Android app to join the travelers visiting the same destination.
Implemented around Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM) Architecture. Architecture component Libraries from Google are used. Learn more about it here:
Navigation Component library is used to navigate around the app. Learn more about it here:
Dagger is used for Dependency Injection. Learn about it:
Retrofit is used as the networking library. Learn it here:
Kotlin Coroutines are used for providing asynchronous programming. Read about them here:
Clone the repository using HTTP:
git clone
Open Android Studio.
Click on 'Open an existing Android Studio project'
Browse to the directory where you cloned the mobile-wallet repo and click OK.
Let Android Studio import the project.
Build the application in your device by clicking run button.
I will be happy to invite new contributors.
Fork the project to your own account.
Create your new branch using
git checkout -b [your branch name]
Make sure the changes you made are of good quality and the project is building successfully.
Commit your changes to this branch with
git commit -m "meaningful message"
Make a pull request.
The back-end for this app is written in Django rest framework and can be found at : TravelAlly Backend