DiscordConnect is a Minecraft-Discord back plugin with extra customisability options. Compatible with 1.13. Using DiscordConnect you can have you very own in-game to Discord server chat to converse with players who aren't even on Minecraft. Along with that there is also a admin console designation feature allowing you to designate a text channel as a "remote console". Everything is customisable, either in the config file or by creating your own module to add new commands and features to DiscordConnect. More about that below. There are a few commands already installed within DiscordConnect, simply use your bot prefix + help (!help for example) to take a look. ##Installation
- Place the plugin on the server and launch it, the plugin should shut down automatically after creating a config file.
- Create bot application at https://discordapp.com/developers/applications/me, copy the bot token to config and invite the bot using https://discordapp.com/oauth2/authorize?client_id=INSERT_CLIENT_ID_HERE&scope=bot&permissions=536873984 replacing the INSERTCLIENTID_HERE with the application's id.
- Find your admin console ID, text channel ID and guild ID using developer mode on Discord, and input it into the config file.
- Launch Server ##Customisability