A React-app, build and packaged with yarn and webpack (or npm, that should work also):
yarn install
yarn start
to build dev version onceyarn watch
to serve dev version on http://localhost:8080 and build automatically on file changeyarn build
to build prod version
File index.html is a test file, containing a static copy of a product page at https://www.sizemedemo.com/magento19/t-shirt-db.html.
Application expects to find an object named sizeme_options
(TODO: rename to SizemeOptions
?) with following properties:
serviceStatus: "on",
pluginVersion: "MAG1-0.1.0",
contextAddress: "https://test.sizeme.com"
shopType: "magento",
debugState: false,
uiOptions: {},
additionalTranslations: {}
[serviceStatus] (String): is SizeMe enabled? Default: "on"; other values: "off", "ab".
[pluginVersion] (String): version of the webstore plugin. Optional.
[contextAddress] (String): URL to the SizeMe backend service.
[shopType] (String): webstore provider (magento|printmotor|pupeshop|woocommerce|shopify)
[debugState] (Boolean): write debugging info to console. Default: false
[uiOptions] (Object): Optionally override default UI options. Defaults per shopType are specified in
- [lang] (String): language to use (fi, sv, en, en is fallback).
- [appendContentTo] (String): DOM element where SizeMe is injected.
- [invokeElement] (String): DOM element that handles size changes
- [disableSizeGuide] (Boolean): disable size guide
- [outsideSizeGuide] (Boolean): write size guide outside (somewhat) sizeme-content. Can be used together with toggler for a sticky size guide option.
- [sizeSelectorType] (String): type of the size selector used in the shop. Possible values at the moment: "default" (default, doh) and "swatches"
- [addToCartElement] (String): DOM element to listen to for add-to-cart events
- [addToCartEvent] (String): DOM event for add-to-cart
- [maxRecommendationDistance] (Integer): maximum difference between optimal fit and total fit for SizeMe to consider the size for pre-selection. Default not set, meaning all sizes that are not too small are considered.
- [skinClasses] (String): contents will be appended to the class attribute of SizeMe container element. Empty by default.
- [toggler] (Boolean): enable/disable functionality that can be used to toggle the visibility of SizeMe content
- [firstRecommendation] (Boolean): do and show a size recommendation when possible. Default: true
- [flatMeasurements] (Boolean): show product circumference measurements (chest, waist etc) as measured on a flat surface in the size guide. Default: true
- [measurementUnit] (String): default measurement unit. Possible values: "cm" for metric, "in" for imperials. Default: "cm"
- [measurementUnitChoiceDisallowed] (Boolean): disallow user from switching measurement unit. Default: false
- [matchGenderFromNameMale] (String): a reg exp string to match that product is for men. Otherwise measuring videos etc. default to women. Default: ""
[additionalTranslations] (Object): Optionally override translations defined under 'i18n'. Example of how to override the Swedish translation for chest:
sv: {
humanMeasurements: {
chest: "Bröst";
Similarly override any other key in any other language.