.t Loc.located -> constr list option -> evar_map * Evar.t
constr list option -> evar_map * Evar.t

val clear_hyps_in_evi : env -> evar_map -> named_context_val -> types ->
Id.Set.t -> evar_map * named_context_val * types
35 changes: 29 additions & 6 deletions engine/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -489,6 +489,7 @@ type evar_flags =
{ obligation_evars : Evar.Set.t;
aliased_evars : Evar.t Evar.Map.t;
typeclass_evars : Evar.Set.t;
impossible_case_evars : Evar.Set.t;

type side_effect_role =
@@ -752,6 +753,11 @@ let add_with_name (type a) ?name ?(typeclass_candidate = true) d e (i : a evar_i
{ flags with typeclass_evars = Evar.Set.add e flags.typeclass_evars }
else d.evar_flags
let evar_flags = match i.evar_source with
| _, ImpossibleCase ->
{ evar_flags with impossible_case_evars = Evar.Set.add e evar_flags.impossible_case_evars }
| _ -> evar_flags
let candidate_evars = match i.evar_candidates with
| Undefined None -> Evar.Set.remove e d.candidate_evars
| Undefined (Some _) -> Evar.Set.add e d.candidate_evars
@@ -788,11 +794,14 @@ let is_obligation_evar evd evk =
let flags = evd.evar_flags in
Evar.Set.mem evk flags.obligation_evars

let get_impossible_case_evars evd = evd.evar_flags.impossible_case_evars

(** Inheritance of flags: for evar-evar and restriction cases *)

let inherit_evar_flags evar_flags evk evk' =
let evk_typeclass = Evar.Set.mem evk evar_flags.typeclass_evars in
let evk_obligation = Evar.Set.mem evk evar_flags.obligation_evars in
let evk_impossible = Evar.Set.mem evk evar_flags.impossible_case_evars in
let aliased_evars = Evar.Map.add evk evk' evar_flags.aliased_evars in
let typeclass_evars =
if evk_typeclass then
@@ -806,15 +815,23 @@ let inherit_evar_flags evar_flags evk evk' =
Evar.Set.add evk' obligation_evars
else evar_flags.obligation_evars
{ obligation_evars; aliased_evars; typeclass_evars; }
let impossible_case_evars =
if evk_impossible then
let impossible_case_evars = Evar.Set.remove evk evar_flags.impossible_case_evars in
Evar.Set.add evk' impossible_case_evars
else evar_flags.impossible_case_evars
{ obligation_evars; aliased_evars; typeclass_evars; impossible_case_evars; }

(** Removal: in all other cases of definition *)

let remove_evar_flags evk evar_flags =
{ typeclass_evars = Evar.Set.remove evk evar_flags.typeclass_evars;
obligation_evars = Evar.Set.remove evk evar_flags.obligation_evars;
impossible_case_evars = Evar.Set.remove evk evar_flags.impossible_case_evars;
(* Aliasing information is kept. *)
aliased_evars = evar_flags.aliased_evars }
aliased_evars = evar_flags.aliased_evars;

(** New evars *)

@@ -971,7 +988,9 @@ let create_evar_defs sigma = { sigma with
let empty_evar_flags =
{ obligation_evars = Evar.Set.empty;
aliased_evars = Evar.Map.empty;
typeclass_evars = Evar.Set.empty }
typeclass_evars = Evar.Set.empty;
impossible_case_evars = Evar.Set.empty;

let empty_side_effects = {
seff_private = Safe_typing.empty_private_constants;
@@ -1422,6 +1441,11 @@ let restrict evk filter ?candidates ?src evd =
let body = mkEvar(evk',id_inst) in
let (defn_evars, undf_evars) = define_aux evd.defn_evars evd.undf_evars evk body in
let evar_flags = inherit_evar_flags evd.evar_flags evk evk' in
let evar_flags = match src with
| Some (_,Evar_kinds.ImpossibleCase) ->
{ evar_flags with impossible_case_evars = Evar.Set.add evk' evar_flags.impossible_case_evars }
| _ -> evar_flags
let candidate_evars = Evar.Set.remove evk evd.candidate_evars in
let candidate_evars = match candidates with
| None -> candidate_evars
@@ -1438,9 +1462,8 @@ let restrict evk filter ?candidates ?src evd =
(evd, evk')

let update_source evd evk src =
let evar_info = EvMap.find evk evd.undf_evars in
let evar_info' = { evar_info with evar_source = src } in
{ evd with undf_evars = EvMap.add evk evar_info' evd.undf_evars }
let modify _ info = { info with evar_source = src } in
{ evd with undf_evars = EvMap.modify evk modify evd.undf_evars }

(* Accessing metas *)
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions engine/evd.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -359,6 +359,9 @@ val set_obligation_evar : evar_map -> Evar.t -> evar_map
val is_obligation_evar : evar_map -> Evar.t -> bool
(** Is the evar declared as an obligation *)

val get_impossible_case_evars : evar_map -> Evar.Set.t
(** Set of undefined evars with ImpossibleCase evar source. *)

val downcast : Evar.t-> etypes -> evar_map -> evar_map
(** Change the type of an undefined evar to a new type assumed to be a
subtype of its current type; subtyping must be ensured by caller *)
8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions pretyping/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1818,14 +1818,14 @@ let rec solve_unconstrained_evars_with_candidates flags env evd =
solve_unconstrained_evars_with_candidates flags env evd

let solve_unconstrained_impossible_cases env evd =
Evd.fold_undefined (fun evk ev_info evd' ->
match Evd.evar_source ev_info with
| loc,Evar_kinds.ImpossibleCase ->
Evar.Set.fold (fun evk evd' ->
let evd', j = coq_unit_judge env evd' in
let ty = j_type j in
let flags = default_flags env in
instantiate_evar evar_unify flags env evd' evk ty (* should we protect from raising IllTypedInstance? *)
| _ -> evd') evd evd
(Evd.get_impossible_case_evars evd)

let solve_unif_constraints_with_heuristics env
?(flags=default_flags env) ?(with_ho=false) evd =
19 changes: 6 additions & 13 deletions pretyping/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -407,20 +407,13 @@ let process_inference_flags flags env initial (sigma,c,cty) =
let adjust_evar_source sigma na c =
match na, kind sigma c with
| Name id, Evar (evk,args) ->
let EvarInfo evi = Evd.find sigma evk in
let evi = Evd.find_undefined sigma evk in
begin match Evd.evar_source evi with
| loc, Evar_kinds.QuestionMark {
} ->
let src = (loc,Evar_kinds.QuestionMark {
}) in
let (sigma, evk') = restrict_evar sigma evk (evar_filter evi) ~src None in
sigma, mkEvar (evk',args)
| loc, Evar_kinds.QuestionMark ({ Evar_kinds.qm_name=Anonymous } as qm) ->
let src = (loc,Evar_kinds.QuestionMark { qm with Evar_kinds.qm_name=na }) in
(* Evd.update_source doesn't work for some reason, cf test bug_18260_1.v *)
let (sigma, evk') = Evd.restrict evk (evar_filter evi) ~src sigma in
sigma, mkEvar (evk',args)
| _ -> sigma, c
| _, _ -> sigma, c
106 changes: 106 additions & 0 deletions test-suite/bugs/bug_18260_1.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
Require Coq.Init.Byte Coq.Strings.Byte Coq.ZArith.ZArith.

Axiom proof_admitted : False.
Tactic Notation "admit" := abstract case proof_admitted.

Import Byte.

Module Export word.
Class word {width : BinInt.Z} := {
rep : Type;
Arguments word : clear implicits.

End word.
Notation word := word.word.
Global Coercion word.rep : word >-> Sortclass.

Module map.
Class map {key value:Type} := mk {
rep : Type;
Arguments map : clear implicits.
Global Coercion rep : map >-> Sortclass.

End map.
Local Notation map :=
Global Coercion map.rep : map >-> Sortclass.

Definition SuchThat(R: Type)(P: R -> Prop) := R.
Existing Class SuchThat.

Notation "'annotate!' x T" := (match x return T with b => b end)
(at level 10, x at level 0, T at level 0, only parsing).

Notation "'infer!' P" :=
(match _ as ResType return ResType with
| ResType =>
match P with
| Fun => annotate! (annotate! _ (SuchThat ResType Fun)) ResType
(at level 0, P at level 100, only parsing).

Global Hint Extern 1 (SuchThat ?RRef ?FRef) =>
let R := eval cbv delta [RRef] in RRef in
let r := open_constr:(_ : R) in
let G := eval cbv beta delta [RRef FRef] in (FRef r) in
let t := open_constr:(ltac:(cbv beta; typeclasses eauto) : G) in
match r with
| ?y => exact y
: typeclass_instances.

Class Multiplication{A B R: Type}(a: A)(b: B)(r: R) := {}.
Notation "a * b" := (infer! Multiplication a b) (only parsing) : oo_scope.

Import map.

Section Sep.
Context {map : Type}.
Definition sep (p q : map -> Prop) (m:map) : Prop. Admitted.

End Sep.

Import Coq.ZArith.ZArith.

Section Scalars.
Context {width : Z} {word : word width}.

Context {mem : word byte}.
Definition scalar : word -> word -> mem -> Prop. Admitted.

End Scalars.

#[export] Instance MulSepClause{K V: Type}{M: K V}(a b: @map.rep K V M -> Prop)
: Multiplication a b (sep a b) | 10 := {}.

Class PointsTo{width: Z}{word: word.word width}{mem: word Byte.byte}{V: Type}
(addr: word)(val: V)(pred: mem -> Prop) := {}.
Global Hint Mode PointsTo + + + + + + - : typeclass_instances.

Class PointsToPredicate{width}{word: word.word width}{mem: Type}
(V: Type)(pred: word -> V -> mem -> Prop) := {}.

#[export] Instance PointsToPredicate_to_PointsTo
{width}{word: word.word width}{mem: word Byte.byte}{V: Type}
(pred: word -> V -> mem -> Prop){p: PointsToPredicate V pred}
(a: word)(v: V): PointsTo a v (pred a v) := {}.

#[export] Instance PointsToScalarPredicate
{width}{word: word.word width}{mem: word Byte.byte}:
PointsToPredicate word scalar := {}.

Section TestNotations.
Context {width: Z} {word: word.word width} {mem: word Byte.byte}.
Local Open Scope oo_scope.
Set Printing All.
Typeclasses eauto := debug.
Goal forall (a1 a2 ofs sz v1 v2: word) (R: mem -> Prop) (m: mem),
(infer! Multiplication R (infer! PointsTo a1 v1)) m.
End TestNotations.

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