Look beyond the world of classical computers. Understand the "why" and "how" behind a cutting-edge domain with many interesting applications. Let’s start exploring the world of quantum computing!
- Keynote Speech: A glimpse into the quantum realm by Dr. Harini Hapuarachchi
- A gentle introduction to quantum information and computing by Kithmin Wickremasinghe
- Why do quantum computers work the way they do? by Dr. Ravi Wijesekara
- Demonstration of Quantum principles using Polarization of Light
- Qubits and Mathematical background behind Quantum Computing
- The journey of a quantum algorithm by Kithmin Wickremasinghe
- Quantum Gates and Circuits
- QISKIT-based Hands-On notebook session by Theshani Nuradha
- First-Circuit - Quantum Gates and Circuits
- Solving the Deutsch oracle problem: the simplest problem where a quantum computer outperforms classical methods
- Quantum entanglement and Teleportation: Nobel prize in Physics 2022
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